Rewards and Return

The bright light of the lightning arrow fades, leaving behind a silent forest, still shaken by the intensity of the battle. Qiongqi's massive body lay in pieces, its black and golden scales scattered like fragments of vanquished chaos. The cultivators, exhausted but victorious, gathered around Yun Tian

Yun Tian, ​​still on his knees, was slowly catching his breath. Ye Xiao placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You did it, Elder Yun. You saved the county."

Beilong, floating above Ye Xiao, smiled faintly. "I never thought I would see a Qiongqi taken down. This is a remarkable achievement for a simple Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator."

Marquis Yang approached, a look of respect in his eyes. "Yun Tian, ​​your bravery and determination saved our home. We all owe you immense gratitude."

Yun Tian stood up with difficulty, helped by his friends. "It's not just my merit. Without the support of each of you, we wouldn't have been able to win. It's a collective victory."

"But Yun Tian, ​​I would like to know what that mysterious weapon was that you used to take down that demon." Said the marquis, looking questioned.

I can't tell him that I bought this bow from the system store. I have to find an excuse so that he doesn't suspect me. After all this kind of weapon is not something you can find on a street corner in a county town.

While he was thinking a system notification appeared in his mind.

[ Ding! Master, in order not to arouse suspicion you can simply say that the weapon you used is a natural treasure of heaven and earth. You found it while out in the mountains near the town of Dongqi. ]

Fortunately you are there system. I can really count on you in crucial moments.

After a while, Yun Tian spoke. "Well, this is a natural treasure of heaven and earth. You found it while out in the mountains near the town of Dongqi. I don't know what grade of weapon it is but because of my current cultivation I haven't been able to use it fully. To be able to launch this arrow, I had to sacrifice 120 years of my longevity."

"120 years?! I can't believe you made such a sacrifice to save our county. Your sacrifice will not be in vain. I will reward you duly." The marquis spoke and all the survivors listened with shock on their faces.

"He really sacrificed his longevity to shoot that arrow." Said a farmer

"120 years on top of that is huge for a foundation establishment cultivator." Said another

" At least if he was in the Golden Core Realm. But it's going to be difficult for him to move forward now." Said a last one.

Listening to other cultivators speculating about his future, Yun Tian wondered about his status. So he asked the system to bring it up.

[ Ding! ]

[ Host: Yun Tian ]

[Identity: Head of the Yun family]

[Age: 22/1130]

[Culture level: 2nd stage of foundation establishment]

[ Avatar: Morning Star (???) ]

[ Bloodline : Imperial Dragon King ]

[ Cultivation Technique: Nine Scarlet Heavens Heavenly Art ]

[ Martial Skills: Sky Cutting Sword(Intermediate); Lightning Fist (Master); Void Breaking Finger (Master) ]

[ Points: 2550 ]

[Wives: Ji Xue]

[Children: Yun Lian]

Even if I sacrificed 120 years of my longevity, I can still live more than a thousand years without difficulty.

[ Ding! It is detected that the master has achieved a feat, he has also erased a threat to his family and to the entire county. Rewards are therefore issued taking into account the achievement. ]

I knew that sacrificing some of my longevity was not a bad thing in itself. It was an investment, now it remains to be seen how profitable this investment is. System give me the rewards.

[ Ding! Congratulations to the master for obtaining 20 years of cultivation]

[ Ding! Congratulations to the master for obtaining 5 avatar comprehension and improvement cards]

[Ding! Congratulations to the master for obtaining a Rank 5 Dharma Artifact: The Lunar Silk Robe.]

[ Ding! Congratulations to the master for obtaining a mythical beast egg. ]

[ Ding! Congratulations to the master for obtaining three spirit puppets]

[ Ding! Congratulations to the master for obtaining a teleportation ring ]

I can't believe what I see. I did well to kill this Qingogqi. A mythical beast egg? Three puppets?

[ Ding! Rewards obtained:

1. The Lunar Silk Robe (Rank 5 Dharma Artifact): The Lunar Silk Robe is a high-quality enchanted garment made from the legendary fibers of Lunar Silk. This artifact offers several advantages:

Increased Protection: The Lunar Silk Robe is virtually impervious to physical and spiritual attacks, greatly reducing damage to the wearer.

Regeneration: It has passive regenerative properties, slowly healing the wearer's wounds.

Lunar Camouflage: The robe allows its wearer to blend into shadows and become virtually invisible under the light of the moon.

Spiritual Enhancement: It amplifies the wearer's spiritual abilities, increasing the power of their techniques.

2. A Mythical Beast Egg: The Mythical Beast Egg is a rare and valuable artifact. When it hatches, it gives birth to a mythical creature with extraordinary powers. Benefits include:

Powerful Companion: The mythical beast will be a loyal and powerful ally, capable of fighting alongside the master.

Potential Evolution: With time and training, the beast can evolve and become even stronger, unlocking new abilities.

Spiritual Bond: A spiritual bond forms between the beast and its master, allowing for intuitive communication and cooperation.

3. Three Spirit Puppets: Puppets are sophisticated automatons, used for both combat and other tasks. They have several functionalities.

Combat Skill: Puppets are programmed with advanced combat techniques, being able to be used as bodyguards or reinforcements in battle.

Versatility: They can be configured to perform various tasks, such as reconnaissance, defense, or even manual labor.

Remote Control: The master can control them mentally or via a special device, allowing them to operate even remotely.

4. Teleport Ring: An artifact that allows its user to instantly teleport to a predefined location. This can be vital for escaping imminent dangers or for fast travel.]

These rewards are much greater than I imagined. This investment is more than profitable.

[ Master also notes that each puppet linked to the master will have the same level of culture as the master.]

Which means that if I become a martial dominator, my family will have three martial dominators within it. That's wonderful.

Meanwhile, the cultivators began to gather the wounded and prepare for their return to Yan City. Marquis Yang ordered that the Qiongqi debris be examined, and any artifacts or clues recovered. Yun Tian, ​​although tired, set about helping the others gather resources and secure the area.

"It's time to go back," Marquis Yang said after several hours. "We must let the rest of the county know of our victory and mourn our dead."

As they left the forest, a feeling of relief mixed with heightened alertness. The county had been saved, but at what cost? And what other threats could still arise?

As the remaining group of cultivators left aboard the warship approaching Yan City, a gap formed in the void above the battlefield. A black fissure tore open, and four demonic figures emerged from it, their sinister forms contrasting with the luminous remains of the Qiongqi.

"What happened here?" one of the demons hissed, his raspy voice echoing through the air. "The little demonic beast that we met a millennium ago and to whom we gave our blood has been defeated."

Another demon, larger and more imposing, approached the remains of Qiongqi. "Something powerful must have intervened. Our plans to cultivate this beast and devastate this region are dashed."

The first demon, his eyes glowing malevolently, whispered, "We must investigate. Find the one who dared to challenge our power and destroy him. Humans must not think themselves invincible."

Another in the air next to the first spoke. "Calm down. We must think first before we act. We always operate in the wrong way, which is why humans always manage to get the upper hand over us."

The demon who was examining the battle scene was surprised. "From what I can sense, this demon beast transformed into Qiongqi after becoming a calamity beast. However, she was killed by an attack."

The fourth demon who was in the air with the others spoke: "It's impossible! That means there is a martial dominator in such a remote place?"

The third demon began to think. "Not long ago, I ate a human in a realm called Rising Sun. Based on the memories I was able to extract from this human by eating it, the county we are currently in is Yunzhu County, which is not a vassal to the Kingdom of the Rising Sun. Furthermore, it has been several thousand years since a dominator not appeared in this region."

"So there are two possible hypotheses. Either the humans used training or they used a natural treasure or dharma powerful enough to kill her in one hit. Since the laws of this area have not been changed so they did not use a training but a dharma or natural treasure." Said the demon examining the body.

The others were thoughtful when one of them broke the silence. "Anyway, there's no point in tiring yourself out thinking. This isn't the only demonic beast we've given our blood to. And our plan will not change because of his death. Let's go, what's done is done anyway."

The demons scattered, their forms merging into the void shattered by one of them.

Meanwhile, in Yan City, tension was rising. Farmers' families waited anxiously for news, praying for the return of their loved ones. The sentries posted on the city walls scanned the horizon, hoping to see the first signs of the victorious troop.

Suddenly, cheers rose from the top of the ramparts. "They're coming back! The cultivators are back!"

A warship, majestic and imposing, appeared on the horizon, its sails spread to the wind. County banners flew proudly, announcing victory. The gates of the city opened, and a joyful crowd rushed to welcome the heroes.

The farmers stood at the front, their faces marked with exhaustion but lit with a sense of triumph. Behind them, Marquis Yang and the other cultivators followed, carrying the wounded and remains of those who had fallen in battle.

"Lord Yang!" the crowd shouted, their voices mixing in a cacophony of joy and gratitude. "Thank you for saving us!"

The farmers were greeted with hugs and tears of joy. The injured were immediately tended to by the city's healers, and an impromptu celebration began, marking the end of the Qiongqi threat.

Marquis Yang climbed onto an improvised platform to address the crowd. "Citizens of Yan, today we have triumphed in the face of an unimaginable threat. Thanks to the courage and determination of our cultivators, we have defeated the calamity beast. But we must remain vigilant. Other dangers may yet threaten us. threaten."

Yun Tian, ​​although exhausted, felt a surge of pride upon seeing the smiles and grateful faces of the life inhabitants. He knew this wasn't the last battle, but for tonight they could celebrate a hard-won victory.

"Well it will soon be time to go home! I can't wait to see my wife and daughter again. Besides, Ji Xue is about to give birth."