AWA Bounties

King and Koja are talking as the lights start flickering. King turns around at the lobby and grits his teeth as a group of Villains bust into the facility through the glass ceiling. 

"Kod- Koja! There's villains going after the students, our goal should be dealing with them and protecting the students, I'll deal with the main group! GO!" he grits his teeth as hundreds of birds and creatures enter the facility. King uses his explosions and launches down the flight of stairs at high speed and landing using an explosion to launch him towards the group of Villains. He dodges one attack and spins around kicking a villain into the air and setting off a massive explosion. He launches up into the air and puts his hand out as his hand glows.

"Cluster Nuke" Several massive explosions go off the size of a medium sized skyscraper. He stays in the air for a few seconds from the shockwaves. He eventually lands on the ground as the smoke clears and a large several meter tall bull human hybrid walks out from the smoke.

"So you're the leader of this gang of off the barrel villains you Idiot?" the bull-human exhales as smoke pours from his mouth. He leans down into a position similar to that of a raging bull. King gritting his teeth once more as sweat drips down his forehead. He smiles and prepares for the attack.

"Come at me you BULL!" The Bull, now a big muscular Bull several meters tall, launches forward with immense force towards the Agent. King grabbing the horns and sliding back as he grins and looks up a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"Cluster MOUNTAIN!" he tenses up as the air around him starts sparking. 

The ground freezes beneath the villain's feet in the landslide zone as Fuyuno breathes out cold air. Maito steps forward trying not to slip on the ice.

"Is this all you puny villains got!? I could slap you in the face and kill you… weak" the only villain left standing slips on the ice as Maito gets closer to him.

"If you did that you wouldn't be better than a villain yourself" Maito stops in front of the villain and laughs a little bit.

"I never said I would… I just said I could, now spill… why. are. you. Here?" Itsumi and Toshi watched from the background.

"Yeah, get him Maito!" a massive grin forms on Maito's face as he chuckles a bit and plucks a strand of hair from his head. 

"If you aren't gonna talk, then I guess imma have too" He looked down at the villain whose face is filled with fear as explosions go off in the distance.

"Don't worry, i'm more forgiving than my dad" he planted the hair into the ground beside the villain before standing up and walking away as it glowed before setting off an explosion.

In the ruin zone Yu Kirishima is barely standing as Anumu, Studaku, and Fugiwarina are all laying on the ground unconscious. Yu stands up wobbling a bit. The villain is surprised and smiles as Yu stands up in his full height of 6" 1'

"You aren't… taking me down… that easily… villain!" he stretches out his arms and they turn into assault rifles as he starts violently shooting the villain. One of the bullets hit him in the leg as he collapses and a dark shadowy figure wraps around the villain. Yu turns to look and sees Anumu sitting down and breathing heavily but using shadows.

In the downpour zone Ryuuji dodges a punch and slides away and covers his whole body in armor. He rushes in and gets in a few good hits and dodges other attacks from the villain. 

"I spent the last few weeks training for this moment. From making my armor to be lighter so I can move faster, and making it more dense and hard to break!" The villain swings his sword, Ryuuji blocking it with his armor. He sends the attack away and punches the villain in the face knocking him down. He pinned the villain down. His hair soaking wet. He turns to Shibura and Akio working together to take down the other villains.

"Good job you two!... now… why are you here Villain!?" The villain Ryuuji had pinned down and started laughing maniacally before looking at Ryuuji.

"Don't you know!?... where here for your bounties!" he continued laughing as he punched the villain again.

"We're students! We don't have Bounties!" Deiki walks up beside Ryuuji with a skunk on his shoulder.

"It's common knowledge to all bounty hunters that anyone that's an AWA trainee has a starting bounty of $500,000!, especially those bratty 1-A students!"