Rank 2 Agent: King

The only real conversation the two had all started when King heard Mia`s stomach growl from the back seat.

"Oi kid, want some food? Anything you wanna try?" He glanced through the rear view mirror at Mia who seemed interested.

"Does it matter… if I try some sushi?" King glanced back slightly at the teen, before bursting into laughter.

"Hahaha! So you're one of those people!" He continued laughing as Mia waited for a response.

"Sure, you can have as much as fills you up, i'm in the mood for sushi anyway!'' The Agent kept laughing as they started driving through a small town then pulling into a sushi restaurant. The man turned the car off as Mia put his hood up, opening the door and stepping out as his teacher counterpart did so too.

"Oi, speaking of; why do you wear that hood?" he looked down at the teen.

"I don't like my appearance… and I've been bullied for it" looking at himself through the reflection of the window for the shop as King put his fists together, setting off a few sparks and popping his joints with the most angry smiley face ever. Mia jolted around and tried to grab the Agents attention, but it didn't work.

"Where are those brats that hurt my student?..." He was once again interrupted by Mia's stomach growling. This stopped the Agent's thoughts in his tracks.

"Let's get you some food…" The two walked in and ordered their food and sat down to wait for it whilst looking out to the sunrise.

"So what are your friends like?" The question grabbed Mia's attention especially coming from the number 2 Agent in Japan who was known for his anger.

"Well there is one whose… no, was my childhood friend… he was very self conscious and had a way of making us laugh when he wasn't trying to… and I had another friend who was ex-military…" Mia looked out the window at the sunrise.

"They seem like nice people…" he smiled at Mia then at the food coming their way.

"...They were…" it was then brought to his attention by the plate of sushi in front of him. The two sat in silence for the rest of their meal, before jumping into the car and driving away. Still in silence. Hours pass as the two still sit in silence. 

After passing through outer Tokyo, there were trees surrounding the road up a hill. A narrow dirt road at that, the twists and turns ended eventually opening up into a dirt turn around with the most beautiful and aesthetically pleasing traditional Japanese mansion with a creek running right under the house. He was stunned and amazed at the pure beauty of the house. He opened the door and got out of the car as he gazed at the house.

"Oi, this is where you will be staying… Got it?" Mia was so caught up in the house's beauty all he could do was nod at his teacher's statement. King then grabbed Mia's arm and walked up to the house letting it go to knock on the door. And the door slid open to show a little toddler. King leaning down to pick up the toddler with blonde hair and red eyes. He dragged Mia in and put the toddler down as another toddler of the same age and appearance ran out and gave the Agent a hug. King broke the hug and stood up 

"Oi Labryce! Come get this idiot!" He then turned around and walked outside, closed the door, and drove away. The two twins jumped and ran around Mia as he put his hood up and started walking through the house with all his luggage eventually reaching the living room. 

The toddlers then ran over to their dad and forced him to stand and turn around to be face to face with their new temporary family member.

"Mia? Correct?" the black man spoke, having short curly black hair, along with black eyes: Mia nodding. He then smiled and Mia could see he was of no harm. He broke his gaze and nodded. Continuing to hide his face from the person with his hood.

"Well hello there, I'm Labryce Daniel, but for now you can call me uncle Labryce... Was King good to you?" He slightly smiled at the shy new member of their family. Mia nodded once again.

"...Th-thank y-y-you,... f-for letting me... l-live here" this statement caused the man who Mia was now supposed to call "uncle Labryce" smiled with slight joy towards Mia.

"Come sit over here with me" Mia's new uncle directed Mia towards the living room which had five chairs and a table. As well as two large couches. Mia was exhausted but he waited for everyone to sit down first before sitting down himself due to the way his dad taught him. There were four total people sitting on the couches. One of them; a girl, had long black hair put up in a braided bun. Sitting beside her was Mia's "uncle". On the second couch were their twins; Both with the same blonde hair and red eyes. Mia looked around and plopped down on the couch, his hood falling off in the process revealing his dark blue eyes and long light blue hair. Not even a second later the twins were going crazy over his appearance.

"WE HAVE AN OLDER BRODER!" The two started jumping on the couch eventually getting stopped by Labryce.

"Are you okay?" asked Mia's uncle towards mia. Mia slightly smiled at the question.

"Yes, I'm fine…" Mia looked over to the man's wife as she introduced herself.

"Hello Mia, my name is Mina Daniel, but you can call me aunt, I am the AWA's principle" she smiled as Mia felt a sense of warmth from her heart, he knew the family meant well, and that he could trust them. Mia's uncle then stood up and showed Mia to his current room, along the way uncle Labryce told Mia about himself, and how he wanted me to prepare for heaertbreak while working as an Agent, eventually making it to a room at the end of the hallway.

"This… is where you'll be staying" he slowly opened the door to the room; the room was double the size of his original and had a quiet calming feel about it. There were two windows: each looking out into beautiful wilderness.