009 Challenge (2)

Gu Xiaoxi's car was stopped in the middle of the race track, ready to step on the gas, when a young man suddenly rushed out to stop her, "Miss Gu, you can't go, it's too dangerous."

"Move aside, do you hear me!" Gu Xiaoxi glared at him and barked coldly.

"I won't move, the superior officer has ordered, you cannot go," the man said seriously.

Gu Xiaoxi narrowed her eyes, scoffing, "He actually sent someone to follow me?"

"Miss Gu, the superior officer is doing this for your own good. Please don't joke with your own life." The soldier who secretly followed Gu Xiaoxi was nearly in tears at this point.

Gu Xiaoxi half-closed her eyes, gazing at the man with eyes shining like jewels, rippling with murderous intent. Her foot slammed down on the accelerator, and she charged forward.

The soldier, terrified, felt his legs go weak, wanting to flee, but remembering Young Master Quan's orders, he bravely closed his eyes.


The grating sound of car tires rubbing against the ground blared, and the soldier felt a strong gust of wind blow past, causing his body to shiver uncontrollably.

Standing bewildered in the middle of the road, grateful to be alive, he slowly opened his eyes to find Gu Xiaoxi's car had already passed him and was on the track behind him.

How exactly did she drive past?

He stood in the center of the road, with no more than two meters distance on either side, wondering how she managed to do it.

Meanwhile, the crowd outside was virtually exploding with screams.

Time rewound to ten seconds earlier, as Gu Xiaoxi stomped on the gas and charged straight ahead.

With the soldier in the middle of the road, her car suddenly tilted sideways with the tires scraping the edge of the track's railing, swiftly flying past the soldier, sharp like a knife blade. The scene was nothing short of breathtaking.

In everyone else's eyes, this was a particularly overbearing entrance, and everyone thought it was designed by Gu Xiaoxi. Therefore, the scene was boiling over with excitement just because of her one move, with screams that could topple mountains and overturn seas.

Little did they know, the soldier's heart was collapsing.

He had staked his life and still failed to stop her.

How was he to face the consequences...

Gu Xiaoxi's car shot out like a bullet; on the broken bridge, Iron Horse 999 seemed to sprout wings, effortlessly leaping over.

On the ninety-degree angled surface, her car was moving even faster than before as it sped across, and when it reached the looped bridge surface, the Iron Horse suddenly slowed down, sliding down gently in a buffering motion. Eventually, the speed picked up, accelerating on the final loop and then shooting over the broken bridge, before sprinting down the single track and successfully completing the race.

Her time was merely nine minutes. The series of maneuvers was as smooth as flowing clouds and seemed effortless. When her car came to a steady stop at the finish line, the previously noisy venue was so silent that even the rustling of the distant tree leaves could be clearly heard.

Everyone was stunned, too excited to speak for a moment.

Gu Xiaoxi pushed open the car door, looking at the dazed staff nearby, furrowed her brow, and asked uncertainly, "The time was a bit long, does this count as a successful challenge?"

"..." Hearing this, the staff member nearly choked on his own blood. She was complaining the time was too long after passing like that. How were those who had failed to challenge before supposed to live?

Comparing oneself to others can indeed be infuriating.

The staff member nodded vigorously, his face turning red with excitement, "Counts, counts! Miss, you are the champion of our event this year. You not only win 200,000 in prize money, but also get a recommendation for the world racing scene. There, you will be able to win a great prize and an even more prestigious title."

"Really?" Gu Xiaoxi smiled, crossing her arms nonchalantly, "Compared to that, I'd rather have the 200,000."

It was then that the people around finally caught on, and their screams reached for the skies.

"Simply amazing. I never imagined the racer would be a girl."

"So strong, nine minutes, a five-kilometer CN155 track. This is the most spectacular car race I've ever seen."

"On a ninety-degree incline, she actually sped through at 120 yards' speed, shifting gears so quickly it's astonishing, all while maintaining balance. She truly is a master."

Everyone was discussing it animatedly.

Gu Xiaoxi collected her prize money, and as for the recommendation ticket to the world racing stage, she casually tossed it onto the passenger seat.

"Here, I promised I'd pay you back twenty thousand." Gu Xiaoxi handed over two stacks of banknotes to Yeh Bai.

Yeh Bai smiled and waved his hand, "Actually, I didn't do much, just called a tow truck for you and filled up a tank of gas, which altogether costs less than two thousand. You're giving me so much, I can't really accept it!"

"Take it, my word is my bond." Gu Xiaoxi grabbed Yeh Bai's hand and stuffed the money into it.

Seeing Gu Xiaoxi's serious expression, Yeh Bai could no longer refuse, although he had followed her just to find out about her relationship with Young Master Quan, and it really had nothing to do with money.

But now, seeing her expression, if he didn't accept it, the girl would definitely not let it go. She looked like someone who doesn't like to be indebted to others, "I'll hold onto it if you insist, but how about I treat you to dinner tonight? We can celebrate your successful challenge!"

Gu Xiaoxi touched her chin, glanced at Yeh Bai, and seeing that it was getting late, she briskly declined: "No need! I've got other things to take care of!"

Having said that, Gu Xiaoxi hopped into her car and, with a push of the accelerator, she and the car vanished into the night.

Yeh Bai's driver stared dumbfoundedly after Gu Xiaoxi. At that moment, only admiration filled his eyes, but before he could even speak to the Goddess, she had disappeared.

"Young Master, it seems like she rejected you. Looks like she's really not into you," the driver said sheepishly.

Yeh Bai gazed into the night, his eyes danced with pleasure, "No worries, my interest in her is all that matters."

"What? Young Master, she rejected you!" the driver exclaimed.

"I know!"

"No one has ever rejected your invitation before."

"Well, there's a first time for everything, isn't there?"

"So, are you serious about her?"

"Quit nagging and let's head back. Get someone to thoroughly investigate her background for me."


By the time Young Master Quan arrived at the scene, Gu Xiaoxi was nowhere in sight.

The man stood in the silent racetrack, staring blankly at the CN155 track. Up to this point in City A, only one person had successfully tackled this track, the once legendary racer, Lu Xi.

However, he had retired many years ago, and no one knew where he went.

Now, Gu Xiaoxi had breezed through this track so effortlessly, it truly caught him off guard. Just how many more secrets did this girl have?

Surprisingly, he too was unable to obtain all the information about her.

"Superior officer, are you alright? Your wound is bleeding again, the doctor has already ordered you not to move around," Lin Mi said, her voice full of concern.

Shaoqing just waved his hand, his gaze never leaving the track: "I'm fine!"

Now that he knew Gu Xiaoxi was safe, he felt at ease.

Just now, he genuinely got a scare from her. For the first time in twenty-six years, he felt fear, and it was all because of Gu Xiaoxi, worrying about her safety…