Chapter 18

Celine's POV

I got an earful of scolding from Jake about me breaking my leg and he added that I was trying to seduce Scott which got me angry, since then we hadn't spoken a word to each other. I could walk freely now without the crutches because my legs were all healed all thanks to Rose.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" I asked Chloe.

She had insisted we pull a prank on Annabelle. I objected at first but later gave In after her constant pleas. We decided to switch her make-up box with the one of a clown it wouldn't show at first but after some minutes when it's applied it'll show so i was supposed to do the job since i was the one assigned to cleaning Jake's room. Chloe will stand guard outside and check in case someone's coming. I never for once thought Chloe had this playful side.

"Of course as long as you stick to the plan." She ushered me to go in.

"Okay, I've got this." I made a win-win call and went inside.

Luckily for us there were no security cameras in Jake's room so we could get away with it.

I went to the mirror cabinet and saw some of Annabelle's stuff,now where is it? I rummaged around the drawers but still couldn't find it.

"Celine you have to hurry, Jake is coming." She popped inside.

"How many minutes do I have?" My eyes were still everywhere.

"Maybe five you've got to hurry." She came inside.

"Maybe this mission was a mistake,we could try another one…. wait what's that?"


There was a box on the lamp stand. I opened it and it was the item I was looking for,I did a quick swapping and placed it back carefully.

"Done.." I thought Chloe was still inside.

"Let's go." I whispered to her as I came outside.

We could see that Jake was about to reach the third floor. We sped to the other side of the stairs and went back to my room.

"That was fun." We bursted into laughter.

"She's going to explode when she sees her face in the mirror." My eyes were tearing from the laughter."

"I know right?" Chloe attested.

"But you have to keep calm and make sure your countenance doesn't give us away." Chloe warned.

I nodded thrice. I just have to play my part well and everything will turn out smoothly.

"Wait, what if she doesn't use it?" I asked Chloe.

"That can never happen,she wears it even to bed." Chloe replied.

"Wow,such a classy woman." Now I know why Jake wants her as his Luna.

"That's not classy, that's obsession,100% obsession for Jake." 



"Anabelle is just too obsessed with my brother even whenever he hurts her she would still come back here to apologize." 

"Can I ask you a question?" My curiosity was kicking in.

"What's that?" 

"Since when have they been together?" 

"Five years." Chloe replied.

That's quite long, I thought for a moment didn't Anabelle have a mate if they haven't crossed paths. What if she finds her mate will she leave Jake alone?

"It was after he took on the Lycan King title the elders believed he needed a Luna since he didn't have a mate he decided to opt for Anabelle." She explained.

"I thought everyone is blessed with one, what if Alpha's mate is out there." I feigned ignorance.

"You don't understand." Chloe stood up and went to close the door then she came back and sat beside me.

I think she did that so those passing wouldn't get a glimpse of what we were saying Nicholas was right afterall it was indeed a sensitive topic.

"Jake can't have a mate."

"What?" I frowned but I know what I felt even though Jake confirmed it.

"There was a prophecy that Jake can't have a mate,that he'll never have one."

"You mean a curse?" 

"Yes, a witch cursed him when he raided her pack."

"Witches exist!" I covered my mouth.

"Yes, they exist, they mask their scent so it's impossible to fish them out."

"And here I was thinking we are the only beings that exist."

"We aren't, after Jake's curse the entire pack got a whiff of it that he can't have a mate."

"Wait a minute!" My whole body tensed at what this is pointing at.

"All werewolves have a pair right?" I stood up from where I sat.

"Yes." She nodded.

"So that means Alpha's mate will be out there right?"

"Yes but the prophecy says.." 

"Wait a minute." I stopped her from continuing.

"Then if the prophecy,the curse or whatever it is says Jake can never have a mate or will never have a mate then that means…."

I was pacing around already. I'm in so much trouble, I'm in danger.

"Calm down Celine,you're scaring me."

I stopped pacing and looked at Chloe worriedly.

"Then that means his mate shouldn't exist; the Alpha's mate can never be alive."