Mia Ikati VS Toshinori Mari

"Itsumi Mari is the victor… Please exit at the closest gate" Itsumi steps back and extends his hand.

"Great fight man…" Ryuuji takes it as Itsumi helps him off the field. Making it back to the foyer in front of the teachers. The second teacher pulled out the clipboard again.

"So… next up is… Mia Ikati and Toshinori Mari" Everyone started whispering as Mia took the first step as did toshi. The two teachers seemed interested in the match-up. Mia walked out onto the field. Feeling the pressure of his classmates watching him. He found a location surrounded by dense pipes. The buzzer sounded, and Mia planted his feet. Everything was silent for a minute. But then the pipes around him suddenly started heating up rapidly. Some pipes started melting and collapsing as others withstood the immense heat. 

Mia heard footsteps off in the distance and put his hands out in front of him. He leaned down, swinging his arms back and bending his knees as far as he could. The gravity turned to 0 as he released it all jumping straight up into the sky, seemingly flying before falling back down landing on the pipes. 

He jumped forward landing on the pipes then jumping off mimicking a cat. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Toshi sending a fire beam towards him. Mia flips around and puts his hands out, catching the fire beam. He re-directs it and falls down towards the ground, shattering the ground around him when he lands. 

"Hey! That was close!" He jumps towards Toshi and pulls his fist back igniting it in his blue flame. Toshi swings his arm down and creates a wall of fire to block Mia. Mia punches the wall of fire breaking through it with ease, before landing on the ground and appearing behind him hand to his neck. Both of them were breathing heavily as the buzzer rang.

"Match over, Mia Ikati is the winner" The class cheered as Mia held out his hand.

"Good match, Mari" he smiled but Toshi frowned at him.

"Don't call me by my last name, you'll get me and my brother mixed up, call me Toshi" he took his hand and shook it.

"Call me Mia" the two nodded and walked out the rest of the class and exited the field via the gates. The class was still clapping as the two returned to their original positions.

"Good job Ikati and Toshi… Next up is Nokuna Monuta VS Sakisa Fuki" The two nod and walk onto the field. Nokuna smiles and cracks his knuckles. 

A loud buzzer rings out as the two run full speed at each other. Nokuna goes to punch Sakisa but she dodges. Lunging forward and touching his shirt. His shirt reverted to a pile of cloth. She stumbles past as Nokuna turns around. A well defined 6 pack and muscular arms as she blushes. Nokuna takes the opportunity to pin her to the ground.

"Nokuna Monuta is the winner… Please exit the field at the closest gate…" Nokuna helps Sakisa up. The two exit the field as Nokuna walks up to Mia giving him a fist bump.

"Next match is Oshira Kazja vs Maito Akido" Maito smiles sadistically as Oshira seems nervous.

The two stand on opposite sides of the field as a loud buzzer goes off. In an instant several explosions ring across the field just like King's. Oshira nervously looks around as the ground shakes. Maito falling from above, stopping his fall with an explosion. Oshira looks around, unable to see as a sharp spike of hair lands beside him.

"What-" The hair glows before exploding sending Oshira into a wall. The class in disbelief as the smoke clears. Maito standing there confidently. His very sharp, pointy, red hair seemingly glowing in the sun. A maniacal smile on his face as steam rises from his hands.

"It's that really your best effort?" Another buzzer goes off.

"The winner is Maito Akido… Please exit at the closest gate." Maito walks out of the field and pasta Mia. Mia is sweating from his pure presence.

"Next up is Fuyuno Toketsu VS Yu Kirishima" Mia and Ryuuji watch in shock as a giant muscular man walks onto the field beside a small petite girl with long white hair.

Fuyuno's eyes were ice blue in comparison to her long straight hair. Yu was a giant with spiky dark red hair. A Loud buzzer sounds as Yu jumps forward. Punching Fuyuno who blocks with an ice shield. 

She slams her foot on the ground as Yu's foot freezes to the ground. Covering her fists in ice and punching Yu in the stomach before he could react. The humble giant falling to the ground unable to move. Fuyuno exhales cold air and looks up.

"Don't underestimate us girls now…" Ryuuji smirks as a buzzer goes off.

"Fuyuno Toketsu is the winner… Please exit at the closest gate"

Fuyuno walks out the gate and high fiving another girl with large eyes and short black hair.

"Next up is Anumu Yami VS Studaku Itsumenai" The two girls walk onto the field and stand opposite each other. A loud buzzer rings as Anumu jumps forward. Studaku doesn't wait and catches her by the head and whispers into her ears.

"You. will. always. Loose." She puts Anumu down as she falls to her knees.

"I surrender…" Everyone is in disbelief as Studaku turns around and starts walking off the field.

"The winner is Studaku Itsumenai… Please exit at the closest gate…" Everyone's tensions are high as Studaku exits the field.

"Next up is Fugiwarina Iida VS Deiki Ikeda" Mia looks around as several birds fly overhead. The birds enter the field and turn into a short stubby boy who turns around to face Fugiwarina. A buzzer goes off as Deiki points at Iida. birds swarming around Iida as he runs out of the field.

"Deiki Ikeda is the winner… Please exit at the closest gate" Deiki turns to the class and walks back into the crowd slightly spooking Mia and Ryuuji.

"Okay… Only two fights left… Next up is Yamashi Inadou VS Yosu Shinka"