008 Challenge (1)

Quan Shaoqing squinted his eyes and a fox-like sly smile curled at his lips, "Don't you think she has the makings of a good soldier?"

"But Miss Gu was accepted into the Film Academy, making her join the military would be impossible with her temperament," Lin Mi sighed. He thought it was already difficult enough just being Gu Xiaoxi's guardian. "If she doesn't want to enlist, no one can force her. Even if she's prime material, she has to be willing to join in the first place."

Quan Shaoqing laughed wickedly, after all, she was just a little girl, and there was no way he would let someone he had his eyes on slip away.

"Where's my lunch? How come it's not here yet?" Quan Shaoqing suddenly felt hungry and shouted at Lin Mi behind him, feeling annoyed just thinking about how Gu Xiaoxi had snatched away the lunch he had barely started eating.

"Superior officer, please wait a moment, it will be ready soon," Lin Mi hurriedly left the ward. The man who usually maintained a composed demeanor seemed off. Was he actually losing his temper now?

Moreover, Lin Mi noticed that Quan Shaoqing often sneaked smiles recently, or his face would darken, his mood swinging drastically, overcast and unpredictable, making him tread on eggshells, afraid to engage in much conversation with him.

"Dammit! Out of fuel. Stingy Quan Shaoqing, couldn't you have at least filled up the tank?" Gu Xiaoxi's car got stuck at the traffic light intersection because it ran out of gas and wouldn't start.

She was infuriated.

Behind her car, a long line of vehicles formed with everyone honking their horns urging her to move, yet she was stuck at the intersection because the car was out of gas.

Gu Xiaoxi opened the car door, walked up to the car behind hers, and looked at the man sitting inside, saying, "Dude, lend me some cash. My car's out of gas, I didn't bring any money, and I can't call for a tow."

She had checked; this car was also a limited edition luxury car, valued no less than the Blue Dragonfly, surely belonging to someone wealthy. Wealthy people wouldn't nitpick over such trivial matters, so she figured borrowing some cash was a sure thing.

The person in the driver's seat was dressed androgynously, wearing a white shirt and short cropped hair. Their features were so beautiful it was hard to tell if they were male or female, so Gu Xiaoxi directly called out 'dude'.

"Little sister, asking 'sister' for a loan means you'll have to pay interest. And your Iron Horse 999 is only sold as a single unit worldwide; asking me for money while driving such a car makes 'sister' quite flattered!" The person's voice was clear and resonant, filled with magnetism.

A streak of frustration slid down Gu Xiaoxi's forehead—the jerk was actually a man.

At the same time, she glanced back at Quan Shaoqing's black luxury car.

Only one unit sold worldwide? Iron Horse 999? What the hell was that?

She considered herself quite knowledgeable; there wasn't a luxury car she didn't recognize.

Yet she had no idea what was so special about this car? All she could tell was that it had a nice feel and excellent performance, guaranteed to take first place in a race. "Young lady, don't use such tactics to get close to our young master. We encounter several girls like you every day," the driver said disdainfully as he rolled down the window.

Gu Xiaoxi sized up the flamboyant man in the car and a sneer formed on her lips, "With his looks, tsk tsk tsk… Forget it if you won't lend the money. I'll ask someone else."

Gu Xiaoxi turned to leave.

And her words were deliberately half said, half kept, obviously showing her disdain for the person in the car.

The driver trembled with rage, pointing at Gu Xiaoxi and chattering his teeth, "To stoop to such despicable means to gain the young master's attention. Young Master, don't be fooled by her, she's just trying to upset you on purpose."

What the fuck! Never seen someone so narcissistic.

Gu Xiaoxi wasn't in the mood for further conversation with them; the guy who was obviously effeminate was worshipped to the skies by the driver.

Indeed, crazed fans are terrifying!

Yeh Bai's eyes twinkled with a brilliant smile as he reached out and grabbed Gu Xiaoxi's arm, "Little sister, if you're talking about borrowing a hundred thousand or even a million, I don't have that, but ten or eighty thousand is no problem."

"You help me call a tow truck and fill up a tank of gas, and before midnight I'll pay you back twenty thousand," Gu Xiaoxi declared, turning with a heroic tone.

Right now, the situation was urgent, and the incessant honking from the car behind her was irritating. As long as he was willing to help, she could let go of her grievances against him.

"Sure!" Yeh Bai smiled and immediately took out his phone to call the nearest tow truck.

After ten minutes, the car was towed to a gas station.

"I'm Gu Xiaoxi. Give me your number. I'll pay you back tonight," Gu Xiaoxi moved forward and said with a touch of gratitude. "No need, I'll go with you to get the money," Yeh Bai leaned casually in his luxury car, a pair of peach blossom eyes brimming with smiles, making him appear as warm as sunshine.

Gu Xiaoxi looked speechlessly at that bewitching face, "I definitely can't go back home, so if you insist on following, go ahead! Even if you don't, I'll surely repay you."

"..." Yeh Bai just squinted and smiled.

Gu Xiaoxi drove ahead, while the driver behind her, Yeh Bai, was in a dilemma.

"Young Master, why bother with such a girl? She's obviously after you," the driver said.

"Not necessarily!" Yeh Bai chuckled lightly. The Iron Horse 999 was Quan Shaoqing's car, unique in the world, and no one else had been able to replicate it.

Interested in meeting a girl who dared to drive Quan Shaoqing's car out in the open streets without even enough money for gas, he got behind the wheel.

After all, no one had ever been so audacious as to park Quan Shaoqing's car on the street with no money for fuel.

To Yeh Bai's surprise, Gu Xiaoxi drove straight to the famous Century Race Track.

Gu Xiaoxi told the staff, "My name is Gu Xiaoxi, I've already registered online. We agreed that tonight at seven, I'll challenge your CN155 track."

The staff member gave Gu Xiaoxi a look, "Miss, are you sure you want to participate? Although there's a prize of two hundred thousand if you succeed, we take no responsibility for any accidents if you fail."

"I know, so can we start now?" asked Gu Xiaoxi.

"Of course!" The staff member led Gu Xiaoxi into the race track.

The track she was about to challenge was the high-difficulty CN155, which no one had ever completed. It had a one-kilometer-long bridge in the air, spiraling from a diameter of three hundred to thirty meters and including a section with a 90-degree slope, as well as three discontinuous segments. No one had ever dared to take on such a track.

Even those who attempted it ended up with both car and driver destroyed.

Lin Mi, who had been keeping tabs on Gu Xiaoxi, heard the report from his subordinate and was scared enough to immediately inform Quan Shaoqing, "Superior officer, Gu Xiaoxi has gone to the Century Race Track; she wants to challenge the CN155."

"What did you say?" Quan Shaoqing's voice rose as he spoke, grabbing his phone to dial Gu Xiaoxi's number. But it went to voicemail. "Damn it, get someone to stop her. She's biting off more than she can chew."

Lin Mi was also terrified as he made calls to urgently stop Gu Xiaoxi, fearing the unimaginable consequences should anything happen.

Turning around, Lin Mi saw Quan Shaoqing getting dressed, "Superior officer, don't go. I will handle it. Your wound has only just started to heal; do you want to reopen it?"

"I need to see for myself. I should have never let her take the car. She really needs to be taught a lesson," he thought she might at most go race a little, but he never expected her to go and challenge the CN155 track.