Thinking About Me?

"Hmm that was weird" meimei mutterd as she glanced back

She only saw a familiar back view but she only shrugged it off and continued to follow Gu mohan

Gu mohan on the other hand saw who just left but his lips curled up to a cold smile before leading her away

While the two were busy enjoying their good times

Mo chuwan was having her worse day ever

The entire Mo mansion was having it hot

Because their young miss was in bad mood....we'll they are bound not to have a peaceful day

"Why did he do that? It must be because of that bitch!

Yes that's it!

Right?" She mutters as she face her buttler

The poor Butler could only nod as he watch threw tantrums

"Brother mohan had doted on me since young, he should be happy to see me, but because of that sneaky bitch he had to treat me like that" she yelled

"Yes" the Butler could only nod profunctionally just to coax her and prevent her from further blowing up

But he sighed, every one knew that young master Gu treated their young miss well on account of their elder young master who was his childhood friend

But that difference was seen as care by their dilusional young miss

So sad....its really sad

"Wait can't we just resurface her previous scandals and ruin her reputation" Mo chu wan said getting excited

She rememberd that when she investigated her she discover what happened five years ago

Her eyes lit up thinking she can use it to trouble her a bit

"No young miss we can't" the butler hurriedly said

"No? Why?"

"Because it had already been done and everyone already saw it

It will only gather her more pity, you should know she has a clash with qiao wan and the bankrupted jiang family" the butler said explaining the ordeal

"Oh!" Hearing that she knew it was a no go

"I don't believe that woman is that clean, keep a close watch on her, I need to find the tiniest dirt,

I don't believe she doesn't have a secret

Follow her, know who she meets where she goes who she talks with not a single expression of hers should be let go" she ordered

"Yes miss" the butler sighed as he bowed


"Mommy!!" The two kids ran towards meimei as she entered

"My babies" she hugged them smiling heartily

"This is past nine, why are you late?" Little lily whined

"Mommy was busy..... I will try to make it up to you okay!" She coaxed

"Okay" lilly smiled snatching the cotton candy meimei was holding

"Hump!" Henry just turned around

He was already used to his little sister's dramatic acts

They both spied on their playground date yet she acting as if she didn't know where she went

"You had dinner already?" Meimei asked

"Huh huh"

"Good! Now its time to tuck to bed you've got school In the morning" meimei said tosing her bags and shoes else where as she held the hands of the two ancestors dragging them to their room

"Mommy a bed time story" lily pouted

"I am so tired....tomorrow night sweetie" she pecked her cheeks before covering her with her duvets

"Good night love" she mutters as she tried to peck henry too

"I am not a baby" henry turned his face frowning

"Well you are my baby" meimei argued forcing a kiss


She close their door panting heavily

"Uhh.....someone's in good mood tonight" mira teased

"So? Let me be?"

"Hmm....what's that smell?" Mira covered her nose

"What smell?" Meimei furrows her brows confused

"The smell of love in the air!" Mira laughed

"You!!" Meimei's face flushed red as she glared at her

"What happened to me? Who was the one who said she was just going to use few minutes ..but look at the time its almost ten!' Mira mocked

"Go to sleep....I am done here"

Thoroughly embarrassed meimei pushed her out and ran to her room

Her face was heated from Mira's teasing

Just then the scene of GU mohan sending her home flashed on her mind

He offered to drop her off at home and have her car sent to her before day break

Who would have thought the shameless man would steal a kiss after dropping her and run off


Her phone screen lit up as a message popped up

"Thinking about me?"

Knowing who it was from she fell flat on her pillow dying of embarrament