Ever felt the nostalgia of that one you kept thinking about and you still thought it is a dream?.


On my way coming back from a two weeks trip. I was tired and exhausted. Thr journey home seems to be a Long one. I almost wish I could use telepathy and reach home to my comfy bed. I hope they don't disturb my precious sleep once am at home.

My dad always nagging about how i am not really efficient In work. I would always want to ask him if he was as efficient as I am are his age.

As if reading my mind he would always say"The younger generation is expected to be smarter". We are humans and not animali don't think that guy would ever understand.

Mom always says he works tirelessly at his prime age as if he was a donkey. Even donkeys take breaks. 

My dad still looks as agile as i had always known him. Only that old age took a toil on him. He is still very scary though, but deep down i know he loves us alot.

I lay down on the chair arm and slept off.

30 mins later

I was already home. I got down from the car with a really severe headache. 

This past week took a great toil on my health I need to rest for some days I guess. I will handover whatever business to that playful at the same time ruthless brother of mine.

The maids that came to greet me really increased my headache. I waved them off and on the way stopped to ask for a medicine for my headache.

"Please fetch me some drugs I think am going to have a really severe headache. Also send some food over too". 

I headed upstairs to my room. I know you all be wondering why I am acting like a spoilt brat in front of my maids. 

Good question. Am always childish once am down and only rare people get to see It including her.

I slowly and gracefully walked to my room to take a bath. After that cold bath. I waited in my room for about 10mins or so. 

I could feel a movement at the tip of my bed. I am not an heavy sleeper i am always conscious of my surrounding. I am a big boss after all who should be expecting an ambush at any time of my life. But who would dares sneak in with the heavy security that person sure has guts. 

The hand keeps advancing slowly up, it Was almost at my chin and swiftly I held it and the girl screeched.

Wait a girl, that familiar scent, my head that was muddy due to sleep suddenly became clear. Was she also an assassin sent to seduce me. I hope not cause i think i have....

"Ahhhhhh". She kept shouting and i had to let go of her hands. I sit up straight on my bed and tried to get a clearer look. She was wearing nose mask and a maid out fit. I guess just one of my Maids.

"What brought you here"?. Quiet

"Can't you speak? what are you doing here?".She is still quiet.

I had to press on the button close to me to summon the head maid.

The head maid comes in.

"Who is this new girl that you assigned to my room?". I inquired

"She was brought by sir Steven just this morning sir".

"What happened to the one who arranges my room previously".

"She took a leave yesterday. And since everyone is busy trying to put the house in order I had no choice but to send her over to deliver the medicine".

"Ok you may leave" . I dismissed the headmaid and the new one hurried to follow her.

"Wait". I called out.

"Sir?". She answered confused. Head still looking down she turns back to me .

"From today onward you at in charge of my room and affairs". 

"Yes sir". She replied and turn around to run fast This time i didn't stop her, but I think she looks cool In it.