News And Lucky Encounter

The Marquis's envoy, a man of around forty with an imposing appearance and piercing eyes, entered the city of Donqi followed by his delegation. The guard, trembling with respect and fear, quickly led them towards the residence of Mayor Huang Bai.

Meanwhile, Yun Tian and his family continued to enjoy their peaceful day. Ji Xue, now a few months pregnant, was resting while Yun Tian and Yun Lian practiced together in the courtyard.

"Focus, Lian'er. Feel the flow of qi in your body and let it guide you," Yun Tian advised as he watched his daughter perform a series of fluid movements.

"Yes, father. I'm starting to feel the difference," Yun Lian replied, his eyes shining with determination.

While they were training, a servant from the mayor's house came running out of breath.

"Patriarch Yun! Mayor Huang Bai requests your immediate presence at the town hall. There is an envoy from the Marquis who has arrived and asked to bring together the various eminent houses of the city."

Yun Tian frowned, intrigued. "An envoy from the marquis, you say? Very well, tell the mayor that I am arriving."

He turned to his daughter. "Lian'er, continue practicing. I will come back soon."

Yun Lian nodded with a smile. "Okay, father. Be careful."

What is an envoy from the Marquis of Yunzhu doing in a remote small town like Donqi? I only see two possibilities, the first is that the marquis wants to recruit certain talented people to become his men and the second is that he has a mission entrusted to him. Either way, it intrigues me. It's starting to get interesting.

Yun Tian quickly walked towards the community house. Upon his arrival, he was greeted by the visibly nervous Mayor Huang Bai and the Marquis's envoy, who was eagerly awaiting him. When entering the room where the delegation was located, he did not act arrogantly. He knew that this world was very large and many people could easily kill with his current power level.

" I Yun Tian, ​​head of the Yun family pays homage to his lordship's envoy." He said, bowing respectfully.

The envoy looked at him for a moment before responding. "I am Lei Wei, special envoy of Marquis Yang. I have a message to convey from my lord. Since you are the last person expected, I will without further delay explain the reason for my coming to your city."

Lei Wei, I feel great power coming from him. System can I see its status?


[ Name: Lei Wei ]

[ Age: 746/900 ]

[ Identity: head of the Lei family; Commander of the Marquis of Yunzhu]

[Avatar: Treasure (low potential)]

[ Bloodline : None ]

[ Culture level: 6th stage of foundation establishment]

[ Cultivation Technique: Silent Mist Art. ]

[ Martial Skills: Floating Steps; Roaring Tiger Fist; Veiled Moon Sword]

[Children: 7]

Well, I'm quite surprised. It is already almost 800 years old. He is quite powerful, with a wide knowledge of skills. A difficult opponent to deal with. I wonder if I could win against him.

Standing before the mayor and prominent people of the city, Lei Wei, the Marquis's envoy spoke.

"As you know, Yunzhu County is one of the ten counties under the Rising Sun Kingdom. Moreover, it is the poorest county. So poor that for over a hundred thousand years, no martial dominatrix or martial dominator has appeared within the county. As a result, several centuries ago, the Kingdom of the Rising Sun dissolved our right of vassalage to it. We no longer receive any resources or assistance from the kingdom. So we have to fend for ourselves."

Right of vassalage ? So among the counties, there are some that are considered vassal counties directly linked to the Kingdom of the Rising Sun. Which means that some are more favored than others. This world is truly terrifying. Even at the political level the law of the strongest is applied.

"However, Yunzhu County is in great danger. I'm not trying to scare you but it's the truth."

"What kind of danger are we talking about?" Said a person with a rather worried look.

"We are talking about a danger that could destroy half the county in one go. This is a martial dominator or more precisely a martial dominator level demonic beast."

Everyone present in the room was stunned by what the envoy had just revealed. The power of a martial dominator is not something that people from a small, remote town could imagine.

"Indeed, fifty years ago, a demonic beast at the top of rank 3 present in the forest of a thousand beasts which is located about ten thousand Li from the county capital, to break through to a beast of rank 4 which represents for us the kingdom of the golden core. She subdued all the beasts present in the area, becoming the master of this area. Several teams were sent to kill her but unfortunately without success. A year ago, the Marquis, thanks to his divine sense, managed to see this beast which suddenly went into isolation for its breakthrough. It's now been 1 year and this beast is reaching the crucial moment of breaking through. Marquis Yang therefore brings together all the people wishing to participate in an expedition to kill this spiritual beast. This is the reason for my coming."

So he wants to do as much as possible to kill this beast before it enters the martial dominator level. A martial dominator. I wonder what a cultivator of this level is capable of.

The mayor spoke after the envoy's monologue. "Dear envoy, we completely understand the concerns of the Lord Marquis for this demonic beast. However, I don't think we are up to the standard to participate in this expedition."

"I know this very well, however I heard that there was a cultivator in this city who killed a cultivator who was more than times his level last year. It's for him that I came, this person intrigues me and if possible I would like to take him with me."

I didn't expect that the envoy of the Marquis of Yunzhu would come all the way to Donqi to see me. I must really be interested in him. Either way, I would have offered to participate. It's an excellent way for me to make myself known to the marquis and the other heads of the family. By going to the capital I could even meet interesting people.

"Dear envoy, it's me you're talking about. As I said when I arrived, my name is Yun Tian, ​​I am the head of the Yun family." Yun Tian said respectfully.

"Well Yun Tian, ​​I came here to recruit you for this expedition which will take place in less than a year. Do you want to participate in this expedition."

"Of course, it is with joy that I agree to participate."

"Very good, at the right time. We will leave tomorrow for the county capital, Yan City. We will have about two months of travel. Prepare carefully and we will meet tomorrow morning in front of the city gates."

Yun Tian nodded in acceptance and took leave of envoy Lei Wei. He quickly headed towards his home, some apprehension in his heart. He entered the house and found Ji Xue sitting peacefully in the garden, looking thoughtfully at the horizon.

"Xue'er," Yun Tian said softly as he approached her. "We have to talk."

Ji Xue looked up, her features showing both curiosity and worry. "What's the matter, Tian?"

Yun Tian sat down beside him and took his hand. "An envoy from the Marquis of Yunzhu has arrived in town. He needs to recruit cultivators for a mission of crucial importance."

Ji Xue frowned, sensing what would happen next. "And you have to leave, don't you?"

"Yes," Yun Tian replied, sighing slightly. "This is about neutralizing a spirit beast on the verge of becoming a martial dominator. It is a huge threat to our county, and if not stopped, it could cause massive destruction."

Ji Xue squeezed his hand a little tighter. "How long will you be gone?"

"Probably at least half a year," he replied, his voice thick with regret. "I know it's a long shot, especially with our child coming, but it's an opportunity for me to gain prestige and strengthen our family."

Ji Xue nodded, understanding the importance of the mission. "I understand, Tian. Take care of yourself. Come back to us safely."

Yun Tian hugged her. "I promise to come back safely, Xue'er."

"Dad, what's going on?" Yun Lian who had just finished training entered the house.

"Lian'er, Dad has to leave for a while, there is a mission I have to complete for the county. I leave tomorrow. I'm counting on you to protect your mother and your little brother or sister while I'm gone. Don't slack off in your training."

"I understand dad, take care of yourself and don't take too long." She said giving him a hug.

I will come back safe and sound, I promise you my daughter.

The next morning, Yun Tian joined Lei Wei and the delegation at the city gate. After final checks and a few farewells, the group set off towards the county capital, Yan City.

The journey was long and arduous, traveling along winding paths and crossing diverse landscapes. For a month, they faced the rigors of the road, sometimes facing storms and wild creatures, but the group remained determined and united. Yun Tian, ​​despite the difficulties, felt that each passing day brought him closer to his goal.

One day, while crossing a rugged mountain range, they came across a disturbing scene. A young boy of about fifteen, dressed in rags, was backed against a rock by a group of farmers. The attackers seemed determined to put an end to him.

[ Ding! It is detected that the master is close to a child of destiny. It is recommended for the master to establish a good relationship with him, this could serve you in the future. ]

A child of destiny, I know these kinds of terms all too well. These are the famous protagonists in novels who enjoy infinite luck. Indeed, having a good relationship with him would be beneficial.

"Do not do that!" the boy shouted in despair.

Seeing this, Yun Tian intervened. "Leave that boy alone," he ordered, his voice calm but commanding.

The cultivators turned around, staring at Yun Tian with contempt. "Who are you to give us orders?" one of them retorted.

Yun Tian smiled coldly. "I am Yun Tian from Donqi City. I advise you to leave."

They burst out laughing. "A simple cultivator from an unknown city dares to bully us. Ridiculous!"

Without further words, Yun Tian launched his attack. Using his sword decisively, he cut off the attackers' heads with disconcerting ease, showing them that he was not an adversary to be taken lightly.

The young boy, his eyes wide, looked at Yun Tian with admiration. "Thank you, sir," he said, still trembling with fear.

"What's your name?" Yun Tian asked.

"Ye Xiao" the boy replied.

It's indeed a stereotype name for the protagonists of a culture novel. System shows me its status.


[ Name: Ye Xiao ]

[Age: 14/120 ]

[ Identity: Child of Destiny; Son of luck ]

[ Avatar: Taoist (???) ]

[ Bloodline : Divine Qilin ]

[ Cultivation level: 3rd stage of the body strengthening realm. ]

[ Cultivation Technique: None ]

[ Martial Skills: None ]

[ Divine Artefact: Golden Divine Veil ]

[ Fate: Ye Xiao was the only son of the prestigious Ye family, once respected and prosperous in Qin City. However, their wealth and influence attracted jealousy and hatred. One night, a rival sect, thirsty for power and vengeance, attacked the Ye family, mercilessly slaughtering its members. Ye Xiao, then only ten years old, witnessed the horror and destruction of his home.

Alone and desperate, he managed to escape into the surrounding mountains, living in misery and solitude. For four years he survived by hiding from bandits and wild beasts, his mind scarred by tragedy. It was during his 14th birthday that he made a discovery that would change his destiny forever.

In a deep cave well hidden in the mountains. He saw a golden garment that shone with a thousand lights. Having heard of certain legends and mythical artifacts. Ye Xiao carried it, seeing that he was injured, blood flowed onto the artifact and his mind resonated with it. At that moment a palpable spirit, which was linked to the artifact, revealed itself to him, explaining to him where it came from and who had created it. The palpable spirit promoted its avatar to the Taoist level which is located just after the divine avatar and gives it the lineage of the divine Qilin left by its creator.

He is destined to become one of the most influential people on the continent in the universe. ]

What is this ridiculous luck? I can't believe such an artifact was found. But hey, for now I have to make friends with him.

As he watched the boy's fate and was lost in thought, Ye Xiao felt a fear coming from him and turned to his palpable mind.

"Beilong, who is this man, I can't feel any energy coming from him. Should I be wary?"

Beilong the palpable spirit a small fairy-like being, appeared on Ye Xiao's shoulder.

"Master I don't think he's a bad person. I don't feel anything either. But I can say with certainty that he is a good person. You can bond with this person maybe in the future it could prove promising."

"I see, I will follow your advice. He still helped me without him I wouldn't have been able to escape unscathed. It would be wise to follow him and his group for now."

Then after the two of them talked, Ye Xiao decided to follow the group to Yan City. Some time later, the group set off again.

The group continued their journey, and after another month, they finally reached the city of Yan. Compared to Donqi, Yan was a real gem. Its imposing walls, soaring towers and streets paved with gleaming stones testified to his greatness and wealth. The markets were bustling with people coming and going, while colorful stalls offered an endless variety of goods.

"Welcome to Yan City, the county capital." Lei Wei said, a satisfied smile on his lips. "We still have a lot to do, but for now, rest up and prepare for the mission ahead."

Yun Tian and Ye Xiao, impressed by the beauty and scale of the city, headed towards their accommodation.