Ever felt a home comfy though not really. A home dirty but wantin


She led me into her house or lemme say trash and It was really comfy as if it is a home. I yearn for something of the sort and I will be so happy if I can get it I don't mind paying any amount for it.

Her scent is enticing. I just want to stick to her.I was still in my train of thought when she suddenly let's go of my arm just to carry a godforsaken dog.

"Steven...." So this is the thing she had let go of my hands for. Fuck shit a mere dog was more important to her.She runs to her room to get the medical kit just for I and her dog to have an eye battle with our eyes.

His eyes are saying she is mine stay away and mine is singing may the best man win. Why am I thinking of such?.

She comes back and I collect the kit from her and treat my wound.

"Ahhhh". Does this girl have an award In screaming. She screams in every circumstances and it is annoying.

Her dog is glaring at me again and I glare back. My eyes suddenly brushes past her and for a second I can't help but be enchanted by those chocolate brown eyes.

Her eyeballs were round and inviting.

 *Drrrrrrrrr* someone's phone rings. I just remembered that I am supposed to be in the ballroom right now at the moment choosing a bride to get married to. Luck is really on my side today. I pick up the call."Hello dad.... Yes am not coming again.... I just got attacked by Mr Samson men.... Luckily a girl saved me... No she doesn't..... I will see you tomorrow old man".

I have to give kudos to Mr Samson and his men for making it impossible for me to attend that ball. I needed to ESCAPE it.

I pick my phone to call my punk of a brother.

"Hello meet me tomorrow in number 707 oak street. I need you to bring my stuff we need to be done with somethings tomorrow... Don't whine and obey lazy ass... Better, dream about me...Hahahaaha".

I ended the phone call to see the family of human and animal staring at me.

"We are going to bed now see you". 

The chocolate eyed girl shouts. God must she always shout. 

Her voice is melodious though. What am I thinking again. Snap out Andrew you can't endanger her life she looks fragile.

All I want to do is just protect her I just have this instinct in me to do so.

Wait where am I supposed to sleep I just hope not on this shabby couch cause I just can't.

I stand up and head to the room. We are going to have to sleep together whether she wants that or not.

I entered her room just to hit something really soft. There is no light in the room. I put the light on my phone on and check what it is. She suddenly shrieks and with a bolt stands from her bed to pick her undies up.

*Noooooo!!! Not the bra it is private". 

She says shyly And smile hiding the material under her bed. She likes pink from all indication. Cause her bed is decorated in pink undies.

She sees my gaze and quickly realizes something.Jumping on her bed she packs her undies and tidly stuffs them to her bag. Her action Is something I consider cute she is damn cute just too cute and pretty.

"So Mr young man how may I help you?. What do you need?". She asks

"Wondering where I am to sleep?".

"Oh am sure the couch is enough for you. Right lemme get you a duvet". 

*We are not fuckkng sharing a bed*. She murmurs under her breath thinking it was not loud enough.

"Young lady calm down. I am not used to the couch so we are sharing this bed. But you have the option of sleeping on the couch

"No this bed is mine. My precious darling. Have never shared her before". She whines.

"Do you know the proverb there is love in sharing?". I asked her .

She suddenly jumps on the bed and spreads her leg so wide. She is just so cute. However, not minding her earlier action I shift her legs and clamp them together to create space for myself.

Happily I lie on the bed comfortably. This is surprising though why am I suddenly happy to do this? These are things that annoy me.

Her scent is here again it sweeps into my nostril and before I know it am already in dream land.


Have never slept peacefully in years as I did. yesterday. The last I slept peacefully was when my mom cuddled me to bed.

Mom mm mm the familiar fragrance and cuddle. I can feel my body snuggled to a really soft thing. Mom is I really you I dont want to ever let go, no never.

"Wuh!wuh!wuh?wuh". The crazy audacity of this dog I will make sure it is killed and when did we start rearing dogs at home.

I suddenly sprang up realizing am not home. Oh no everything that happened last night came back to me and I looked around. I stood up to get my phone to see more than a million call from my stupidass brother.

"Hello..... You here already.... Alright am coming need we have to hurry to the company".

I hung the call and I head downstairs on the way downstairs I heard a knock on her door shouting.

"Alma! Are you up". I cooked your favorite fries common come out and take it". 

Mm mm Alma nice name that means soul. She has a really nice name. I arrive downstairs to see a surprised look on my brother.

"Bro are you really smiling". I ignore him. Was it that obvious. I board the car and give an Instruction.


"Ok bro but what really happened yesterday who did you meet?.You came out smiling like and idiot and when you called yesterday you were acting all romantic and telling me to dream of you. Did you meet a girl?. Is she cute strong and boyish?".

"Quiet". I shut him up. He was starting to give me headache.

"Any latest news recently?". I inquire

"Ohh yes some of the Samson men were apprehended by the police yesterday during the shoot out yesterday night.

Also the man that gambled at your den and refused to pay up has been captured.

 Your Cousin has been using your na quiet more in the mafia this days and gets away".

"Restrict him". I said tiredly

This brother of mine quiet has a nerve. It is both our cousin but he singularize it never mind.

"Tell me when we're at the company". I said tiredly and slept off".