Acknowledgement And Several Breakthroughs

Yun Tian stood there, at the scene of the battle, in front of Fang Hao's lifeless body. His gaze showed no emotion, it was empty. As if he felt nothing about Fang Hao's death. His mind was more than peaceful, he had come to get rid of a threat to his family. This is not the first time that Yun Tian has killed someone. Indeed, when he was on Earth in his former life, he was once confronted with a situation where murder was the only solution to escape.

When he committed his first murder, the days that followed were ordeal. He could no longer eat, drink or even leave the house. The lifeless body he had left haunted him day and night. But gradually, he realized that in an environment where the law of the strongest reigns, it is kill or be killed.

I don't know why memories of my old life are resurfacing at this time. It's true that I realize that the two worlds in which I lived are more or less similar, it's the law of the strongest. Although in fact, there is one thing that differentiates them. Here I have a wife and a daughter for now, they are my family, and I will not let anyone threaten this family. Even if I have to fight against the sky itself, then the sky will fall before me. This is the path that I decided to walk.

Yun Tian's thoughts were stopped by a system notification.

[Ding! Congratulations to the master for eliminating the first potential threat to his family. ]

[So gifts will be given, do you want to receive them? ]

Killing someone allows me to get system rewards?

[No Master. As I said before, this is a threat to your family. As long as an enemy poses a threat to your family and you eliminate that threat then you will receive rewards for it. ]

I understand, well let's wait until we get home to see what the system gives us.

At this moment, Donqi City was in an uproar. News of Fang Hao's defeat by Yun Tian had spread quickly, and the locals felt a mixture of relief and gratitude. For many, Yun Tian had become the savior of the city, a hero whose exploits would be sung about for generations.

At the heart of this agitation, Yun Tian was preparing to join his wife and daughter. After checking his qi and greeting Mayor Huang Bai, he joined Ji Xue and their daughter Yun Lian in front of the grand gate of their home. Ji Xue, beaming, held Yun Lian's hand, while the little girl watched her father with eyes filled with admiration.

"Dad, could I ever become as strong as you?" she asked with an innocent voice.

Yun Tian smiled and knelt down to be at his height. "Of course, Lian'er. With hard work and determination, you can become even stronger than me. You have a bright future ahead of you. Let's go back."

Upon returning, Yun Tian spent a few moments with Ji Xue and Yun Lian, before retiring.

System show me the rewards!

[ Ding ! Congratulations to the master for obtaining a mystical rank palm technique: Thousand Waves Palm. ]

[ Ding ! Congratulations to the master for obtaining 1000 points to use in the system store. ]

[ Ding Congratulations to the master for obtaining 2x Avatar Upgrade Cards. ]

[ Ding! Congratulations to the teacher for obtaining a comprehension card. ]

A comprehension card, yet another new element whose function I do not know. System, what is a comprehension card ?

[ As you know in this world the skill comprehension levels range from basic to divine level. The comprehension card allows its user to increase the level of understanding of the technique of their choice by an entire level. For example, you have achieved master-level understanding on your Fist of Lightning Bolt technique. If you use your understanding card on this technique then you will move directly to grandmaster level understanding. ]

My system is getting scarier and scarier. Understanding is not something you can buy, it is something that is innate to every individual. Unless to have the necessary resources to increase one's understanding, most of the time people rely only on luck. But the system tells me that with a simple thought I can do that. It's terrifying !

System shows me my status.

[ Ding! ]

[ Host: Yun Tian]

[Identity: Head of the Yun family]

[ age: 20/350 ]

[Cultivation level: 6th stage of Qi Condensation Realm]

[Avatar: Morning Star (???)]

[Bloodline: Imperial Dragon King]

[Cultivation Technique: Nine Scarlet Heavens Heavenly Art]

[Martial Skills: Sword cutting the Sky (Intermediate); Fist of Lightning Bolt (Master)]

[ Points: 1050 ]

[Wives: Ji Xue]

[Kids : Yun Lian]

My Longevity only increases every time I increase my cultivation level. From what I know a cultivator at the peak of the qi condensation realm could live up to 400 years old but I am only at the sixth level but I can already live up to 350 years old. It is enormous.

[Master this is due to your lineage, it considerably increases your longevity. After all, you are an Imperial Dragon King. ]

Indeed, like that, it's understandable. Although system uses the two avatar enhancement cards on Ji Xue and Yun Lian.

[Ding! An avatar enhancement card was used on Ji Xue. ]

[ Name: Ji Xue]

[ Age: 20/120 ]

[ Identity: Wife of the Yun Family Patriarch]

[ Avatar: Sacred (intermediate potential)]

[ Bloodline: None]

[Cultivation Level: 8th Stage of Body Strengthening Realm]

[Cultivation technique: Sutra of Longevity; Ascendant of the Sun]

[ Martial Skills: None]

[Children: Yun Lian]

[Ding! An avatar enhancement card was used on Yun Lian. ]

[ Name: Yun Lian ]

[ Identity: Descendant of the Yun family]

[ Age: 3/90]

[ Culture Level: None]

[ Avatar: Sacred (higher potential)]

[ Bloodline: None]

[ Cultivation technique: None]

[ Martial Skills: None]

It's not so bad. They both have a sacred avatar. Ji Xue is about to enter the realm of qi condensation. It will take him about a year. I wonder how long it will take to break through to the foundation establishment realm. I should also introduce Lian'er to culture soon.

Like this, a few days passed and the news that Yun Tian had killed Fang Hao who was at the peak of the Qi Condensation Realm while he was at the sixth level of Qi Condensation, spread to the nearby towns. Yu Tian's reputation increased enormously.

A few days later, Yun Tian was expected in the center of the city by the mayor to be greeted and rewarded for having defended the city.

Arriving at the city's central square, Yun Tian and his family were greeted by crowds cheering for their presence. The people of Donqi had decorated the square with banners and flowers in honor of their savior. Children ran around laughing, smiles lit up their faces, and the atmosphere was full of joy and gratitude.

Huang Bai, the mayor, stood in the center of the crowd, a smile of relief on his face. When he saw Yun Tian, ​​he stepped forward and hugged him like an old friend. "Yun Tian, ​​you saved this city and its people. We owe you a huge debt."

Yun Tian raised a hand humbly. "I only did what needed to be done. This city is my home, and I will always protect my family and our friends."

The mayor turned to the crowd and raised his voice. "People of Donqi, today we celebrate the bravery and strength of Yun Tian, ​​our protector. Thanks to him, we can live in peace. Let us make this day a celebration in his honor!"

The cheers increased in intensity, and a great celebration began. Tables were set with delicious food, musicians began to play, and dancers brightened up the central square. Yun Tian, ​​Ji Xue, and Yun Lian mingled with the crowd, accepting the congratulations and thanks with humility.

Yun Tian, ​​Ji Xue and Yun Lian spent a peaceful year in Donqi. The seasons passed slowly, marked by changes in temperature and the city's traditional festivals. During this time, Ji Xue devoted himself intensely to his cultivation, guided by Yun Tian who provided him with wise advice.

One morning, as the rising sun bathed the city in golden light, Ji Xue finally felt her qi blossom, a sign of her imminent breakthrough. She mentally prepared herself for this crucial moment, focusing on her breathing and the circulation of her internal energy.

"You're almost there, Ji Xue. Take a deep breath and focus on your qi," Yun Tian encouraged.

With determination, Ji Xue successfully crossed the last obstacle that separated her from the Qi Condensation Realm.

[Name: Ji Xue]

[ Age: 21/210 ]

[ Identity: Wife of the Yun Family Patriarch]

[ Avatar: Sacred (intermediate potential) ]

[ Bloodline: None]

[ Cultivation level: 1st stage of Qi Condensation Realm.]

[ Cultivation Technique: Sutra of Longevity; Ascendant of the Sun]

[ Martial Skills: None ]

[ Children: Yun Lian ]

[ Ding! Master's wife has returned to the realm of qi condensation and begins to walk the path of immortality. A reward is given to the Master. ]

[ Ding! Congratulations to Master for obtaining a year of cultivation.]

With this reward I can reach the peak of the Qi Condensation Realm! Without this year of culture given by the system it would have taken me another year.

A few days after her breakthrough, Ji Xue became pregnant for the second time. It was a joyous event that the family did not miss. That same evening a feast was prepared in honor of this good news.

"Father, why are you and mother so happy today?" Yun Lian asked in an innocent tone.

"Well Lian'er, you're going to be a big sister soon."

"I will soon be a big sister… that means I have to be strong to protect my little brother or my little sister. Father, I need to start training."

Yun Tian looked at his daughter with a laughing tone. "Indeed, it's time for you to start training. Tomorrow we will start your training."

"Okay father, I will become the strongest and that way I can beat you."

The next morning, Yun Tian rose early, filled with new energy and palpable excitement. Today was the beginning of his daughter, Yun Lian's training in the path of cultivation. He knew that with her sacred avatar, she had extraordinary potential, and he was determined to pass on everything he knew to her.

Yun Lian stood in front of her father, her eyes bright with anticipation. She was ready to begin this journey to power and self-mastery.

"Father, I am ready," she said in a determined voice.

Yun Tian smiled, proud of his daughter's determination. "Very well, Lian'er. Before we begin, let me explain the basics of cultivation to you."

He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts to clearly explain the complex concepts to his young daughter.

"Listen carefully. Cultivation begins with understanding the energy around us, Qi. Cultivators learn to absorb and manipulate this energy to strengthen their body and mind. There are many levels of cultivation, each more difficult than the last.

First of all there is the realm of body strengthening. In this realm, cultivators focus on physical strengthening and improving their basic physical abilities such as strength, speed, and stamina. They use cultivation techniques that are called sutras to strengthen and refine their muscles, bones, internal organs, blood and marrow, thereby increasing their power and endurance.

Then there is the Qi Condensation Realm to the Foundation Establishment Realm, and other levels beyond. Each realm represents a level of mastery and power."

He continued to detail the different stages of cultivation, explaining how to accumulate and condense qi, purify the meridians, and strengthen the body and mind.

"Well now is the time for practice. Get into the lotus position."

Having the information of the Longevity sutra, Yun Tian directed his daughter to breathe and make certain gestures in order to sense the qi.

"Close your eyes, Lian'er." he commanded. "Breathe deeply and feel the energy around you. Imagine that it enters your body with each inhalation and accumulates in your dantian."

A few minutes later qi began to be absorbed by Yun Lian.

"Father it works, I can feel the qi!"

"Stay focused, you now need to be able to distribute this energy that you absorb throughout your body."

Time passed and after 1 hour of absorbing qi, Yun Lian's body swelled and the impurities in his body began to come out of his body. And then a moment later a noise was emitted from his body, his body burst.

[ Ding! Congratulations to the teacher, you have initiated your child on the path to culture. Yun Lian has entered the first level of body strengthening. ]

[ Ding! Congratulations to the master for obtaining a year of cultivation. ]

She is indeed worthy of being a high-potential sacred avatar. And with this new year of cultivation given by the system, I am sure to break through into the realm of foundation establishment in the coming months.

Yun Lian opened her eyes and felt her body strengthened, a force she had never felt before spread throughout her body.

"Congratulations girl, you have officially entered the body strengthening realm." He said with a smile.

"So I'm at the first level. I understand what it feels like to get stronger. It's totally incredible." she thought with a smile on her lips.

"Father, what level are you in your cultivation?" she asked curiously.

Yun Tian smiled, reflecting on his own progress. "Currently, I am at the eighth level of the Qi Condensation Realm, however in a few months I will break through to the Foundation Establishment Realm."

Yun Lian nodded determinedly. "I'm going to become even stronger than you, father. I promise."

Yun Tian looked at his daughter with pride.

Later in the day, at the city gates a delegation of around ten people presented themselves. The aura of these people was quite mysterious. He was all wearing rather luxurious clothes.

The person at the head of the line appeared in front of the guard presenting a silver token. On this token was marked the Yang family badge. The guard seeing this badge bowed down directly. The Yang family was known throughout Yunzhu County, it is the family of the county marquis, the ruler of this county. The fact that someone had this badge meant that it was sent by the Marquis himself.

"I am the envoy of my lord the marquis of Yunzhu County. Take me as quickly as possible to the leader of this city. I have a message to convey to him from my lord."