
"Okay… Only two fights left… Next up is Yamashi Inadou VS Yosu Shinka" A girl with long brown hair and hazel eyes runs past Mia with a smile. Mia is slightly shocked as his heart thumps. Another boy opposite the field.

A buzzer goes off as Yosu bolts across the field really fast as her deer ears twitch. Jumping up to kick away one of Yamashi's black floating balls. She turns around and kicks another away. Jumping up really high and spotting Yamashi. She lands on a pipe and bolts at him. Yamashi sends another black ball as Yosu kicks it into the ground. Mia's shocked as Yosu jumps forward then up and spinning around. Kicking Yamashi in the side. Yamashi falling to the ground.

"Winner is Yosu Shinka… Please exit at the closest gate" Yosu walks out of the field and looks at Mia. Mia notices as she blushes and walks away quickly. Ryuuji smirking.

"And lastly… Horiyamiya Kojiya VS Koshina Karuto VS Tenshi Jundo" The three look at each other. The buzzer goes off as Tenshi covers his face with his wings.

"I-I give up!" there's silence as Tenshi runs off the field. Horiyamiya and Koshina shrugging at each other. The two running at each other. Everything becomes really dark as Horiyamiya can't see anything. Koshina jumping out and hitting him. Horiyamiya grabbing out some paper and drawing a shield. The paper turns into a life size version as he blocks her next attack and hitting her back. Koshina sliding back as the illusion breaks. Horimiya jumps forward and hits her with a bat he drew.

"The winner is Horiyamiya Kojiya… Please exit at the closest gate…"

The bell rang for one of -if not- the final time that afternoon, all the students in their homeroom. He was sitting alone at his desk, head down talking with Ryuuji.

"Mia, you were so strong… you been training?" he smiled as Mia sat up from having his head down.

"Yeah, actually, I've been training with Agent; Pole and a strange guy named 'Requiem' that I met when I first came here to japan" He leaned against the back of his chair looking up to the ceiling.

"Wow, really?... getting trained by a top 3 Agent… impressive, no wonder you won against Toshi" he laughed looking around at all the other students, the windows beside them open letting in an abundance of light.

"It wasn't really as easy as I made it out to be…" He looked at Ryuuji who glanced back before leaning his head against the desk and looking out the window.

"Heh, kinda guessed that, you had this expression on your face the entire time that screamed 'ugh, let's finish this difficult battle'" he mimicked Mia's voice and pretended to have cat ears.

"First of all… I don't sound like that… second of all… I'm not a Cat… Im a human…" he looked away Ryuuji laughing.

"You act like one sometimes" Mia exhales then turns around when someone tapped on his shoulder. 

"H-hi, my name is Yosu Shinka…. Nice to meet you Mia Ikati!" She bowed down beside his desk as Mia was surprised and looked at Ryuuji, then back at her.

"N-no need to be so formal, just call me Mia… okay Shinka?" she stood up and nodded.

"O-okay then… nice to meet you Mia" she held out her hand, Mia reluctantly shaking it. A loud bell went off signaling the end of the school day, Mia jumped up to the ceiling in fear. Ryuuji notices Mia. Shinka was surprised.

"Ugh… Mia… you need to stop getting scared by the school bell like that" Mia nodded and let go of the ceiling tile and landed on the ground in front of Shinka.

"Come on Ryuuji-" he wasn't able to finish what he was saying as King stood up at the front of the room.

"Before you idiots leave this room, we at the AWA Facility want you to acknowledge the fact you will be moving into the dorms tomorrow evening… have a good day I guess…" he grabbed his Agent costume suitcase and exited the room, some students muttered about it. Others follow close behind the hero. They walked down the hall as Mia found concern in the decision for the dorms. He catches up with the Agent just as they make the elevators.

"Mr. Akido… why are we going to be living in the dorms?" Ryuuji managed to enter the elevator before the door closed. There was silence in the elevator until King answered his question.

"Don't get on me for it, it was the principal's decision… we do it to protect our students…" he looked at Mia then at Ryuuji.

"It's our job to… isn't it?" Both of them nodded at the statement. The rest of the elevator ride was silent until they reached the first floor. Mr. Akido exited and put his foot in front of the door so it wouldn't close on them, only moving his foot when they exited the elevator. He walked off without a word leaving Ryuuji and Mia by themselves in the elevator lobby.

"Well… that was awkward…" Ryuuji glanced down at Mia as King continued walking away.

"You can say that again Mia… so awkward" the two stared at each other then burst out laughing. They gave each other a handshake.

"Can't wait to see what the future has for us here at AWA Ryuuji!" Ryuuji smiled and let go before walking past Mia.

"Neither can I, see you at the dorms!" He laughed and walked away, Mia turned towards the entrance of the AWA building and made his way home.