Daiki Takao returns!?

The sun was shining with clearly no sign of a storm coming. Mia looks around and raises his hand to look at it directly. He had recently requested for a new Agent tool that would allow him to quickly grapple onto something. But it could only be used to dodge. A Massive smile formed on his face as he clenched his fist.

"I will show the world that a weak, shy, unsocial person CAN be an Agent!" He holds up his mask and looks at it, it has been modified to take more head on attacks and has the ability to make improvised visors over his eyes. Mia hears footsteps from behind him and turns to see Yosu and Ryuuji.

"Oh, hey guys" Ryuuji smiled and took note of the sword on Mia's waist.

"Yo, I see you now have that sword as a part of your costume" Mia gasped and held the sheath.

"How did you know?" There was silence as the three started laughing. Mia turned around to face Ryuuji and held his fist out. Ryuuji looks at it and smiles. He fist bumps Mia who returns the smile before turning back around.

"Onwards to Field Alpha!" Ryuuji clenches his fist and Yosu jumps, both agreeing with Mia.

They walk up to the main path outside Field Alpha. King looks over at them as the last few students walk up.

"Okay, because of this event, I am not going on patrol today, but Mr. Moss will still be heading this event as he actually knows what he's doing, Mr. Moss?" Mia looks at Ryuuji who shrugs.

"Okay, i'll say this again, you all may know me, but my name is Mr. Moss… im the homeroom teacher for 1-B" a few students cheer before quieting down again.

"Today in this event of mainly 1-A versus 1-B… depending on time restraints, 1-C will participate in the fight tomorrow but will be watching 1-A versus 1-B… now, onto the main event. Class 1-A will be participating as Agents… their goal is to tie up the villains or defeat them… Boom… unconscious. 1-B will be posing as the villains. You can say this 'test' will be simulating an all out war between heroes and villains… if things get dicey each class has the ability to call on their teacher to help but only for 5 minutes… got it?" Mia got a bit confused. Ryuuji takes a step back and shrugs. Mia takes a deep breath.

"Okay, let's do this… 1-A versus 1-B" Mia smiles as Ryuuji steps forward.

"Yeah, let's go!" They stood tall in the crowd of students who started getting rowdy.

"Oh yeah… I forgot one thing…" Every student looks up at Mr. Moss.

"The only way to request your teachers assistance… is a button… in the heart of your opponents base"

Class 1-A are left alone outside the gate while Mr. Moss and King go to discuss the event with 1-B. Mia looks up at Ryuuji then at Yosu.

"Ugh, this is honestly kinda nerve racking" Yosu lightly nods with her eyes closed.

"Well, just keep in mind that this could be a valuable experience for us to learn from." Mia lightly nods and pointing.

"You've got a good point Ryu, anything that happens today can be used as a learning experience" Yosu keeps nodding.

"Hey Yosu, I like your costume… anything new?" Yosu takes a step back and slightly shakes her head and turns away.

"Nothing really… except gloves" Mia smiles as Yosu blinks.

"Cool… can't wait to see it in action" Ryuuji looks at Yosu and chuckles a bit as Itsumi rushes over.

"Hey guys!" Itsumi's Agent costume was gray with a very KADIN similar hood but red. His arms weren't covered other than some gloves over his hands and a belt.

"My costume is vaguely basic, but I found an Agent costume design on an old sheet of paper in the attic… it looked cool so I decided to spice it up… needs a bit of work though" he lightly chuckles.

"That's for sure" Mia lifts his fist up to the group.

"Let's do this team" Ryuuji fist bumps Mia, Yosu and Itsumi joining in.

"Let's do this!" they all cheered as they raised their fists to the sky. Suddenly out of nowhere a buzzer goes off that makes the group jump. Over the speakers is King.

"Okay, now that you two have the basic gist of this test event down… let the Class battles now BEGIN!" The large massive door opens as all 21 students in 1-A rush through the gate. Mia looks around having lost track of his friends who seemingly split up as the class slows down. Mia keeps running forward and stopping as the rest of the class stops.

"Hey! why are you guys stopping, if we raid their base right off the bat, it will throw their teamwork off balance" Ryuuji steps forward and stands beside Mia.

"Mia is right, we Raid them when they least expect it! but we also need those to defend the base itself… if you're confident in your abilities in attacking directly you will be with Mia… anyone else will be with me!" the class splits in half, some going with Mia, others staying with Ryuuji. Mia starts running at the head of the pack as Yosu stays behind. Ryuuji looks down at Yosu.

"Didn't wanna go with Mia?" Yosu looks up at him before turning away blushing.

"I-if I went with him… I would be too distracted… t-to fight properly" Ryuuji smiles at her.

"I'm glad you realize that about yourself Yosu" Yosu smiles and quickly nods her head. Mia rushes forward at the front of the class and slowly comes to a stop as the ground slightly shakes. Koshina, and Anumu fall to the ground.

"Keep an eye out guys!" Mia slightly shakes but keeps stable footing.

The student was leaning down, his Agent costume was entirely white with gray accents on his boots and belt and a ghost-like mask over his face as the ground molds around his hands. 

Mia's eyes widen as several mega ghost like transparent figures appear from the ground, every one visible from ground level over the buildings.

"Those things have to be at LEAST 15 stories tall!" Mia takes a step back in surprise as he shakes his head.

"I don't know what those things do, so try your best to avoid them!" Mia grits his teeth as everything seemingly slows down as Mia dodges a high speed bullet flying past his face seemingly scraping off his eyelashes as his bolts past his face. The bullet hits the ground lodging itself in and cracking the ground around it. Mia exhales as he turns to look at the source direction of the bullet.

"I'll be back… keep forward and raid!" Mia leans down and bends his knees and swings his arms back jumping over the height of the ghosts surprising Mia.

"Wow, didn't know I could jump this high… uh" Mia shakes his head and quickly looks around and spots a moving black figure across the rooftops. Mia lands on the edge of the building and cracks it as he launches across the rooftop and pulls back his fist. And making contact with the students cheek and slamming him into the rooftop stair exit. Mia lands but almost loses his balance in the process. He looks up as the smoke rises and he raises his fist. He takes a deep breath.

"Should have finished the job" several bullets come out of the smoke all from different areas. Mia somehow dodges the bullets but not without getting a bullet to glide past his cheek leaving a beedling scratch. Mia takes a deep breath and bolts into the smoke and punches the wall leaving a crack in the brick and clearing the smoke, the student nowhere to be seen.

"Where did he go??" Mia feels a force pulling him from behind causing Mia to turn around and lock eyes with the student. The student's face fills with fear as he quickly shoots a bullet at Mia. Mia dodges the bullet as it's slower but the bullet turns to follow him. 

Mia jumps around trying his best to dodge the bullet. Mia quickly realizes the students bolting away from Mia who dodges the bullet again. Mia flips over the bullet and lands on his right foot using it to jump forward and lands on his left foot as the soles of his shoes start smoking and he bolts forward instantly catching up with the student. 

The bullet still follows Mia who lands and rotates on his foot and kicks the students into the air. Mia smiles as the bullet hits him in the arm. Mia holds back his scream as he loses feeling in his arm. The student in all black looked at Mia.

"That bullet in specific… isn't made for causing injuries but chasing the enemy and hitting any pressure point it can…" Mia smiles as he lands on the ground sliding holding his right arm.

"Causing partial paralysis… I like that idea" Mia smiles as he jumps up at the student.

"Good thing im left hand DOMINANT" Mia punches the student in the stomach releasing a bit of flame and then kicking him down to the roof collapsing a portion of it. Mia lands softly and looks at the student on the ground.

"You did insanely well" he took a deep breath and jumped to another roof and spotted his classmates. They are all in a group with Koshina at the front. A student with very little outfit, but very similar to Riots Agent costume. Mia takes a step forward and prepares to jump when a large beam of light passes by his face burning the tips of some of his hairs off. The beam dissipates as a recognizable voice appears behind him.

"You aren't going anywhere" Mia quickly turns around and shifts his weight onto his left leg. Daiki was as tall as Mia remembered, his Agent costume was as simple as it could be. A leather jacket and a scarf with a white mask covering his face.

"Good to see you again… Daiki" Daiki's face was covered but Mia could tell he was smiling.