Kill A Calamity Beast

The Qiongqi roared once more, its voice resounding like thunder throughout the forest. The lightning still coursed through his body, forming an electric barrier around him. The cultivators were in shock, but Marquis Yang quickly came back to his senses.

"All take your positions! Don't let this calamity beast scare you!" he shouted, his voice filled with determination.

Yun Tian who looked at the Qiongqi in amazement began to think frantically.

A Qiongqi. I've never heard of this kind of beast but it looks terribly powerful. System shows me its status.


[Name]: Qiongqi

[Type]: Demon Hybrid

[Age]: Unknown

[Rank]: Calamity Beast

[Cultivation Level]: Martial Dominator Realm

[Combat Techniques]:

- Breath of Chaos

- Claws of Destruction

- Howl of Disaster

- Devouring Shadows

[Special Skills]:

- Heavenly Regeneration

- Night Invisibility

- Control of Lesser Beasts

[Description] :

Qiongqi is a mythical and formidable creature, symbolizing chaos and destruction. His appearance is a terrifying mix of demonic and bestial elements. Having broken through to the realm of martial dominator, he possesses cataclysmic powers capable of razing armies and subjugating entire territories. Its black and gold scales, blazing red eyes, and razor-sharp claws make it a nearly invincible opponent.

[ Bloodline ]: Descendant of the Primordial Beasts

[Description] :

Primordial Beasts are considered the ancestors of the most powerful and terrifying creatures in the world. They possess immeasurable raw strength, exceptional resilience and mystical powers inherited from the dawn of time. The Primordial Beasts lineage grants Qiongqi natural resistance to physical and spiritual attacks, rapid regeneration ability, and the ability to control other lower-ranking demonic beasts. Descendants of this lineage are rare and revered, often seen as embodiments of chaos and destruction.

Are you kidding me ?! What is a beast of this size doing in such a remote place? Well, I need to calm down, I need to find a solution to get us out of this situation or the county will be in great danger.

The Qiongai, now aware of his own power, stood up to his full height. A terrifying aura emanated from him, forcing cultivators to kneel under the overwhelming pressure of his bestial will. Just breathing became a colossal effort for those below the martial dominator realm.

"Pathetic humans, you dare to challenge my supremacy? I will annihilate you and reduce this county to ashes," the Qiongqi declared in a deep and powerful voice, his words resounding in the minds of all present.

Marquis Yang, despite his high cultivation level, struggled to remain standing under the influence of Qiongqi's martial will. "We won't let you destroy our house!" he shouted, preparing to launch a desperate attack.

"You dare to go against me. In that case, die, you ants."

Suddenly the beastly will spread over several thousand Li. The cultivators were struggling to survive, some were already dead, others were sinking into despair.

You are probably wondering what a martial dominator is. Let me explain. Although the Golden Core Realm and Martial Dominator Realm only seem to be separated by one rank, the gap between the two is actually immense. The reason for this is that the martial dominator possesses a martial spirit or a martial soul.

A mortal can only cultivate his body in martial arts and when he becomes a golden core cultivator it means that he has reached the peak of his body. If he seeks to go further, he must let his soul transform into martial will in order to obtain a dominating spirit.

Meanwhile, Yun Tian tried as best he could to resist.

This pressure is too strong, I have never felt anything like it. By my own strength it is impossible for me to stand against a martial dominator. I now see where my limits are. I have to get stronger.

These thoughts were interrupted by a system notification.

[Ding! It is recommended that the master activate his Imperial Dragon King bloodline in order to combat this calamity beast. Thanks to your dragon transformation you can fight this Qiongqi. Plus your bloodline is one of the greatest in the universe so you can easily suppress it through bloodline suppression.]

"Bloodline Suppression" is the phenomenon whereby a more powerful bloodline or blood exerts overwhelming influence over a less powerful bloodline or entity, reducing or neutralizing its abilities.

There is no way I am revealing my bloodlinr here. I don't even have the strength to defend myself against a martial dominator. If I reveal my bloodline here, some jealous people present would not hesitate to reveal my secrets to great powers. As long as I'm not strong enough I won't transform into a real dragon.

[Good master, but it is still recommended to use the aura of your lineage to resist his bestial will.]

As Yun Tian considered the system's suggestion, a heartbreaking roar caught his attention. Beilong, his longtime friend, was grappling with the overwhelming pressure of Qiongqi's bestial will. Beside him, Ye Xiao, one of the most talented cultivators in the county, was also struggling not to flinch.

"Master, run away! This calamity beast is far too powerful for you. If you stay here, you will die!" Beilong shouted, his face marked with pain and effort.

Ye Xiao clenched his fists, his eyes flashing with determination. "No, Beilong! I will not leave. If we all flee, who will protect our home? I would rather die trying to defend the human race than live as a coward."

Touched by his master's determination, Beilong called on his last strength. "Very well, if that is what you wish. I will support you. Receive my divine energy to resist this pressure." Beilong stretched out his hand, a golden glow emanating from his palms to envelop Ye Xiao in a protective aura.

The overwhelming pressure of the bestial will became slightly less intense for Ye Xiao, who managed to stand up, his gaze still fixed on the Qiongqi. Yun Tian joined them, having made a crucial decision.

The Qiongqi, seeing that his adversaries were regaining courage, roared more loudly. "Insignificant humans, you dare to challenge me again! I will show you true terror!" He raised his claws, and dark energy began to concentrate around him.

Suddenly, the Qiongqi unleashed one of its most terrifying skills: the Breath of Chaos. A wave of black energy spread from its mouth, reducing everything in its path to ashes. The forest itself seemed to writhe in pain under this devastating attack.

Despite their combined efforts, the power of the Breath of Chaos was too immense. Half of the farmers perished during the impact of the attack.

In this moment of despair, Yun Tian turned to the system. "System, find me a weapon that can kill this beast!"

[Ding! Searching…] The system quickly analyzed the available options.

After a few moments of searching, the system responded.

[ Weapon found: Divine Lightning Bow ]

[ Cost: 8500 points ]

Yun Tian gritted his teeth. Using that amount of points was risky, but he had no choice.

I'm buying the bow, he confirmed.

Instantly, a majestic bow appeared in his hands. The Divine Lightning Arc was made of pure lightning energy, its curves sparkling with electric light.

The arc vibrated with restrained power, as if infinite storms were trapped within it.

Yun Tian felt incredible energy emanating from the bow, a power capable of piercing even the most formidable defenses.

He knew he had to use the bow optimally. Yun Tian discreetly activated his royal aura, inherited from his lineage of the Imperial Dragon King, an aura that he had kept secret until now. The golden aura enveloped

Yun Tian, ​​allowing him to resist the overwhelming will of Qiongqi.

[ Master the bow you just purchased is too powerful for you currently. To be able to use it naturally you must be a martial dominator. If you use it while you are only in the foundation establishment realm, you must sacrifice 120 years of your vitality to shoot an arrow. ]

Even if it's 120 years so what! I could live for millions of years. I'm not afraid of losing 120 years. If I can protect my family and the human race from this threat.

Yun Tian did not hesitate. "I accept the sacrifice." A bright light surrounded him as the system transferred the necessary life energy. His features deepened slightly, showing the price of his choice, but a majestic weapon appeared in his hands.

Yun Tian aimed at the Qiongqi, concentrating all his energy and will into that single arrow.

Sensing danger, the Qiongqi began to panic. "What is going on ? Why did space close in on me? Is a human martial king here?" Scanning the area he did not sense any presence of this level but saw Yun Tian with a bow. This arc gave him chills. He wanted to escape by any means possible.

"It's too late !" Yun Tian exclaims aiming at Qiongqi. He fired, and the lightning arrow sliced ​​through the air, leaving a trail of light in its wake.

The Qiongqi tried to defend himself, but the arrow hit him head on. A burst of bright energy illuminated the forest, and the Qiongqi's roar transformed into a howl of pain. His scales cracked, and a blinding light burst from his wounds.

The calamity beast, despite its power, could not withstand the concentrated attack of the Lightning Storm Arc. With a final cry, the Qiongqi collapsed, his body slowly disintegrating from the pure energy.

Yun Tian, ​​exhausted by the sacrifice of his life energy, fell to his knees, but a smile of triumph appeared on his face. Beilong and Ye Xiao rushed to his side, their admiration and gratitude evident.

"We did it," Yun Tian murmured, exhausted. "We saved the county."

Marquis Yang, seeing the beast defeated, let out a cry of victory. The farmers, although weakened, got up, cheering their hero.