Marriage And Awards

Under the starry sky, in front of the mansion that would become their home, Yun Tian turned to Ji Xue. His heart was racing as he took a deep breath, preparing the words that would change both of their lives.

"Ji Xue," he began, his voice trembling with emotion, "since the day our paths crossed at the Starry Heavens Sect, you have been my support and my dearest friend. We have gone through through trials together, and despite it all, you remained by my side. Today I stand before you, not just as a fellow traveler, but with a deeper desire.

Ji Xue, her eyes shining with tears, felt her heart warm with every word Yun Tian spoke. She silently wondered what he was going to say next, although her intuition was beginning to guess the direction this conversation was taking.

"I love you, Ji Xue," Yun Tian continued with palpable sincerity. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, facing all the challenges and celebrating all the joyful moments together. Do you want to become my wife? Do you want to share this life with me and build a family together?"

Ji Xue's tears flowed freely as she rushed into Yun Tian's arms, hugging him with all the strength of her love. "Yes, Yun Tian," she whispered against his shoulder. "I want to become your wife. I want to build a life and a family with you."

Yun Tian hugged her tighter, feeling indescribable happiness. But beyond this happiness, he knew that they must now prepare for their wedding, even with the modest means at their disposal.

The following days were filled with feverish activity. Yun Tian and Ji Xue made every effort to organize their wedding ceremony. Yun Tian made a simple but elegant wedding dress for Ji Xue, using fabrics found in the mansion. Although modest, the dress enhanced Ji Xue's natural beauty, and every stitch spoke of the love and devotion Yun Tian had put into it.

The mansion newly acquired by Yun Tian and Ji Xue, although modest compared to the standards of majors mansions, had a particular charm. Its elegantly carved stone walls and well-tended gardens created a peaceful ambiance, ideal for their new life. But before they could fully settle down, there was a crucial step to take: their marriage.

On the day of the wedding, the mansion was decorated with flowers picked from the surrounding gardens, and handmade paper lanterns were hung in the courtyard. Some neighbors, curious and caring, joined them to celebrate this union. The ceremony, although simple, was imbued with deep and sincere emotion. The mayor of the city was present as a guarantee of good relations with the young couple.

Under a cherry blossom tree, Yun Tian and Ji Xue exchanged vows. "I promise to always protect and cherish you, in good times and bad," Yun Tian said, his eyes shining with determination and love.

Ji Xue, with tears in her eyes, replied with a voice trembling with emotion, "I make the same promise to you, Yun Tian. I will always be by your side, no matter what trials we face."

When the ceremony ended and night fell, Yun Tian and Ji Xue retired to their room. The room, modestly decorated, was lit by the soft glow of lanterns. They spent their wedding night exchanging tender words and silent promises, their love growing stronger with each moment they shared. Of course this evening was their first time together.

The next day, as the sun's rays gently peeked through the curtains, Yun Tian woke up with a feeling of calm and renewal. Golden light bathed the room, creating a peaceful and warm atmosphere. He turned his head and saw Ji Xue still asleep beside him, her face relaxed and serene. The birdsong outside and the gentle morning breeze seeping through the open window completed the idyllic scene. Yun Tian took a moment to savor this calm, knowing that this day would mark the beginning of a new life for them both. A few moments later a sound echoed in his mind:


[Congratulations to the host on getting married to his first wife. Now will be fully activated.]

He understood immediately that it is from now on that his real life in the world of culture begins.

"System, although you introduced yourself, I don't know your features. Can you tell me more about this."

[Of course host. The System presents itself as the strongest family system, in other words, the more wives and children you have who improve in cultivation and martial arts, the stronger you can become. ]

"Even though I already had a rough idea for the system name of these functions, it's more than I expected. Thanks to this system, my dream of becoming a deity is not impossible."

[The host can level up each time a wife or child crosses a small or large realm in the culture. This is also valid for techniques, weapons, alchemy, runes...]

"It's amazing, that means as long as I have enough children and wives, I don't even have to farm on my own. Ahaha, how exciting."

A smile stretched across Yun Tian's lips at this thought. He looked at Ji Xue, sleeping peacefully beside him, and felt overcome by a mixture of gratitude and determination. His new life was now doubly enriched: by the love he shared with Ji Xue and by the infinite possibilities offered by the System.

[Does the host want to see their status? ]

"Oh that's right, I almost forgot, system shows me my status."


[Host: Yun Tian]

[Identity: Head of the Yun family]

[age: 16/100]

[Cultivation level: 1st stage of body strengthening]

[Avatar: Mortal (low potential)]

[Bloodline: None]

[ Cultivation Technique: None ]

[Martial Skills: None]

[ Points: 0 ]

[Wives: Ji Xue]

[Children: None]

[Main Mission: Make the Yun family the largest and strongest family in Tianyun.

Time limit: 150 years]

As he grappled with the reality of his new mission, Yun Tian reflected on the challenge of establishing the largest mortal family in 150 years.

However, he acknowledged his current situation, given his catastrophic physical condition.

Then, a prompt appeared: "Ding! The novice package is being distributed... Would you like to open it?" The voice echoing in his mind once again caught his attention. Yun Tian's eyes lit up of anticipation as he quickly replied, "Open!"

Immediately several sounds could be heard in his mind, these sounds corresponded to the rewards he had just received:

[Ding, Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Primordial Chaos Avatar]

[Ding, Congratulations to the host for obtaining the bloodline of the Imperial Dragon King]

[Ding, Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Nine Scarlet Heavens Heavenly Art cultivation technique. ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a martial skill: Sword Cutting Sky. ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 1000 martial coins. ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10 origin stones. ]

[ Ding Congratulations to the host for obtaining 1000 points. Who can trade in the system store. ]

Yun Tian was overcome by a wave of excitement upon hearing the system announcements. Each reward seemed more precious than the last, and he realized that his future, and that of his family, had just taken a decisive turn.

"System, explain to me in detail what each reward represents," he asked impatiently.

[Of course, host. Here are the details of each reward obtained: ]

[ Avatar of Primordial Chaos: This avatar grants the host an innate affinity with the primordial energies of the universe, exponentially increasing their cultivation potential and allowing them to master techniques once reserved for the gods. This is the first time this avatar appears in this universe.]

[Imperial Dragon King Bloodline: This bloodline grants the host superhuman physical strength, exceptional longevity, and advanced regenerative ability. Additionally, it bestows an aura of majesty and natural power, commanding respect and awe in those around you. In the long run you will even be able to transform into a real dragon. ]

[Cultivation Technique: The Celestial Art of the Nine Scarlet Heavens: A legendary technique for manipulating celestial forces. It includes nine levels, each offering increasingly formidable powers, ranging from mastery of the divine winds to divine ascension. ]

[Martial Skill: Sword Cutting Sky: A fearsome Heaven-rank sword technique capable of cutting through any defense. She draws on celestial energies to tear heaven and earth apart. ]

[1000 Martial Coins: A valuable currency that can be used to acquire resources, techniques, and artifacts in the world of cultivation. ]

[10 Origin Stones: Stones containing pure, condensed energy, used to enhance cultivation speed or to power powerful formations and artifacts. ]

[1000 points: These points can be exchanged in the system store to obtain additional resources, techniques or upgrades. ]


{ Author's note: There are several different currencies on the Tianyun continent ranked from strongest to weakest: Divine Coin, Holy Coin, Supreme Coin, Martial Coin, Spiritual Stone

1 Martial Coin = 360 spiritual stone liang

15 Martial Coins = 1 Supreme Coin

30 Supreme Coins = 1 Holy Coin

1 divine coin = 30 Holy Coins or 900 Supreme Coins

Poor people like in counties use an unnamed currency you can call Yuan. These are usually spiritual stones. It is rare for a person from a county to have martial coins. (However, some counties are exceptions)

Only Martial Dominators can produce Martial Coins, which is why it is considered very rare in remote places like Yunzhu County. Because for over 100,000 years no martial Dominator or Dominatrix has appeared in the county. This shows how extremely difficult breaking through to this realm is.

As for the Origin Stones, they are crystals formed from the spiritual energy present in the world. They are extremely rare to find and only appear in spirit mines. The Origin Stones are the only known stones in Tianyun at the moment. }


Yun Tian took a moment to absorb this information, each reward exceeding his wildest expectations. His mind burned with possibilities and future plans, but he knew he had to focus on his immediate transformation first.

"System, begin my body's transformation with the Primordial Chaos Avatar and the Imperial Dragon King Bloodline," he ordered determinedly.

[Activation of the Avatar of Primordial Chaos and the Bloodline of the Imperial Dragon King in progress...]

A titanic energy suddenly invaded Yun Tian's body. He felt intense heat coursing through his veins, as if his blood was turning into molten lava. His bones cracked and strengthened, his muscles twisted and reformed, every fiber of his being reshaped on a celestial scale.

He knelt down, clenching his fists as the pain reached its peak, before transforming into a feeling of pure, immeasurable power. Golden scales briefly appeared on her skin before melting into her, symbolizing her new dragon lineage. His mind cleared as he perceived the primordial energies swirling around him, accessible and ready to be harnessed.

When the transformation was completed, Yun Tian slowly stood up. He felt invincible, as if he could shatter mountains with a single movement. His gaze, now filled with a golden glow, fell on Ji Xue, still sleeping. He knew then that he had the strength necessary to protect his family and accomplish his mission.

After his transformation, Yun Tian stood tall, radiating a new and powerful aura. Her once deep black hair had undergone a metamorphosis: it now shone with a golden radiance, like the flames of the sun. Her hair waved lightly around her face, framing her features elegantly.

His face, once ordinary, now seemed lit by an inner light. His golden eyes, still piercing, now reflected the determination and power that flowed through his veins.

His body had also undergone remarkable changes. His once ordinary stature now seemed imbued with unwavering strength. Every muscle was defined and sculpted, testament to hours of intense training and the blessings of his new bloodline.

His broad, powerful torso exuded confidence and determination. His arms, now strong and muscular, seemed ready to face any challenge. His once ordinary hands now seemed capable of mastering the most advanced techniques with remarkable skill.

Moving down his body, you could see that his legs had become more agile and powerful, ready to support his every step with renewed confidence. Every movement he made seemed imbued with grace and power, as if he had become a living extension of the martial arts themselves.

Overall, Yun Tian had been transformed from an ordinary young man into an extraordinary being.

"Thank you, system," he murmured, feeling deep gratitude for this opportunity. "Now show me how to use the Nine Scarlet Heavens Heavenly Art and the Sky Cutting Sword."

[Of course, host. Let's start with the Celestial Art of the Nine Scarlet Heavens... ]

As the system began to transmit the knowledge of this technique still unknown to him, Ji Xue woke up to find before her a man of unparalleled beauty that she had never seen.

Ji Xue slowly woke up, her eyelids lifting to reveal the dazzling sight before her. She blinked, unsure if she was still in a dream or if reality had suddenly become more beautiful.

"Yun Tian…" she whispered, her voice barely more than a whisper in the quiet air of the room.

Yun Tian turned towards her, a tender smile lighting up his newly transformed face. "Ji Xue, you're awake," he said softly, his voice filled with warmth and love. "How do you feel ?"

Ji Xue slowly stood up, her eyes wide with admiration at the transformation that had taken place in Yun Tian. "'re beautiful," she whispered, her eyes scanning every detail of his new appearance in wonder. "I've never seen you"

"Different ?" Yun Tian suggested, a slight laugh in his voice.

"What happened when I was sleeping?" Shr thought.