Meeting the bride...

Flora expertly masked her concern for Regina behind a stern expression, helping her up with a firm but gentle grip.

Regina, too weak to resist, allowed Flora to lead her to the dressing table. As they approached, a variety of healthy foods were brought in - fresh fruits like strawberries and grapes, whole grain crackers, and steaming bowls of lentil soup.

The aroma wafting from the dishes was like a magic elixir, and as the scent reached Regina's nostrils, she suddenly became more alert and started to devour the food and drink water greedily.

As Regina ate, Flora helped her into a stunning, up-to-date outfit - a breathtaking, champagne-colored ball gown with delicate lace details and a dazzling tiara.

The dress hugged Regina's curves perfectly, accentuating her beauty. Once Regina was dressed, Flora and her team of makeup artists got to work on a grand, engagement-inspired makeup look.

They started with a flawless, airbrushed foundation, followed by a subtle contouring to enhance Regina's features.

Next, they applied a shimmery eyeshadow in a soft, gold hue, paired with a swipe of dramatic, false lashes and a coat of volumizing mascara.

A bold, red lip color completed the look, making Regina's lips look luscious and inviting. Finally, they added some delicate, individual lashes and a light dusting of shimmering powder to give her skin a radiant, ethereal glow.

The transformation was nothing short of magical, and soon Regina looked like a radiant, fairy-tale princess, ready to stun at her engagement celebration.

" Now listen, you have to smile althrough or else you'll suffer our warmth. '' Sasha brushed her hair and then pulled out some strands forcefully, making Regina since.

Her eyes teared up a little... Just when she thought she'd changed and was no longer scared of them. It doesn't seem like that's the case. She stared at her miserable self in the mirror and let out a sigh. She looked extremely stunning.

She didn't remember much anyway. Her brain just started to function properly after a few minutes she ate. She could recall Flora's and Athena's presence in the room... Nothing much though, but she knew they were there for her... Who else would they be there for anyway.

Her plan backfired so hard!

She clenched her fists and growled a little. ' I'm not giving up just yet. '

Regina's eyes burned with determination as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. She knew that her family's disdain and Damian Harrison's relentless pursuit of her hand in marriage would not hold her back from achieving her dreams.

With unwavering resolve, she whispered to herself, "I will become a medical doctor, no matter what obstacles come my way." The fire in her heart fueled her ambition, and she was resolute in her decision to forge her own path.

Regina's mind raced with the memories of her family's hurtful words and the suffocating pressure to conform to their expectations.

But she refused to let their hate define her. She would not be a victim of circumstance; instead, she would rise above it and create her own destiny.

The thought of marrying Damian Harrison, a man she did not love, was unbearable. She shuddered at the prospect of a life without passion or purpose.

With a steely glint in her eye, Regina declared to herself, "I will not die before my time, trapped in a life that isn't mine. I will break free from the shackles of my family's hate and forge a new path, one that leads me to fulfillment and happiness." Her determination echoed through every fiber of her being, and she knew that nothing would stand in the way of her dreams.

She was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, armed with the courage of her convictions and the unwavering belief in herself.

" What are you mumbling about? Are you complaining?" Sasha frowned and leaned in closer to her ear. " You'd better behave.''

Thomas walked in with a look of pride as he had both his hands tucked away in his pockets. " So? Are you doing covering her up? " He raised his left brow and glanced over at Regina with a look of surprise. '' wow, how well you've transformed this pig. " he smirked.

Sasha smiled to herself, pleased with her father's words. " Where's mom?" She asked and quickly took our her cellphone. " The guest would be arriving soon. "

" She's making preparations. I mean, everyone is working except this miserable and lazy thing. Can you imagine! Even Derick isn't sitting down a d doing nothing but stare at the mirror. " He scrunched his nose and gave Sasha a signal.

" When they get here, I'll inform you of when to bring her down. " He adjusted his suit Jacket with a proud smile.

Regina knew they were only doing that to irritate her, so she smiled.

Not long after their father left, Sasha stood up and instructed for her to be left alone. All the helps she had to dress her up left immediately. As soon as they all left, two body guards blocked the door with stern faces and glared at her.

As soon as the door closed behind Flora and her assistants, Regina's expression changed from annoyance to shock. She felt a wave of fatigue wash over her, and her hands instinctively went to her stomach.

She had been pushing aside the nagging feeling of nausea all morning, attributing it to stress and exhaustion. But now, alone in the room, she couldn't deny it anymore. The queasiness was real, and it was getting worse by the minute.

Regina's mind raced as she tried to process the possibility of being pregnant. She had been so focused on her dreams and escaping her family's grasp that the idea of a baby had never crossed her mind; The one-night-stand

Panic set in as she thought about the implications - how would she finish medical school, how would she support a child, and what would her family say? Tch...

As the reality of the situation sunk in, Regina felt her knees weaken, and she sank into the nearest chair. She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down, but her heart raced with anxiety. This was not part of her plan, and she didn't know how to deal with it. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she whispered to herself, "What am I going to do?"

She let out a shaky breath and exhaled. '' first I need to confirm. " Regina's medical training kicked in as she began to examine herself, trying to assess her symptoms and potential pregnancy.

She started by taking her pulse, which was slightly elevated, likely due to her anxiety. She then placed her hands on her stomach, feeling for any subtle changes in her abdomen. Her hands were gentle, yet probing, as she palpated her stomach, checking for any tenderness or enlargement.

Regina then shifted her focus to her overall physical state, taking note of her fatigue, nausea, and recent food cravings... she has been starved for Day after all

As a medical student, Regina knew that these symptoms could be indicative of pregnancy, but she also considered other possibilities, such as stress, anxiety, or even a viral illness caused by starvation...

She decided to take a deep breath and try to remain objective, thinking to herself, " Let's not jump to conclusions yet. I need to take a pregnancy test to confirm."

Despite her efforts to remain calm and detached, Regina's mind raced with questions and concerns about her potential pregnancy and what it would mean for her future.

Sasha rushed in looking pale. " T-They're here. Get up now!"