Meeting the Bride II

As Regina descended the stairs, the air grew thick with tension, and the atmosphere became heavy with anticipation. The Grey's family seemed to hold their collective breath, mesmerized by the powerful presence of their guests, the Harrisons.

The elegant footsteps echoing through the room only added to the sense of grandeur, as if the very air was charged with the weight of their influence.

Sasha followed closely behind Regina, her expression a picture of genuine admiration and devotion—Fake...

But it was the Harrisons who truly commanded attention, their aura of power and wealth almost palpable.

They exuded an unmistakable sense of confidence and authority, their very presence seeming to draw the eye like a magnet.

Every step Regina took seemed to amplify the sense of anticipation, her beauty and poise radiating like a gentle glow. But it was the Harrisons who truly held the room in thrall, their powerful presence seeming to dwarf all else.

The room seemed to vibrate with an unspoken understanding: the Harrisons were the ones in control, and their influence would not be ignored.

As Regina reached the bottom of the stairs, a collective exhale seemed to sweep through the room, as if the entire gathering had been holding their breath in unison.

The tension was palpable, and the air was electric with anticipation, all eyes fixed on the Harrisons as they began to grace the room with their regal presence.

Meanwhile, Regina had her own thoughts. The Harrison's presence surprisingly didn't get any where near her mind. Her legs were a little bit shaky as she moved further. ' am I really pregnant?' she asked herself for the upteenth time.

Everyone mistaked the look on her face to be that of worry.

" Regina, my dear, is something the matter? Please greet the guests and have your seat. " Her mother smiled forcefully and nodded her head.

Regina wanted to scoff so badly that moment. Since when did she become her dear?

She lowered her head as a sign of respect and didn't raise it back up until she received a response from Frederick who seemed pretty impressed by the skinny young lady.

Sasha had given her pointers on how to greet the guests properly when they came.

" Have your seat, young lady. You do not wish to stand there all day, do you?. " Fredrick spoke up and forced a smile. He was weak! So weak at that moment that He felt he'd collapse himself. But he needs to keep pushing. His son must produce an heir, he must get engaged at least before he dies.

He wanted to pick the perfect lady for him... She looked pretty fine.

" Aeh, she's a little skinnier than the picture of her I saw. ". He tried to lighten up the mood after he realized how tense the room was at that moment, but nobody would react with the same intention. Nobody wanted to ' offend ' him.

" Things aren't always what they seem after all. You've seen me today for yourself now!" As if Regina could see right through him, she replied with a warm smile, making almost everyone gasp.

Thomas almost had an heart attack.

She looked around to see if she had done anything wrong that was when she received a death glare from her mother, who looked totally livid as she scowled at her.

...what am I doing? Aren't I supposed to be on a mission to sabotage this marriage? She asked herself with a slight frown.

Regina's gaze swept across the room, her eyes gleaming with a sharp intensity, like a well-polished knife reflecting the sunlight.

In mere seconds, she took in the expressions of those around her, her mind racing with observations. Her family's faces were etched with embarrassment and disgrace, their eyes cast downward in shame... What the fuck?

The Harrisons, on the other hand, looked utterly flabbergasted, as if she had uttered something utterly preposterous. Their shock was palpable, their eyes wide with disbelief.

But then, her gaze landed on Mr. Frederick, and a subtle smile played on her lips. He was chuckling heartily, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and his expression radiated pleasure. Regina's eyes locked onto his, and she saw a myriad of emotions dancing in their depths.

She detected a hint of pride, a dash of admiration, and a pinch of amusement. In that instant, she knew she was okay.

She'd never attended such gatherings before, and she was trying her best best not to fumble...

" Haha, don't mind our daughter's behavior, she's just a little naive, that's all. " Thomas spoke up with a nervous chuckle.

" If your daughter's lack of regard gets her killed by her husband during the night of their wedding, then it's your fault for spoiling her too much. " Darius spoke up with a stern voice, looking totally serious. It was clear that he wasn't the friendly type at all.

Regina's memory suddenly jolted... This man... His face looked very familiar.

Holy...! He's the man whom she slept with that night. There was no denying. Well, except from the fact that he looked a little aged and his glow wasn't as perfect.

" Take it easy on the girl, Darius, really. " He spoke up with a mature tone, and turned to Regina with a sweet smile.

Is he the man I'm getting married to? Omg! She gasps. He's so cute! She blushes. Does that mean he recognized her?

Why isn't he wearing his mask though...? Her cheeks flushed. He probably wore it that night so he wouldn't become too recognized.

He was undeniably good looking, she couldn't deny that fact. She blushes so hard that Fredrick mistook it for embarrassment, and finally spoke up. " Feel free to try and get along with your future family, my dear. "

She snapped out of her fantasy and slowly turned her head up. He didn't really look or sound like the harsh type. That man must be his Father. She turned her gaze toward Darius. He must have had a rough upbringing.

she suddenly forgot her dreams when she met his face.

Does that mean people were spreading fake rumors about Damian Harrison?