007 A good material for a soldier

"Toot toot toot!" A loud whistle rang out, and in the chaotic crowd, someone shouted, "The police are here!"

Gu Xiaoxi didn't even think, she turned and ran. She looked up to check her direction and ran towards the Military Region Hospital.

Zheng Fantong led the police on a chase all the way to the Military Region Hospital.

Upon reaching the heavily guarded top floor, he dared not proceed any further.

Gu Xiaoxi kicked open the door to Quan Shaoqing's hospital room.

The man on the bed frowned and put down his spoon. Before him were two dishes and a soup, clearly in the middle of a meal when he was disturbed, displaying an unhappy expression.

Without a word, Gu Xiaoxi walked up to the bed, kicked off her shoes, and jumped onto it.

She snatched the spoon from his hand with a pleasing smile as she looked at his food, "The living is good here! Rib soup, greens, beef, you've got it all. I'm hungry, so I'll eat some if you don't mind!"

Quan Shaoqing raised his eyebrow, just as Gu Xiaoxi snatched the rice from in front of him and shoved it into her mouth. In no time, her cheeks were stuffed, and she started a sweeping raid on his food.

As he watched his food about to be entirely devoured, Quan Shaoqing frowned, "Gu Xiaoxi, at least save me some. Stealing a sick person's meal. What happened to the manners your mother taught you?"

Gulping down the food and standing her ground, Gu Xiaoxi swallowed, raised her head with a brilliant smile to Quan Shaoqing, "Sorry, my manners were so pissed off at you that they ran away from home. You need to go bring them back."

Quan Shaoqing's face darkened. Give this girl a pole and she sure can climb it fast. "You come running here stealing my food, had a change of heart?"

"Change of heart my foot, I won't submit to your tyranny. I'm only here to ask if you've gotten too bored being sick, playing tricks with fake money," Gu Xiaoxi said, hugging the soup bowl and gulping it down cleanly. In the end, she patted her swollen belly and let out a satisfied burp.

Quan Shaoqing looked at the empty bowl in front of him, gritting his teeth and nearly spitting blood, "You haven't had a change of heart, yet you run over here to steal my food. Gu Xiaoxi, you're getting more and more capable."

Gu Xiaoxi spread her arms, displaying a that's-just-who-I-am expression, "Aren't you the one wanting to be my guardian? Since you're setting conditions, I need to test if you have the capability."

"What do you mean?" Quan Shaoqing immediately sensed a bad feeling.

Having eaten her fill, Gu Xiaoxi lay next to Quan Shaoqing, crossed her legs, and smiled slightly, "I accidentally stepped on someone's car and crushed it, and someone will come calling later. Just deal with it!" She described the serious matter as if it were nothing.

"Crushed someone's car? You come to me for such a trifle?"

"Yes! Yes! If you can't solve such a trifle, then you're not fit to be my guardian," Gu Xiaoxi said, batting her eyes adorably, yet with the cunning look of a little fox.

Quan Shaoqing looked at Gu Xiaoxi darkly, finding her a bit odd but unable to pinpoint what exactly was strange.

"Well, now that I've had my fill, bye-bye, superior officer!" Gu Xiaoxi said, beaming as she hopped off the bed, "I have to say, your food is delicious. I'll come back when I have the chance."

As Quan Shaoqing watched Gu Xiaoxi's retreating back, he said nothing but thought, "Hey, I'd advise you to behave."

Gu Xiaoxi turned her head, playfully flicking a strand of shiny hair, "I'd advise you to behave. After all, we have no real connection. Being my guardian is too much to ask of you."

The door to the hospital room closed with a "bang."

Gu Xiaoxi left the room and encountered Zheng Fantong and the police in the corridor.

"Hold on, don't speak. I know why you're looking for me. See that? My guardian is inside. Go find him, he'll pay you," said Gu Xiaoxi before turning to the soldiers on guard, "Take them inside!"

"Please follow me," said the soldier, very politely.

Zheng Fantong made threatening gestures at Gu Xiaoxi, but with the police present, he dared not do much. He wanted more than just compensation for his car; he wanted her out of A City.

The police had already investigated Gu Xiaoxi's case and were seeking her out to have her compensate Zheng Fantong for his car. Now that she was speaking so cooperatively, they took him inside.

However, they came out in less than two minutes.

When Zheng Fantong saw Gu Xiaoxi again, he pounced on her like a pug, "Elder Sister Gu, I'll never dare to bully anyone again. I won't ask you to pay for the car, please just let me go!"

Gu Xiaoxi naturally didn't know what had happened, and she raised her eyebrows curiously, "Hey, you're really spineless. You were sent back by Quan Shaoqing in less than two minutes. Did he agree to pay for your car?"

Zheng Fantong naturally didn't dare to tell Gu Xiaoxi what Quan Shaoqing had said.

And when they had gone to find Quan Shaoqing, he had only said two sentences.

"The model of your car!"

"I will find out exactly how your car came to be!" Blue Dragonfly's global sales at ten units, wealthier and more powerful than the Zheng Family hadn't managed to buy it, so how did a bumpkin come to drive one.

If this were to be investigated, it would certainly implicate the Zheng Family in unspeakable corruption.

This time, Zheng Fantong had swallowed his teeth and had to keep a smiling face to please Gu Xiaoxi.

And Gu Xiaoxi was left feeling depressed and conflicted. Quan Shaoqing had settled the matter in merely two minutes. Damn, he really had some ability.

Should she submit? Or should she stand her ground?

"Tsk! Think you can discipline me, no chance!" No matter what, she would never submit.

Gu Xiaoxi didn't pay any attention to The Zheng Fatty and turned to stride away.

Zheng Fantong looked at Gu Xiaoxi with eyes full of resentment; although he had no way to deal with Quan Shaoqing, Gu Xiaoxi, having offended him, would pay a painful price.

Gu Xiaoxi took the elevator to the hospital's underground parking garage.

She happily pulled out a bunch of keys from her pocket.

This, too, she had pilfered from Quan Shaoqing's pocket. Last time she had been tricked by fake money, she didn't believe stealing a car key would turn out to be fake as well.

She pressed the unlock button in the car park, and not far away a black Kulan beeped twice; Gu Xiaoxi happily ran over.

She excitedly sat in the driver's seat, pressed the gas pedal, and the car shot out of the hospital.

Gu Xiaoxi turned back smilingly, waving goodbye to the hospital behind her.

"Hahaha, with a car, the sea is wide for fish to leap, the sky is high for birds to fly! Young Master Quan, seven days—I'll come home after I've had my fun here. If you think you can keep me here, no chance!"

Quan Shaoqing stood at the hospital window, watching his own car speed down the street.

"Superior officer, aren't you going to do something?" Lin Mi asked anxiously.

"Do what, she's uncontrollable anyway," Quan Shaoqing replied, raising his hand to close the curtain.

"So you're just going to let her go? What if she really meets some bad people, after all, Zhang San is just a small fry; if the person above him makes a move, Miss Gu will be in danger," Lin Mi said.

"Don't worry, with her skills, unless a bunch of assassins show up, no one will be able to touch her."

"Then why did you offer yourself as her guardian?" Lin Mi was suddenly confused; at first, he had thought Quan Shaoqing had offered protection to Gu Xiaoxi. Now, with Gu Xiaoxi's skills, dealing with a bunch of people was no longer an issue.

Quan Shaoqing squinted his eyes, a sly, fox-like smile curling at his lips, "Don't you think she'd make a good soldier?"