Not Lonely

Bogum : Okay, here we are!

I agreed to share room with Bogum.

The room was filled with chairs and desks pushed to the corners to make some room for blankets in the middle, but it was more than enough for me because I was no longer alone.

I won't have to be afraid.

Bogum stood next to me, patting my back to comfort me.

Bogum : You must've been so scared all by yourself.

Me : It wasn't that bad, I'm fine.

Bogum : Hey, I'm your friend. You can tell me. You don't have to keep it to yourself anymore.

Me : Bogum, I'm just so glad that I met you here.

Bogum : Me too. Look at you. Your face is covered in ash.

Bogum took a small piece of cloth and wiped my cheek.

Bogum : You did a good job putting out that fire back there.

Me : I'm still in a little bit of shock.

Bogum : I know, right? I mean, who would have thought there was a lighter in there? It's weird none of us ever spotted it before. We would've definitely put it to use.

Me : I didn't know that a lighter could be that destructive if it explodes.

Bogum : Yeah. It was a strangely big explosion.

Me : Hmm...

I felt it was a lot of fire for such small lighter.

But I decided to leave his question unanswered, as I didn't want to worry him with baseless suspicion.

Me : But in the end, does anything even make sense anymore?

Bogum : You're right, it doesn't really.

He looked at me and smiled.

I was so happy to see him that I almost forgot how exhausted I was. We spent some time catching up with each other.

He told me how he made it here.

He also told me the names of the people here I hadn't met.

I couldn't remember the last time I felt this peaceful.


We were both alarmed by the sudden noise.

The door slammed open, followed by...

Jenny : Hey, you!

Bogum : Don't you know how to knock?

Jenny : Oh, knock my ass. This doesn't concern you. It's him I'm here for.

She pointed at me with a nasty sneer.

Jenny : I need to talk to you.

Bogum : Now? Can't you wait until tomorrow?

Bogum interrupted her. He seemed annoyed.

Me : It's okay, Bogum.

Bogum : I'm not okay with it! She's only doing this to pester you.

Jenny : Do you always need to make everyone in this place speak for you? It's gotta be easy, not having to open your own mouth.

Me : I'll be fine, Bogum. It'll only be a minute.

Jenny : Who says it'll only be a minute?

Bogum : I'll come with you.

Me : I want to try and make up with her.

Bogum : *sigh*...Okay, fine.

I followed Jenny out to the hallway.

Me : So, what did you want to talk about?

Jenny : For your information, I'm not here to chit-chat with you. The classroom that was on know what we kept in there?

Me : I remember someone told me it was a storage.

Jenny : Right.

Me : So what about it?

She gave me another sneer.

Jenny : Well, thanks to you and your little fire extinguisher, all our food is gone.

How would that be my fault? Do I look like that much of a pushover for taking her shit?

I started getting annoyed. She ignored me and kept on speaking.

Jenny : There's a cafeteria on the first floor. I think you should go there and bring back some food.

Me : Why does it have to be now?

It was obvious she was trying her best to give me a hard time here.

Jenny : Why do you think? Because I'm hungry.

Me : What?

Jenny : Didn't you say you wanted to make up with me?

Jenny looked at me and laughed with a sneer.

I could have refused her.

But I decided to just do it and tried to find my way down the stairs.

I know. I was being a complete idiot for doing what Jenny told me.

But this isn't just for her. It's also for myself.

Had I turned her down, she would have been more vicious to me.

And it's already tough as is to just try to keep safe from the zombies.

Me : Ugh...

I never liked walking around schools at night.

I didn't have a flashlight either. Thankfully, at least the moon illuminated the corridors.

Should I have asked someone to come with me?

But I didn't want to give Jenny anything to yell at me about.

I just needed to grab the food and get out of there as fast as I could.

The windows were carelessly nailed shut with wood panels.

The cold air through the broken windows made the room even colder than the floor above.

As I tiptoed my way toward the cafeteria.

Zombie : Grrr...

Me : ...!

Holding my breath, I ducked instantly.

I noticed a zombie lurking outside one of the windows. It didn't seem to have noticed I was here.

I didn't expect them to have made it through the gate.

Could I be sure there weren't any of them inside...? I took a look around.

But I found no sign of zombies inside. Even though I could never be too sure.

I saw a door, a few steps ahead of me.

It wasn't the door to the cafeteria. Also, there was a big pile of chairs and desks in front of it.

They probably did this to block off the zombies.

But I needed to walk past that door to get to the cafeteria.

I contemplated for a moment. Should I keep going?

Why do I have to do this? Let's just go back.

She had gone too far.

I had no reason to risk my life, just so that she could have a night snack.

What I genuinely wished was just to get along well.

But if she kept putting me in danger like this, I was fine with never getting along with her.

I turned around to head back upstairs.

Me : !

Jungkook : What are you doing?

Me : Jungkook...?

He really scared me...

I had no idea how long he had been there, but Jungkook was looking down at me from the stairs.

Jungkook : What are you doing here?

Me : I'm just getting some food from the cafeteria.

Jungkook : For yourself?

Me : Uh...yeah.

I didn't want to say it was for Jenny. It'd be like calling her out.

Jungkook : I've got some chips upstairs if you want. And there's that stuff you brought too, remember?

What? I thought there was no food left. Jenny must have lied to me!

Me : Oh, that's right. I forgot.

I felt so betrayed for what Jenny had done to me.

Jungkook : Are you that hungry? Since it's too dangerous here, let's go back upstairs. We have a meeting soon.

Jungkook gestured at me and I followed him slowly.

Standing up straight, I started walking back up the stairs.

Fortunately, the zombie outside the window seemed to have left.

Even if it approached to attack us, it would have taken it a while to make its way through that barricade of chairs and desks.

That door looks like it's connected to the other building.

Me : Where does that door lead?

Jungkook : The middle school building.

Jungkook paused for a few moments before he continued talking.

Jungkook : We used to stay there. With a more people than now.

Me : More people....

Jungkook : It was quite peaceful and no one got hurt either. We were certain that it was safe. But one day, the entrance doors opened, letting zombies into the school somehow.

Me : Oh no...

Jungkook : Those of us who survived the attack ran over to this building to hide. And after the zombies left, we blocked the door with anything we could find. As you saw, we didn't have anything better than those chairs and desks. That's why we have to keep patrolling the area.

Me : So that means this floor must be...

Jungkook : It's one of the dangerous areas in this building. We don't come down here unless we are on a patrol. I guess I should have told you that.

So that means Jenny set me up?

She knew I'd be in danger. What a .....!

I can't believe it. I don't know what to do with her.


Jenny : What took you so long? We can't have the meeting all night.

Bogum : ...

Jungkook went to the corner and leaned against one of the desks.

I took a deep breath and and tried to ignore her.

I stood next to Bogum and let him know nothing bothered me- not even Jenny.

Me : Sorry. What's the meeting for?

(? no.6) Jin : We were talking about the night watch.

Me : Night watch? Like staying awake at night?

Jimin : Something like that, yeah. We split into pairs and choose different areas to check out at night.

(? no.8) Sooya : How should we do it? Isn't it a bit much for a newcomer to do?

Namjoon : Do you think you can do it?

Me : I'll help! I need to get used to my way around here anyway.

I nodded while looking straight into Namjoon's eyes.

Jhope : It's not my turn tonight. Remind me what areas need covering tonight?

Yoongi : The lab on the 3rd floor, the rooftop, and uh...

Jin : The schoolyard.

Me : Isn't that outside?

Bogum : Yeah, but it'll just be a quick look around the building.

Jenny : What's wrong? Are you scared?

The zombie I had just seen through the window crossed my mind.

I was afraid it was still out there.

Even if it would just be a quick walk, I'd still have to be outside. It might end up seeing me.

Jenny scoffed at my silence.

Jenny : So, what's your pick?

Me : I'll take the schoolyard.

Jimin : Are you sure?

Me : Somebody has to do it anyway.

Jenny : ...

I could tell Jenny was having a hard time thinking of something mean to say to me.

That made me feel better about my decision.

Namjoon : Don't worry. You're not going to be on your own. And it really is just a quick stroll around the building. That's it.

Jimin : I'm also patrolling the schoolyard tonight. We'll be on the same team.

Jimin gave me a warm smile.

Jungkook : You guys make sure to stay together. Don't lose each other.

Jungkook handed me a small candy bar.

He wasn't the friendliest guy here, but I could tell he cared.

Me : Thanks, Jungkook.

I was back outside.

The fact that I had to come out made me anxious.

Bogum : Be careful, alright?

Jin : It's going to be fine.

But this time I had others cheering me on, so I knew I could to it.

I was no longer alone.


Hey guy it's my new story. I hope you all liked the story. Please tell me in the comments should i continue or not and also about your opinion for this story and support my stories by votes and comments so that i can continue and write more stories.

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