Introducing: Daiki Takao

Mia stepped in the room and all of his pain and aching disappeared with the beauty of the small room. He walked in and put his bags on the floor in awe of the room. Uncle Labryce saw this and walked out and closed the door. Mia put his luggage on the small mattress that was laying on the ground and started unpacking, first with his piano, then his guitar. Putting both of them in the far-right corner of the room. Then unpacking his clothes into the closet that was waiting for him. He put up a few posters then a picture of his friends and him in front of the piano he had previously set up. 

Mia sat down on his bed to take in what was happening around him as he heard footsteps coming down the hall. Eventually they stopped in front of the door as the door opened showing Mia's uncle standing in front of it. He came in and sat down beside him.

"I see you got unpacked already?'' Mia looked around trying not to look in the man's eyes.

"Yeah…" the two sat in silence as the man mentioned dinner.

"Don't forget dinner is almost done. I'll be waiting" the man pointed towards the piano that was plugged into the wall, embarrassing Mia. Mia jolted his face away from his uncle, but the man was able to tell as Mia's face was red in embarrassment. 

Walking out of the room and closing the door. Mia flopped backwards on his bed and sighed as a tear fell down his cheek. He jolted up when the oven buzzer went off from the kitchen. He whipped his eyes and shook his head violently then stood up and headed towards the kitchen where he sat at the pre-setup table with a towel and a fork on one side of the towel and a knife on the other. The family places the plates with food on the towels before sitting down and praying over the meal. Mia didn't know what was happening, so he bowed his head and pretended to pray.

"Ok, Mia? Eat as much as you want'' Mia nodded as they started digging into the meal sitting in front of them. Noone talked to each other causing silence, with the only audible sounds being the family scraping their forks against the plate trying to pick up the food. Mina then puts her fork and knife down.

"Hey Mia, when you're done, come to my room… 'kay?" She smiled at Mia who nodded as he continued stuffing his face with food. Mia finished before the others and thanked them for the meal. He stayed at the table and waited for everyone else to finish before he got out of his chair. 

He looked around and out to the garden and walked out on the walkway where he stood gazing into the beauty. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He jumped out of his skin when Mina tapped on his shoulder from behind.

"They're done cleaning up, let's register you into the AWA" She smiled as Mia turned around to look at the pro.

"What exactly do I have to do?" The two stared at each other before the Agent snickered. She walked him down the walkway beside the garden with the house on the other side. 

"Well, we need your contact information as well as medical, and we need you to design your Agent costume" Mia looks up at her.

"Agent… Costume?" Mina smiles.

"Yup, we don't want you all fighting in suits and ties now do we?" They eventually make it to a room with a sliding door leading into a completely wood paneled room. 

Mina sitting down in a spinning chair behind her desk, a window looking outside behind her. Mia sat down in the chair and instantly became relaxed in its softness. She smiled as she slid a form his way. 

"Fill some of these out for me, will ya?" He started filling the form out with his signatures, his dads were pre-signed. Mia only stopped when he kept seeing claws holding the edge of the window seal, then disappearing. Mina didn't notice this but acted differently than before Mia noticed the claws. Mia had already finished but didn't want to move from the comfort of his chair, Creati having to convince him to actually move from the chair. 

"Thank you for signing those" Mia nods and waves a temporary goodbye and grabbed the door leading out just. Mia felt something appear within Gyro. He jolted around to see a man who seemed of un-human proportion. He was around six foot eight, via random estimate by Mia. His arms were long, and he had pitch black eyes. His long black and gold hair did not help any. He looked around as Mina started smiling.

"Don't worry Mia, I'm fine you can go" The man looked around as if he had done something wrong.

"Did I come at a bad time?" He looked at the principal who responded without haste.

"Oh no you didn't, actually you're just on time... Daiki Takao" Mia closed the door hoping to give the two their privacy. He walked down the wooden side platform that connected all of the rooms from the middle with a garden in the center. He turned the corner with a sliding door to his right. 

He closed the door behind him and sat down in a chair in front of his piano. He leaned over, almost hitting his head on the base of the piano as he plugged it into the wall behind it. 

He spread his fingers across the keys and started playing; losing himself in the softness of the patterns coming from the instrument, he tapped the keys in a soft, yet fast manor. The sounds combined to make it all surreal, it sounded of beautiful cherry trees in the spring. He wasn't thinking, he was just playing. 

This surreal reality broke to pieces when sounds of footsteps on boards sounded from outside the room. He stopped playing and fell off his stool rushing to unplug the instrument. He jolted back up as the door slid open. Labryce standing behind it.

"That was beautiful, Mia" he smiled and tilted his head, Mia noticing his face covered in sweat. He stood up and walked over to the man standing in the doorway.

"Are you okay? you're covered in sweat?" Labryce kept smiling as Mia took a step back not knowing what to expect from the man.

"Wanna train with me?" His smile then disappeared as his face took on that of an Agent who had seen stuff that none had ever imagined. In fear, all Mia could do was accept the man's request for a match.