Flood and Conflagration zones!

"So that's the bird who will guide us aye?" Sakise smiles, having remembered Nokuna when he was in high school. The bird flapping its wings starts flying away from the group. of 4 who have to run to keep up with it. They eventually make it to the next space. 'The Flood Zone' they all wave as the bird flies away. They all looked around as they stood on the very edge of the flood zone.

"So this is the flood zone huh?" Mia focused on the water. A bit hesitant.

"I guess so" Nokuna replied excitedly and pumped up from the last Zone.

"I'll go check the boat, Nokuna, mind checking underwater?" he looked at Nokuna who returned the look.

"Uh, I should be able to, yeah… what about Sakise and Oshira?" Mia turned to look at Sakise and Oshira who were looking around.

"They can come with me, help me search the ship" Nokuna smiled and chuckled a bit as Sakise and Oshira turned to look.

"So, me and Oshira are coming with you Mia?" Mia smiled and agreed with Sakise but in the back depths of his mind he was a little nervous about the water surrounding the whole thing. He turns around and looks at the Zone before violently shaking his head to forget his thoughts.

"Are you guys ready?" Nokuna stepped up beside Mia and smiled.

"I could ask you the same question Mia" Mia took a deep breath and nodded.

"Lets go guys" everyone taking a step and all agreeing in sync. Kota took a deep breath and jumped into the water like an olympic diver as Mia turned to Sakise and Nokune.

"Do you two wanna do this safely and slowly… or fast and reckless?" Sakise looked at Nokuna before looking back at Mia.

"Who knows what trouble the citizen is in, let's do this swiftly and safely" Mia nodded before thinking a bit and looking at the two holding his arms out horizontally.

"Hold on, hold on tight" Sakise and Oshira were a bit nervous but grabbed his arms as Mia leaned down to the best of his ability and used a gyro to launch them towards the ship. Sakise manages to land on the ship but Oshira doesn't land properly as Mia lands on the deck beside them.

"Search every square inch… if there is a location you can't get into then notify me" they nodded as they all went their separate ways. Mia goes to the under section of the small boat and starts looking. He looks under a few pipes and in a few boxes that probably shouldn't be there. He kept looking until Sakise came to the door for the steps.

"Mia, Nokuna's back with the dummy!" Mia walks over to the steps and looks up at her.

"I wasn't expecting that… but I probably should have" he chuckled a bit as he jogged up the stairs and out onto the main deck where Oshira and Sakise had managed to help him on board. Mia walked straight to Nokuna.

"Are you okay Nokuna?" he leaned down as Nokuna leaned forward and stood up to his full height. Nokuna coughs a bit before looking at Mia and smiling.

"Yeah I'm fine… I wasn't expecting them to put a dummy underwater like that" he laughed a bit as Mia smiles. Mia held his arms out letting Oshira and Sakise grab on and throwing them back to land where Koja was waiting. 

Mia looks at Nokuna who jumps into the water as the soles of Mia shoes starts smoking as he launches forward and starts falling to the water and touching it and momentarily running on it before losing balance and starting to fall but managing to make it to the ground on the other side at the same time that Nokuna did.

"Hello young students, I see you're doing well so far?" Nokuna smiled as the group looked at each other before turning back to Koja.

"Well, anything you wanna ask or anything you can improve on yet?" Nokuna stepped forward first.

"Well, I wanna be better at controlling myself underwater and lasting longer underwater" Koja nodded and looked at the other three. Mia taking his initiative.

"I need to get better at locating potential locations for citizens to possibly be trapped… I… wanna do everything faster than I am right now" Nokuna turned to look at Mia as did Oshira and Sakise.

"Well, it's good that you have an end goal in sight for yourself… Oshira? Sakise?" Sakise took a deep breath.

"I wanna be able to use my Ability for rescue and defense purposes" Koja smiled while looking at her.

"Now all you have to do is work for those goals you've set for yourself, and once you've reached them, set another more difficult goal" they all looked at him before nodding and speaking simultaneously 

"Yes sir!" Koja nodded before starting to look away.

"The next zone… or the Conflagration Zone is over that way" 

they start on their way to the next Zone but Mia noticing that Koja seemed suspicious and sending animals for research. Mia turned to look back at his group.

"Thank you guys for the help" Nokuna and Sakise look at each other

"I mean, yeah, of course we would." Oshira gave an insecure smile and looked down, not able to bring himself to look at Sakise or Mia.

"Other than that, i'm not sure how to deal with the next zone" Mia rubbed his arm as Sakise leaned forward.

"What? The conflagration zone?" Mia chuckled a bit and agreed.

"Yeah, how do we deal with that? I've got myself covered, but I'm not sure just how well you guys can survive in that insane heat" Mia looked at them as Sakise frowned.

"Are you underestimating us Mia?" Mia is taken aback and opens his mouth to speak but gets stopped as Oshira speaks up.

"Why not have Nokuna cover us in a thin layer of water?" Nokuna gets surprised and grits his teeth.

"Why don't we just deal with it our own way huh!?" Mia and Sakise look at each other and chuckle a bit as Oshira takes a step farther back from the group. They all stopped in front of the same massive dome as was surrounding the downpour zone, but this time with fire instead of water or rain.

"How about you guys just stay within gyro's perimeter? Then I can protect you from the heat." Sakise smiles and runs up beside Mia as Nokuna gets jealous and Oshira stands beside Mia.

"Let's do this guys" Mia takes the first step as the door to the dome opens. They walk in as Sakise, Nokuna, and Oshira all start walking shoulder to shoulder right beside Mia.

"Y-you know that… you know we don't have to walk shoulder to shoulder, you can spread out just a bit… right?" Sakise looked at Mia a bit surprised before scooting to the side a bit as Nokuna and Oshira followed suit. The makeshift buildings around them engulfed in flame.

"Okay, how are we gonna find the dummy?" They all looked at each other before jumping at the sound of someone screaming from a distance.

"No one but us should be in here… who was that?" They started looking around.

"I'm not sure, but i'm nervous now" from a distance they could hear talking

"Hey! I found the new group of students" Mia looked up and pushed the other three away as 4 men and one lady landed on the ground in front of them. Mia taking initiative and stepping forward.

"Who are you guys!? What are you doing here!?" Nokuna looks around for any other people as the group of 5 continue.

"Oh, this group is full of feisty ones. This will be interesting" the girl of which was talking launched forward and punched Sakise into a burning building. The other four men launch ranged beam attacks. Mia grabs Oshira and dodges but Nokuna doesnt dodge in time and gets hit. Mia turns to look at Nokuna.

"NOKUNA!" he turned back to the men, one of which was in front of his face and punched Mia into the ground. Mia catches the man on fire and manages to escape. The girl returns to the men's side causing Mia to jolt his head to Sakise who's laying on the ground unconscious. He rushes over but gets stopped by one of the men who coats him in a blanket of water. Mia can't breathe as Oshira appears from nowhere and punches the man out of the way freeing Mia.

"Thanks Oshira, let's end this fight" he grits his teeth as he turns to the group.