battle of the classes!

"Me and Mia… are the victors" he was still breathing heavily as he fell to one knee. He takes a few breaths as King walks up to him.

"Itsumi Mari, congratulations… I wasn't sure what I was getting into when I accepted your guys' offer… but I'm glad I accepted it, otherwise I never would have been able to see just how much my students have improved because of me" there was a silence until Itsumi slowly nodded and Ryuuji walked over.

"Thanks… I guess" Ryuuji stands beside Itsumi and grabs his shoulder.

"So… any advice or anything?" King looks around as Toshi sits up rubbing his head and Mia stands up shaking his head.

"Nothing really, for now, just now your limits and what you can't do, work on what you aren't able to instead of what you can… improve the whole playing field and not just the goalie" King turns around and starts walking to the entrance before stopping.

"Oh… class starts in 32 minutes… I expect to see you there… on time for once" Ryuuji nervously laughs as he rubs his head. He turns around as Mia and Toshi are creating a simple hand shake before walking over.

"No wonder you two are the strongest students in the class" Toshi laughed as Itsumi and Mia looked at each other.

"Well, I was barely dodging Ryu, and he almost knocked me out a few times" Ryuuji looks away and chuckles as Toshi looks at him.

"You two are insane. Itsumi you did well" Itsumi blinks before looking away.

"Hmph… you're making me jealous bro" Toshi laughed a bit as Ryuuji sighed.

"But what stumps me is that… during the fight Mia's pupils were literally distorting in shape during our fight" he looked down rubbing his head.

"It kinda scared me" Itsumi and Mia laugh as Toshi nods.

"Same thing with you Itsumi… before I created a fire dome around myself you screamed and were emitting your aura from your whole body instead of just your hands like normally" Itsumi blinked confused.

"Yeah, and his hair was basically glowing during that" Toshi looks over to Mia.

"Hey Mia, I feel like I've seen the way you swing your sword before… it reminds me of someone I can't put my finger on just yet." Ryuuji looks at Mia.

"And since when did you get an actual sword!? The sword you have is so cool!" Mia unlatched it from his belt and handed it to Ryuuji to look at.

"It was my dad's sword when he was an Agent… ever since I was a child I wanted to learn how to use a sword… so when my dad finally retired, he gave it to me, now it's gonna be an official part of my costume" Mia takes his sword back from Ryuuji.

"That's so cool Mia!" Ryuuji smiles as he looks at the time


Itsumi, Toshi, Ryuuji, and Mia all sat in their seats in the class. The 4 students are the only ones in the room.

"This is awkward" Toshi nodded as Mia laid his head down, the sun was starting to come up.

"You can say that again… Mr. Akido asked us to be early today… but…" Itsumi chimed in

"We came in a little too early" there was a silence as Mia looked out the window, smiling at the rising sun.

"Well, better here early than late" Mia chuckled as did Itsumi.

"True that" there was another silence between the four as the door creaked open. Mia lifted his head and turned to see who it was.

"Oh, you're actually early… when I said get to class early I didn't mean this early" King slowly walked in and started grabbing stuff from his bag, preparing for class.

"Now if only you guys would get here this early every day" Mia slightly chuckled and sighed, turning away looking back out the window. As the sun slowly rises through the window behind the forest near the school. More students enter the classroom. Eventually the first bell goes off and it's time to start class.

"Well, good morning you bunch of fools" Mia perks up and chuckles.

"We've been upgraded from Idiots to Fools!!" the whole class bursts into laughter even causing King to slightly smile.

"Hey! Mr. Akido Smiled" The whole class goes crazy and the smile stays.

"Okay, Okay, you bunch of idiots, that's enough for today, let's get to class" the class sat down and others were still laughing as King chuckles again. He takes a deep breath.

"Okay, enough, today was… Can you stop laughing!?" the students burst out into laughter, some putting their heads down others wiping their eyes. King chuckles and quickly turns away.

"HEY! You Guys! Stop!! you're making me soft!" some of the students can't stop laughing as Mia smiles watching from his seat by the window.

"But… Mr. Akido… we can't… that was just too funny… to not laugh" Anumu took a deep breath which left her with a big smile as some of the other students stopped laughing. King grits his teeth.

"Well, other than that… today we are going to be doing a class ranking… you guys as a class will be up against class 1-B… and the winner will be going against 1-C… got it? And please, work as a team, don't make one person do all the work." Mia smiled and looked as his suitcase came out from the wall. Mia's suitcase has the number 10 on it. 

"Grab your Agent costume and meet me and field Omega" the teacher starts to walk out the classroom as Koshina rushes up to him.

"But Mr. Akido… Why do we have to go to field Omega? Isn't it indoors?" Mia stands up with a few of the other students and goes up to get his suitcase.

"Field Omega IS indoors… we're going there cause there's a high likelihood of a severe thunderstorm today…" Mia grabs his suitcase and walks up behind King.

"But, shouldn't Agents be prepared to fight in any weather?" King looks at Mia and eyes widens as he remembers KADIN asking their AWA teacher the same thing in their third year of training at the school. King grits his teeth and turns away.