Ever wondered why things happen to you. Why you just happened to be he only one?


He left right before I woke up. I woke up with a really bad headache and I don't know what to do about it. I just know today wouldn't be a good day.

I got ready and got Steven ready. Fed him and put him in his crib. Yeah I got a second hand crib for my baby.

I was currently eating my fav that grandma Liz brought it is so sweet and sour and thats why it melted into my mouth.

*Knock knock knock*.

 Who could it be early this morning. Please Lord don't let it be who I feared it to be. Please lord.

Just please this once let my morning be great. I stood up to open the door and alas my greatest fear was there.

My dad was my greatest fear na he was Here again. Lord I asked for just this once and you deprive me of It. But i still believe everything will be great by your grace.

"Let me in". He said staggering. I quickly let him inn before he gets violent. 

"So what do you want today exactly". I questioned him.

"The usuals gimme $100 and I will be gone". He demanded.

"I don't have. We have not for paid this week and it is all due to the ruckus you caused the other day!". I fired back

"Young lady give me thats money else I don't know what I will do to you today".

"Don't come near me". I said backing out through the door. I quickly open the door and ran out thank God I was prepared for days like this.

I already gave My key to grandma Liz to help close the door whenever I run out because am sure he will follow.

I ran and ran till I couldn't breath just to see him staggering and almost at my work place. I turn around and surprisingly the old thing is almost close to me.

I needed to work on my speed. At least Steven was save unlike the last time he almost got injured by the guy I address as a father.

He was almost near me when a car pulled up to him and he was drag inside by 2 men in black suits. I was not surprised though it is a normal occurance once he owes people.

I am saved for now thanks to this men in suit.

(But who would have known this men are all related to my future. I would meet them more often. Get close to them and even...).

A week later

I was getting used to not been disturbed by my old man. I was worried but I know he will be fine. He was taken for almost 6month one time by the way and he came back looking hargard and all worn out.

"Apparently from his explanation he was made to take Care of a huge mansion for those six months.

I am on my way to work today and that bad feeling came again the feeling of having to bear with a really bad day. I guess that old man will be here today.

Just why did they release him. He should be held forever. He is a torn to my existence. I quickly walk at a fast pace. But everything happened so quickly that I couldn't comprehend what it was.

 All I could remember was a car pulling up, two men in black like the last time rushing over to my place, my legs failing me, an handkerchief to my nose, me falling unconscious.

3 hours later

*cough cough cough. 

I slowly open my eyes and tried to adjust to the bright light. What happened where am I. I remembered that I was on my way to work when...everything just came back to me.I wanted to scream but my throat was dry and I needed water.

"Water. I called out faintly

"She has woken up". A strange voice said. Where exactly I am is not of my concern right now all I want is to drink water am damn thirsty.

"Boss she requested for water". 

"Damn you just give her. Don't you know your work, are you a fucking newbie".

"Alright sir I will do that right now".

And that was all I heard before water was pushed down My throat and I swallowed it anyhow.

"Poor girl she just got sold to the boss without her knowledge. I hope she survives it here because it seems Boss Steven wouldn't care at all".

"Shhhh better keep shut if you still want your head".

Those were the indistinct whispering I heard before nature took me away from the surface of earth.

I dreamt, I mean I was dreaming about something unrelated. Not my dad saving me or paying back the money owed.

 I dreamt that young man came to save me and I got really hooked to him that was surprising but not really though. The first time I set my eyes on him I got hooked and stuck and in love.

I was awaken rudely from my sleep yet again.Is it a taboo to sleep like who does this. Water upon water upon water was poured on me till it was confirmed that I was awake

"Welcome to the world sleepy head". That voice sounded quiet familiar to the one I heard before.