Chapter 25

Jake's POV

"Where is Celine?" Chloe shook Scott's shoulder.

"I lost her." He said sadly.

I went furiously to where he was and threw him over.

"Jake!" Chloe screamed.

"Speak English Scott where is Celine." I raised him up with his shirt.

"There was an attack,the rogues they managed to enter through the border."

"They raided the market I told Celine to stay in the car while I fight them off but I couldn't find her when I was done."

"Oh my!" Chloe gasped.

"Did you try searching the area for her?" I tightened my hold.

"I did I just couldn't find her." He said.

"Just pray that I find her Scott, just pray I find her unscathed!" I growled.

I left him and ran out of the house and shifted my furs sprouting my calves extending soon I was on all four and I ran through the town. I mind link Steel that Celine was missing.

"Why didn't I get a report?" I asked through the link.