Chapter 19

Celine's POV

"What do you mean Jake's mate can never be alive." Chloe stood up and came to me.

"That's what the curse implies. Come to think of it, you said it yourself that Jake can't have a mate even if she's alive,she would one way or the other be wiped out from history." I shook her shoulders vigorously.

"Stop okay I understand." Chloe spoke up.

I stopped shaking her and went back to sit on my bed.

"What the heck did your brother do that made him bring this on himself and his innocent mate." I sighed.

"I know right,she has to suffer for his sin." Chloe mumbled sadly.

"Does he know?" I asked her.

"No he doesn't,he has never crossed paths with his mate before." She replied.

"How would you know?" I scoffed.

"You don't know Jake, he will be the first person to announce to the entire pack that he has found her."

That was a lie I've been here for a couple of months now and he doesn't even want me close to him not to talk of announcing it to the whole pack.I guess she doesn't know her brother well.

"Jake spent years looking for his mate and hoping she would show up one day."

"I don't agree with you on that,you said he was with Anabelle before." I frowned.

Jake never wanted a mate in the first place that's why he was so comfortable choosing Anabelle.

"It's all a facade,Jake truly yearns for his true mate deep down in his heart he wanted his mate to be the mother of his pups not Anabelle."

"I'm very sure if his mate walks right into the pack now he's going to claim her in the spot." She was so sure.

Chloe was so sure of herself,she really has so much faith in Jake. I hope her heart won't be crushed when she finds out the truth.

"Do you want her here too?"


"Jake's mate."

"Do you want her here to be in the dark moon pack?" I asked her.

"Of course, she's our destined Luna. Do you know how happy I'll be ,I mean the entire pack will be happy." 

"I doubt that." 


"Never mind." I smiled at her.

What bothered me was why will a witch curse Jake and what will become of me will I die? I didn't even do anything wrong. Why should I pay for someone else's sin?

"You've been quiet." Chloe tapped me.



"I don't mean to pry into your family issue but what exactly did Jake do for him to be cursed." I really wanted to know.

"I don't know the whole story because he won't tell me, but what I know is that he raided a pack and on his way back here,he was stopped by a woman who gave a prophecy."

"What pack is that?" 

"The Silver Claw Pack."

My whole world went still. I gripped my bedspread tightly in order to prevent the tears that were now forming.

"The Silver…Claw..Pack?" I stuttered.

"Yes,it was after my parents death when he came back and took the title of the Lycan King he raided a lot of packs and the Silver Claw was amongst them."

"Why did he raid the pack,what did they do wrong?" I sniffed.

"What I heard was that their Alpha was in an illegal activity and he wouldn't surrender." 

That's a lie!...I wish I could scream at her but I didn't want to blow my cover. My father was never involved in any illicit activities or something that would endanger his life or put his pack away. He was a loving father and above all he was a good leader.

Why the hell will Jake wake up one day and decide that it was my pack he wanted to massacre.

"So he killed the Alpha and took some of his pack members that surrendered captive." 

"Did you say captive?" 


"They here are in the pack too but in a secluded part of the pack." 

"What do you mean?" My whole body tensed at the new information.

"Some of the survivors of the Silver Claw Pack are here in the Dark Moon Pack."

My entire day was gloomy. I wept throughout when Chloe left my room.I never knew some of my people were still alive. The desire to see them once again overwhelmed me but I couldn't go there without Jake's permission.

"I wonder what state they are in." Rose sighed.

"They didn't do anything wrong,they don't deserve to be treated as an outcast." I told her.

"There's more to it, Celine." 

"Even if the fact still stands and it won't change, Jake killed my father and imprisoned my pack members he's going to pay." The hatred and resentment I wanted to bury was picking up again.

"But at least let us find out why he did that?" She queried.

"Don't you get it Rose,Jake and I can never have a chance at love even if the prophecy testifies to it."

"I think it's better you know where we stand Rose than for you to keep looking for ways to bond with him!" I yelled at her.

"I'm not looking for ways to bond with him, I just want you to be happy and forget those hurtful memories,I want you to remember we're one and whatever hurts you hurts me." She said that and withdrew into my head.

I sighed and slumped back to my bed and started weeping again. I was mourning all over again as the memories came rushing in.

There was a knock on my door. I stood up and wiped my tears and went to open it.

"Celine, are you fine?" It was Nicholas.

"I'm fine, is there something you need?" I replied.

"I was thinking you might want to try this new recipe I formed." He blamed me.

"Can you save some, I'll try it later." I replied politely that I didn't want to hurt him.

"Are you sure you're good? Your face looks swollen." He touched my face.

"I'm just tired. Some sleep will do the work." 

"Okay then,have a nice rest." 

"What about dinner?" He asked again.

"I will skip." I wasn't in the mood, I just wanted to be alone for the entire night.

"Okay then,till tomorrow." He said that and left.

I closed the door and went back to my bed. I was going to soak with tears how miserable my life is.