Downpour Zone

"Well, it's good to have you all on my team, I hope we can deal with this safely and swiftly" Mia smiled as Sakise returned his smile.

"I hope we can be of use to the most powerful student in the class" she chuckled a bit before looking away. Nokuna looking at Mia.

"So, what's the plan captain?" Mia jumps a bit at both of their statements as he didnt mean to become team captain.

"O-oh" he paused a bit. "I guess we will get a survey of the location and determine the places the dummy would most likely be stuck." Nokuna looked at Oshira who was turned around being his usual quiet self.

"So what then?" Mia looks at Sakise.

"I hope this doesn't fail… divide and conquer… me and Oshira can go to the most likely places, Sakise and Nokuna… you two can go together and cover the unmarked locations" Nokuna slowly nodded.

"Put the weak ones with the strong ones… I like it" Sakise gets a bit agitated.

"Hey, Im Not Weak!" Nokuna blushes a bit and looks away as Sakise realizes and looks away. Mia chuckled a bit. The door slowly opens as Mia puts up his hood and is the first to enter. He ran to the side of a building putting his hands down as a foothold.

"Be prepared to fly!" they could barely hear Mia over the sound of the downpour. Nokuna was reluctant but stepped forward. He put his foot in Mia's foothold and rested his hands on his shoulder. 

Mia launches Nokuna into the air, landing him on top of the building. He looked down and nodded at the other two. After a minute Mia helped launch both a reluctant Oshira and nervous Sakise on top of the tall building. Sakise wondered how he would make it up. He leaned down swinging his arms back and jumping up easily making it to the building's roof. Sakise wasn't even surprised.

"Nokuna, Look around for the most likely places!" still barely able to hear him, they did so and spotted an obvious location. 

"Over there Mia" Mia heard him and closed his eyes, everything around Mia slowing down as he listened.

"I hear it, thanks Nokuna! Come on Oshira!" Mia jumps away at high speed, Oshira struggling to keep up. The rain was inhibiting their vision and hearing as they made it to the desired location. Mia realizes he forgot about communication but moved forward anyway. He had Oshira stand to the side and prepare as he looked around identifying the dummy. A big grin comes across his face. Only similar to that of the bounty hunter that was recognized by the governments of the world as a global threat. 

He looked around unsure of the injuries the Dummy might have sustained. He looked to the left and right before calling Oshira over. Oshira had to scream over the rain.

"What do you need Mia?" Mia looks up at him as the rain slows down, eventually stopping and reversing going up.

"Help me lift this concrete!" Oshira gives him a blank stare before looking at the collapsed concrete wall. He leaned down and got prepared. Oshira was nervous but was going to give his all. Pretending it was actually someone trapped under the concrete

"Go on 3!" Mia slowly counted up as they prepared. Mia turned gravity down to 0 so it was easier to lift. They barely lift the concrete up enough for Oshira to reach under and grab the dummy, moving it out allowing Mia to finally drop the slab. They looked at each other taking deep breaths as a buzzer went off and a speaker blared.

"Good Job you two, you all did well in this exercise, now… the other groups are almost finished. Make your way out the front gate and wait for more instructions there" the rain and wind slows down enough that the group can reunite together and exit the dome building. They stand outside waiting.

"Wow Mia, guess Sakise was right, you are the strongest in the class" Mia jumps a bit.

"Uh… I… i'm not anywhere near the strongest. I couldn't have lifted the concrete slab and saved the dummy without Oshira's help" he looked at Oshira who quickly lowered his hat to cover his eyes. Mia and Nokuna laughed and Sakise playfully punched Oshira.

"I.. I… was just… doing what… an Agent would" he turned to look away as Mia had a soft grin.

"And you did just that Oshira" they all chuckled a bit as a buzzer went off and Koja came on the announcements.

"You all did really well on your first rescue exercise, now follow the bird I sent for you to your next location" they all looked at each other as a small blackbird came down flapping its wings before landing atop Oshira's hat. 

"So that's the bird who will guide us aye?" Sakise smiles, having remembered Nokuna when he was in high school. The bird flapping its wings starts flying away from the group.