Yun Lian

Yun Tian looked at Ji Xue with a tender smile, keeping to himself the secret of the system that had turned their lives upside down. "While you were sleeping, Ji Xue, I had a chance encounter," he told her gently, not wanting to embarrass her with overly complex details. "It was an amazing thing, but now that I'm back, I'm here with you, and that's all that matters."

Ji Xue looked at him curiously, but she decided not to push it. She smiled back, feeling the warmth of his love envelop her heart.

Later that day, Yun Tian isolated himself to start cultivating, he had no time to waste. He had to increase his strength as quickly as possible.

[ Ding! Would you like to learn the Heavenly Art of the Nine Scarlet Heavens. ]

Yun Tian nodded, excited to master this legendary technique. "Yes, System, I'm ready."

[ Start with the Nine Scarlet Heavens Heavenly Art. ]

[Ding! The Celestial Art of the Nine Scarlet Heavens is a legendary technique, respected and feared throughout the universe. This technique draws its power from the mystical energies of the nine heavens, allowing the practitioner to manipulate celestial forces of unimaginable power.

The levels of the Nine Scarlet Heavens Heavenly Art are divided as follows:

1. Initiation of the Divine Winds: The cultivator learns to harness the air currents of the heavens, increasing his speed and dexterity, and allowing near-instantaneous movements.

2. Summoning Scarlet Lightning*: The practitioner can summon red lightning, capable of splitting the earth and reducing anything in their path to ashes.

3. Tide of Heavenly Flames: By channeling the heat and energy of the heavens, the cultivator can generate waves of scarlet flames that burn everything in their path, purifying the world with fire.

4. Star Shield*: Once this level is reached, the practitioner can invoke a protective barrier formed of stellar energy, capable of repelling the most ferocious attacks.

5. Soul Storm: The cultivator learns to unleash a storm of spiritual energy, disrupting minds and spreading confusion and terror among his enemies.

6. Pillars of the Firmament: At this stage, the practitioner can summon massive pillars of celestial light, capable of creating earthquakes and shattering mountains.

7. Dance of the Scarlet Dragons: The cultivator can summon dragons of fire and celestial energy, controlling their destructive power to decimate entire armies.

8. Eclipse of the Nine Heavens: By mastering this technique, the practitioner can create a celestial eclipse, plunging their enemies into darkness and striking them with immeasurable force.

9. Divine Ascension: At the peak of the Nine Scarlet Heavens Celestial Art, the cultivator achieves a state of union with the heavens themselves, becoming a celestial entity capable of manipulating space and time at will. To show the completion of this technique, a cloud-shaped mark forms on the cultivator's forehead.

Host, if you learn the entirety of this art you will be one of the greatest forces on this continent. Hold on, Host. ]

"What an amazing technique, well it's time to get started."

A powerful energy enveloped Yun Tian, ​​information flowing into his mind like a flooded river. He felt every nuance of the technique, every precise movement and flow of energy. The first step was to meditate and attract the heavenly forces towards him. Yun Tian sat in the lotus position, closing his eyes and concentrating on the energy flows around him. He visualized the scarlet skies, feeling pure energy descending through him like a waterfall of fire.

Little by little, he felt his body absorb this energy, transforming it into an inner force that mixed with his own qi. Each inhale brought a new wave of power, each exhale purifying him of impurities.

As he absorbed qi, the qi in his body tempered, becoming thicker and purer.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for breaking through to the second stage of body strengthening. ]

[ Ding! Congratulations to the host for breaking through to the third stage of body strengthening. ]

[ Ding! Congratulations to the host for breaking through to the fourth stage of body strengthening. ]

[ Ding! Congratulations to the host for breaking through to the fifth stage of body strengthening. ]

"Woah, I really went from the first to the fifth stage of the body strengthening realm in such a short time? Normally it would take months to get there."

[Ding! Host this is due to the power of your avatar and bloodline. The realm of body strengthening is essentially based on refining the complete body. For most people it would take time, resources and the necessary sutras. But you are different, thanks to the transformation you have undergone your body is already much superior to that of a mortal. All you have to do is absorb as much qi as possible to make it even stronger. According to my calculations, when you are at the peak of body strengthening, your body will be as strong as a mid-qi condensation realm cultivator. The energy in your body is also much stronger and pure than a normal cultivator. The only people who have such pure energy are people who have great talent and strength behind them. ]

"I am well on the path to invincibility."

He stood up, feeling the energy flowing freely through him. "Now, System, teach me the Sky Cutting Sword. And from now on call me Master."

[ Good Master! The Sky Cutting Sword Art is a legendary and ancient technique, renowned for its devastating power and deadly precision. It is made up of a wide range of techniques that can be learned as the master gains a deeper understanding. ]

A new wave of information flooded his mind. He visualized the technique, an invisible sword slicing through the sky with immeasurable force. Unfortunately he didn't have a sword with him, so he decided to go get one. It was then that information that he had forgotten resurfaced.

"I can't believe I was going to get a sword when the system itself has a store."

He took his time looking at the weapons available. He realized he had a wide choice. Despite the fact that he only had 1000 points he could still get a good sword.

He purchased a spirit rank sword with 250 points. Weapons on the Tianyun Continent are ranked from weakest to strongest: Ordinary, Spiritual, Earth, Heaven, Sacred, and Divine. After purchasing it, Yun Tian went to the garden and began practicing the technique under the amazed eyes of Ji Xue.

"What kind of opportunity did he get to be able to practice such a complex sword art? I also feel that he has made a breakthrough in his culture. I can't feel anything anymore."

After hours of practicing, Yun Tian stopped, he had progressed well and was much stronger than he expected. But when he saw his wife looking at him with so much envy, he was a little sad at not being able to do anything.

[Master, I remind you that you can find a multitude of items in the store.]

"What do you mean ?" Yun Tian asked in surprise.

[Well, master there are items to increase a person's qualifications. There are several prices depending on the effect in your case you can buy a Heavenly Pride Fruit for 700 points. If a person eats it they could promote their avatar by a full rank. ] 

"Which means that Ji Xue eats this fruit, he will be able to be promoted to a spiritual avatar!"

[ This exact master. Do you want to buy one? ]

Without hesitation, he replied: "Yes, there is no hesitation."

The next moment, the 700 points were debited from his balance. He now has 50 points left, but he is not worried about that. The fruit was placed in the system inventory. Looking at his inventory, Yun Tian saw his martial coins and right next to them a fruit resembling a peach. He took it out directly and walked towards Ji Xue.

"Honey, I have a gift for you." 

Ji Xue looked up from her work, surprised by Yun Tian's cheerful tone. "A gift? For what occasion?" she asked with a curious smile.

"Not for any special occasion, just because I love you and want to see you reach your full potential," he replied, pulling out the Heavenly Pride Fruit. "Eat this, it's a special fruit."

Ji Xue took the fruit with trembling hands, her gaze flickering between the fruit and Yun Tian. "What will happen if I eat it?" she asked with a hint of apprehension.

"This fruit will promote your avatar by a full rank, which means you will reach the spiritual avatar level," he explained softly. "This is a rare opportunity, and I want you to take advantage of it."

Ji Xue took a deep breath, making a decision. "Alright, I'll eat it." She brought the fruit to her lips and bit into it. An explosion of flavors filled her mouth, sweet and exquisite, as she swallowed slowly.

She had barely finished the fruit when the air around her began to vibrate. Streams of qi converged towards her, creating a spiral of shimmering light. Her body was enveloped in a golden glow, and pure energy passed through her, making her face serene and radiant.

Yun Tian watched in wonder as Ji Xue's qi increased in intensity. The golden glow intensified, focusing on a point above his head where a spiritual mark appeared. It was the sign of the spiritual avatar, an entity of power and wisdom.

Ji Xue raised her hands and looked at her palms, feeling the new energy pulsing within her. "I...I feel so powerful, so connected," she whispered, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Thank you, Yun Tian. Thanks to you, I have become something greater. I can feel the world in a completely new way," she said, her voice trembling with emotion.

"It's normal, I shouldn't be the only one to become strong for our future family. You also have to be as strong as me."

[ Name: Ji Xue ]

[Identity: Wife of the Chief of the Yun family]

[ Age: 16/100 ]

[ Cultivation level: 1st stage of body strengthening ]

[ Avatar: Spiritual (low potential) ]

[ Bloodline: None ]

[ Cultivation Technique: None ]

[ Martial Skills: None ]

[ Children: 0 ]

Yun Tian was surprised. He didn't know that the system could actually show another person's status. However, since it was something beneficial for him, he didn't take the time to ask.

The days passed, and the autumn wind gave way to the first winter breezes. Yun Tian and Ji Xue continued to live their lives, filling their days with laughter, conversations, love and above all training and culture. Both were making progress day by day. Ji Xue had even advanced to the second stage of body strengthening thanks to a sutra she had kept from the Starry Heavens Sect. Yun Tian continued to absorb as much qi into his body as possible and practice swordsmanship. But as time passed, a subtle change began to occur: Ji Xue began to feel different, her senses sharpened, and her heart beat with a new intensity.

One morning, as the sun rose slowly over the mansion, Ji Xue woke up with a strange feeling of nausea. She placed a hand on her stomach, wondering what could be causing this sudden discomfort. Then, as she got up to go to the kitchen, she realized that she was a few days late.

Her heart racing, Ji Xue hurried towards Yun Tian, ​​excitement and apprehension mixing in her mind. "Yun Tian," she called softly, finding him in the courtyard practicing martial arts. "Can you join me for a moment? I have something to tell you."

Yun Tian turned to her, a warm smile stretching his lips. "Of course, Ji Xue," he replied, putting away his sword and quickly joining her. "What is it ?"

Ji Xue took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "I think...I think I'm pregnant," she finally said, her eyes shining with emotion.

Yun Tian looked at her, eyes first widening in astonishment, then filling with joy and wonder. "Really ?" he exclaimed, unable to contain his own excitement. "It's amazing, Ji Xue!"

The two lovers embraced each other tenderly, their hearts beating in unison as they looked to the future with anticipation. "We are having a child," Yun Tian whispered, his eyes shining with renewed determination. "We're going to start a family, Ji Xue, and nothing can stop us."

Ji Xue smiled, feeling a wave of happiness wash over her. "Yes, Yun Tian," she replied softly, her voice filled with infinite tenderness.

The months passed, and the wind of winter gave way to the buds of spring. During this period, Yun Tian redoubled his efforts in his cultivation, determined to be ready for the arrival of their child. He ardently studied martial and cultural techniques, seeking to strengthen his mind and body to be the best father possible.

Finally, after 7 months of effort, while meditating under the cherry blossom tree, he felt a decisive breakthrough. The energy in his body condensed, transforming into a purer and more powerful form. A bright light surrounded him, his qi reaching a new level of strength.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching the realm of qi condensation. You have made enormous progress! ]


[Host: Yun Tian]

[Identity: Head of the Yun family]

[ age: 17/230 ]

[Cultivation Level: 1st Stage of Qi Condensation Realm]

[Avatar: Morning Star (???)]

[Lineage: Imperial Dragon King]

[Cultivation Technique: Nine Scarlet Heavens Heavenly Art]

[Martial Skills: Sky Cutting Sword]

[Points: 50]

[Wives: Ji Xue]

[Children: None]

[Main Mission: Make the Yun family the largest and strongest family in Tianyun.

Time limit: 150 years]

"System what does the morning star rank next to my avatar mean?"

[Master, the grade of morning star is a grade higher than that of the divine but for the moment there is no point in talking about it. When you are stronger, all your questions will be answered. ]

After the system responded, Yun Tian did not dwell on it. Finally, nine months after this wonderful announcement, the big day arrived. As the sun rose over the horizon, Ji Xue felt the first contractions, her face beaming with joy and determination.

Yun Tian was by her side, holding her hand gently, his own expression a mixture of anxiety and excitement. "Everything will be okay, Ji Xue," he whispered, his eyes looking into hers lovingly. "I'm here with you, and we will get through this together."

And indeed, everything went well. In the soft light of dawn, Ji Xue gave birth to a healthy baby girl, her voice filling the room with her first cry. Yun Tian watched in wonder as the doctor placed her in Ji Xue's arms, a radiant smile lighting up his face.

"She's perfect," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "She is our miracle, Ji Xue."

Ji Xue smiled with tears in her eyes as she gazed at their little girl sleeping in her arms. "She is our happiness, Yun Tian," she replied softly, her voice trembling with emotion. "

Yun Tian looked at the little girl, a smile of pride and happiness lighting up his face. "What are we going to call it?" he asked softly.

Ji Xue thought for a moment, then smiled. "Let's call her Yun Lian," she said, her gaze full of love for their child.

And so, in the soft light of dawn, Yun Tian and Ji Xue welcomed their daughter Yun Lian into the world, ready to offer her all their love and support.