Defeat & promise

"You guys are really strong!" Sunu pulled his fist back and punched Maito in the face, sending him flying. Nokuna turns to Sunu and tries to shoot a water beam at him but gets punched into Horiyamiya. Toshi and Itsumi look at each other and smile, taking a step forward. Sakise and Oshira are still helping Mia out of the sand. 

Toshi clenched his fists as fire swirled around his hands, as Itsumi did the same with his aura. Sunu smiled as Toshi ran left and Itsumi ran to the right, going to punch him from both sides simultaneously. They pull their fists back and punch as Sunu seemingly falls straight down making them punch each other. Sunu starts jumping around and smiles.

"Is this all you guys got?" suddenly a fire beam comes from nowhere and hits Sunu directly. It gets quiet among the class as Mia takes several steps and stands in front of everyone else. Mia puts his mask up over his mouth and gets ready to fight.

"No, that was only a sample" the smoke cleared as parts of Sunu's body were gone and a bit burned but slowly returning to normal. Mia clenches his fists and leans forward, fire pouring from the soles of his shoes. Small pebbles around him start to float as Yosu watches in anticipation. 

Mia looks straight at Sunu who seems excited. Mia seemingly disappearing and reappearing beside Sunu with his fist pulled back and engulfed in fire, he plunges his fist forward managing to get a hit on him before flying face first into a wall. Sunu blinks a little bit as the smoke clears and Mia stands up.

"Are you okay?" Mia doesn't respond and runs forward for another attack, Sunu managing to dodge it and kicking him away.

"Wow, he's tough, he could be a real monster in the future" Mia stands up and starts attacking Sunu relentlessly, his eyes a determined stare.

"I stick with what I just said" Mia goes in for another attack, coating it in fire and swinging back, winding up his punch. Sunu gets ready to block the attack when Mia suddenly stops in his tracks and collapses to the ground. Sunu looks up and in a building in the distance is an injured Judan and an unconscious Oku. Sunu smiles as King slowly walks forward towards the group.

"And just when I was starting to think this class was strong enough" he sighed as the students all proceeded to stand up.

"If you guys are able to stand up when I come on the scene, then you can be like Mia and stand up over and over. The essence of being an Agent is risking your life so others can live" Mia slowly starts standing back up again as Maito watches from the side. He grits his teeth and looks away.

"Now, tomorrow we will be heading to a location off campus with some other teachers, don't do anything stupid" the class nods and agrees as Yosu helps Mia up. Mia is a bit embarrassed. Mia looking at King who's looking at the class.

"Now, this is only your first class today, get going or you will be late to your 2nd class" Mia's shocked as he remembers. He turns around and apologizes and jumps away leaving the class behind. Everyone follows close behind.

Days pass by as they soon take up training at the new and improved SSUDSJ. They step off of the bus in front of the facility.

"Welcome back to the Super Secret Unforeseen Disaster Simulation Joint" there was a silence with the over complicated name.

"You can call it- as stated before- The SSUDSJ… today we will be doing Rescue training with the assistance of Rank 12 Koja'' Mia gets confused trying to remember what he looked like as he's still unaware of all the Japanese Agents. Koja walks forward from inside the facility. He looks around and points inside before turning around and walking in.

Koja walks forward from inside the facility. He looks around and points inside before turning around and walking in. class 1-A following him inside. The class stops and looks around the facility.

"Okay you class of idiots, Koja will be helping you. There are dummies in each of the different training spaces you can see. You will be split into groups and spread out among the sections. With the group you get, you have to rescue the dummy from its precarious situation. If you're stuck or have any questions ask Koja who will gladly help" the class looks around. Mia's attention brought straight to the domed locations.

"The first group is Mia Ikati, Nokuna Monata, Sakise Fuki, and Oshira Kazju. You will report to the downpour storm zone… next group is Maito Akido, Itsumi Mari, Toshinori Mari, and Fuyuno Toketsu in the Flood Zone… next is Yu Kirishima, Anumu Yami, Studaku Itsumenai, and Fugiwarina Iida in the Conflagration Zone… Tensei Shibura, Ryuuji Hakao, Akio Shimura, and Deiki Ikeda in the mountain Zone… Yamashi Inadou… Katsuro Inoshiyama… He's not in this class anymore actually… Yosu Shinka, and Hiroyamiya Kojiya go to the landslide Zone… and finally Koshina Karuto and Tenshi Jundo are going to the Ruin Zone" they all looked around and moved to stand beside their group members. Mia stands with Nokuna, Sakise, and Oshira. King pointed each of the groups towards their specified starting location. Mia's group stopped in front of the downpour zones entrance.