And with hardship comes ease


"Welcome to the world sleepy head". I welcomed the girl who I had to deal with yet again in my front on behalf of their fathers.

Why was it the female gender and not the male one's. I was tired and frustrated of dealing with this gender.

"Girl you are so unlucky to have a father like yours. Just pray not to have such again your next life".

"You mean my father got me here?". She asked weakly. 

"Yes he did gat you here so what do we do about you beauty?". I asked fiercely dragging her chin up for my amusement

"Please leave me". she begged weakly

"Do you think I will want to?".

I can feel it she is scared. I love the scarer one not to warm my bed though. Just for my own amusement.

It wasn't her fault to be bought here in the first place. Her dad caused it he loaned money from my brother's casino and refused to pay up. So he left his daughter as collareral.

Flashback to a week ago

"Where is my money?". My brother asked the man that was just brought to him.

"You owed us the price of almost $3 million. You shouldn't have loaned of you could not afford to pay back". I chipped in.

"Am sorry sir I dont have the money to pay back please spare my life". He begged slurring.

"Cut his hands off as collateral so he will learn not to ever borrow again".

"Please spare me don't take my life". He begged and suddenly remembered something maybe like having something else in mind.

"I have a daughter. I can give her to you she is really precious to me so I will definitely pay back".

 This man is a fucking liar. I am sure he doesn't love his daughter.

"Steven get her to come here. Next thing tomorrow". My brother instructed

"Okk bro".

Back to present

That was how we went on the hunt for her and is either she ain't always home or went out. So we waited for the perfect Timing yesterday and got her.

Am sure brother will be proud of me. Also that guy has been acting pretty weird nowadays. He calls a girl's name like almost unconsciously everytime.

Whoever she is am sure am having a future niece. I will be an uncle soon. I will be sure to pamper my future niece.

Back to the main thing let's stop daydreaming.

"I wish I can spare your life but from today onward you will work for us as a maid and I will send you to my brother's mansion that's who your father owed not me". I told her matter of factly

"I heard some say it's better to work in this basement than to work in big boss house it is really scary".

"Shut up or go and get you mouth cut". I shouted at the two insignificant animals whispering. They were all weak. Get out and get trained.

This girl here look really weak and unnecessarily useless. Of what use would she be to us. Just an added extra burden with nothing else.

I really hated her I don't know the reason why though.

"Take her to the trunk and deliver her to my brother's house give her the necessary maid equipment. She has to start work like the others".

After they were gone I called my brother to inform him of how things were progressing. I hope this girl won't end up trying to seduce my brother. Anyway the earlier the better it is for her to leave his house

It wasn't that normal for me to hate someone but I really feel like a lot is gonna happen and this weak girl is gonna be the cause of everything. My hunch Is never wrong


I can't say where they are taking me to all I knew is that , that guy I think I have seen him somewhere ,where exactly I can't really put my hand on the place.

"Ah".I groaned in frustration.

I was getting suffocated , my breath was getting irregular.I wanted to scream but I knew I had to be quiet .

Whatever I was in suddenly came to halt. I was jerked with force, like who even does that to an animal talk less of an human not any normal guy but a female.

"Ah". I groaned.

I bruised my arm oh my God it hurt a lot. The mansion I was brought took was really huge and mighty. I think I might get a headache just from staring at it.

It was decorated with gems. It was a simple yet complicated design structure. I have to say the architecture was a really professional one and he knows his job really well.

The guys who brought me suddenly pushed me inside.

Shut it". She was cautioned as she was led to to beautifully decorated mansion, that looks housy but not homyy.

If Alma had known this is her Fate she won't have bothered to live and struggled to fend for her father.

She was sold to him and she had no choice but to stay. She got stronger and took revenge on class mate who always looked down on her.

Now she is back and they all regretted it. But it was too late already and nothing could be done about it

"Walk faster girl". One of them shouted. I hated being shouted at the most so I cried i shed tears it was really painful.

"She is really weak, how those she plan on surviving in this mansion. Where the strong dominate the weak".

"I bet she wouldn't last a day here".

"I bet a week. She will get kicked out". The guards placed a bet on me. Was this mansion really that hard to live. God I leave my life unto you from this moment. See me through my lord.

"What's going on here". A familiar yet strange voice asked. Everywhere suddenly goes silent and I bowed my head down in fear of the unknown.

"Am asking what's the commotion". The voice thundered.

"Boss we just arrived with the new maid". One of the guys said.

"Okay". The boss that I assumed said and with thats just one word everyone dispersed and continued their work. They are quiet efficient here.

The guards handed me over to the head maid who gave me all I needed to be a Maid in the masion. The head maid was quiet nice and she showed me round the house and everywhere.

The house was pretty big but not cozy it looked more of a prison than a house.

Every door was locked and every maid has a room for themselves.The head maid took me to my room and told me to make it fast to get ready so I won't have to face the bosses wrath.

I wasn't scared cause am always expecting my death any ways. Ever since I discovered I was my fathers child I was always unlucky.

2weeks later

It's been 2weeks since have been here and my father hasn't make an effort to pay off his dept. How is Steven fairing. I just know he won't be starved because grandma Liz is there. But I miss hugging my darling so tight. He will be missing me right now.

It is afternoon in peachwood estate and we are all preparing for the bosses arrival from Europe. I heard he went for a business trip ever since i came here. Have never set my eyes on him. Ever!

"Alma! Hurry set the table and stop working slow. The boss will be home in 30mins. He just arrived in the airport". The head maid call out and I increased my speed.