Rue Achlys: Falling

When class was over: Nohan, Mia, and Ryuuji went out shopping and eventually started walking to a restaurant. Asking for a burger, They sat down as they waited for their food. Talking about their day. Sadly enough they picked a busy restaurant, not that they had a choice. So it was taking forever to get their food.

"Hey guys, i'll be back.'' Nohan suggested that everyone go to the bathroom beforehand but no one listened.

"Why?" Ryuuji asked as Mia stared out the window at the beautiful sunset.

"I have to go to the bathroom, BRB" Nohan walked away from his table and headed towards the strangely empty bathroom. He opened the door and locked it. Eventually after washing his hands he saw a sheet of paper hidden behind the mirror. He reached back and grabbed it from the mirror showing a bounty for $500, to kill an Awakened roaming the streets nearby, Nosan in his head urging him to take the paper.

Mia sat at the table with Ryuuji wondering where Nohan went.

"This is the last time I will be able to have some good quality time with you before I go…" he kept looking out the window as a tear streamed down his cheek. Without a regret Mia hugged Ryuuji. 

"Thanks for being my friend… Ryu" Ryuuji nods.

"Yeah… I'll see ya later"

[The next morning]

Mia, Aisuru, and Ryuuji stand in a Terminal at the airport.

"We'll miss you!" tears streaming down Ryuuji's face. Mia looked at his dad who was almost in tears. He gave his dad a big tight hug.

"I'll see you at the end of summer break…" There was a moment of silence.

"Dad…" he broke the hug as he reached over his head and pulled up his hood. Before he started walking away and joining the crowd. Then a loud shout from his dad.

"I LOVE YOU!" his dad shouted as he finally boarded the plane with a final nod to his dad.

He walked down the massive halls inside the airport, so of course he didn't know where to go. And to make it worse; he had a crowd of people following him, but at this point he was used to it. He looked to the ceiling to get a simple idea of where he was. He wore a mask over his mouth contrasting his short blonde hair with a rat-tail.

"Terminal G…? huh, I'm supposed to be at terminal C... Man…" He turned around to head back for the main lobby when he bumped into someone. He looked down at the kid standing in front of him who seemed to be of high school age.

"Hey kid, you good?" He stepped back to get out of his way.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but are you?" He stood back up from the floor with help from the man.

"No, I just can't seem to find terminal C" He looked at the lobby then back at the high schooler. The tips of the teens' Black hair turned slightly red.

"Oh, i'll show you, why?" He asked the man only then realizing who it was.

"I need to pick up my student, who just came from the US" He rubbed the back of his neck then put his hand in his pocket.

"Your AWA agent; King, wasn't expecting to see you today" He smiled as his hair turned back to Black.

"Yeah, that's not important… okay?..." The high schooler nodded as he showed him towards terminal C. eventually making it there, losing the fangroup in the process. The two said their thanks and goodbyes as King sat down in an uncomfortable airport chair. And not even a minute later a crowd was gathered around him. The crowd was able to recognize him even without his Agent gear.

As you would expect and King knows well, they were asking for pictures and autographs. And even through all of his no's he had given them, they wouldn't listen. It really annoyed King about Mina's sense of humor.

"When you get to the airport you'll be looking for a kid with; blue hair, blue eyes, and possibly a hoodie" That's all Mina told him about his new student. So of course he didn't know where to go! He had to ask even the staff where his student would get off. As King sat thinking to himself the announcements went off that his student's flight was debarking from the plane.

As the large crowd pooled from the exit doors King had a hard time distinguishing which one of them was his student. Mia on the other hand knew what he was looking for and instantly recognized his new teacher that had come to pick him up. He struggled to push through the crowd of people he got off the plane with. Eventually coming into sight of his new teacher. As soon as King noticed his students' blue hair from under the hoodie he stood up and started walking through the crowd of fans eventually meeting up with the teen.

"So, are you my student?... I guess?" He didn't know if that was even who he was looking for. The teen looked up at the man for a second and nodded signaling that he was who the Agent was looking for. He grabbed a few bags off the teens back and walked him to his car, the two not talking the entire time. Once they made it to the car there was silence as he packed his luggage into King's trunk. King finally gets mad at the silence.

"Why are you being so quiet!?" He slammed the trunk door jump, scaring Mia who was already getting in the car. King opened his door and jumped in asking once again.

"Answer me… Why are you so quiet?" He looked back at Mia who sighed before finally taking his hood off. Mia's long hair in a bun behind his head.

"I left my home that I lived in since birth, I left my best and only friends, and I'm somewhere that I'm just not used to yet… of course I'm gonna be quiet… I'm sad, I lost everything…'' King started the car and started out the garage, Mia looking out the window, the two not talking for the rest of the drive, well for half an hour at least.