Special treatment

" Mr Damian, I've brought the files you asked me to. " Adrianl, his personal assistant, dropped the files ont he table in front of him with a look of concern plastered to his face. " S-sir, miss Sasha is outside, should I let her in?" He asked and an invisible bead of sweat formed on his forehead.

" Make her leave no matter what, I don't want her in my office." He replied coldly.

"B -But sir, she—" Adrian gulped hard after receiving a cold glare from his boss. He lowered his head a little and left the office.

Outside the office, Sasha could be seen checking her phone for her follower updates. She rolled her eyes at the guards that were stopping her from entering her soon-to-be husband's office. " Look, do you guys have any idea of who you're messing with?"

The guards stared at each other forcing back their laugher as they stared at her. Was she threatening them?

They heard a click and Adrian came out looking apologetic. " I'm sorry, ma'am, but you have to leave. Mr Damian is in no mood to receive visitors right now. " He pressed his lips together and walked off, leaving her standing there feeling utterly disgraced.

The guards all had the same thoughts lingering in their mind. '__' ????

Damian sat in his office, surrounded by the trappings of wealth and power, his gaze fixed on some distant point beyond the walls. His eyes, a deep shade of blue, seemed to bore into the soul, yet carried no hint of emotion, no spark of interest. They were the eyes of a man who had seen it all, and found it all wanting.

His skin was smooth and flawless, like alabaster, with a subtle sheen that hinted at his impeccable grooming. His hair, a cascade of silk-white, fell down his back like a river of moonlight, framing his face with an otherworldly elegance.

A golden-white mask covered the upper half of his face, adding an air of mystery to his already enigmatic presence. The mask seemed to glow with a soft, ethereal light, as if infused with an inner radiance.

Damian's features were exquisite, chiseled from the finest marble. His cheekbones were high and sharp, his nose straight and proportional to his other facial bones. His lips, thin and pressed together, seemed to hint at a perpetual disapproval, as if the world was constantly failing to meet his expectations.

As he picked up his phone, his movements were economical and precise, like a cat stretching its claws. His long fingers, adorned with a ring that sparkled like diamonds, danced across the screen with a practiced ease.

Despite his bored expression, there was an aura of quiet power surrounding Damian, a sense that he was a man who could move mountains with a mere thought. His gaze, though vacant, seemed to hold a hidden intensity, a spark waiting to be fanned into a flame.

" Hello, Mr Damian, " The person on the other line spoke first Asif trying to avoid angering him. Since it was widely known how short tempered he could get.

" Talk. " He ordered without batting a eye lid.

" We-we have a problem." The person on the other line started to speak with a partially terrified tone.

He tapped his fingers impatiently against his desk and a slight frown appeared on his emotionless face for some seconds before it disappeared. " What is it?"

" It seems like the CEO of the FV organization we were going to partner up with has developed a sudden illness. There's no guarantee that he'll survive this, the partial investment we've made will crumble if he dies." He paused waiting for Damian's response.

" Really now?" Damian chuckled darkly.

" Y-yes, sir." The man stuttered.

" Well, how's that any of my problem? We've made partial investments after all, but that doesn't mean we can't get it back, right?" He tapped his fingers against his desk impatiently.

" But you know that if the CEO is dead there's no way—"

" I give them two months at most for him to get proper treatment. If there's no hope after then, they will return all payments made at any cost, is that clear? I don't care how they do it. Deliver that message to them. " He dropped his phone without waiting for a response and rubbed his temples.

Although the investment wouldn't affect them in the slightest way, he still wanted a full refund... He was just like that, he didn't care. It wasn't his fault after all.

The pale-looking man, dressed in a crisp white shirt and silk pajama pants, lay in his plush bed, his slightly shaky hands clasped together as he watched his personal assistant, James, walk in with a somber expression.

The luxury bedroom was proof to the man's wealth and status, with its high ceilings, rich wood paneling, and lavish furnishings. The bed itself was a massive, four-poster affair, adorned with intricate carvings and draped in fine linens. The room was dimly lit, with soft, golden light spilling in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, which offered a stunning view of the city skyline.

As James approached, the man's eyes, sunken and rimmed with dark circles, flickered with a mix of anxiety and despair. He had thought that associating with the powerful Harrison family would be the key to unlocking his dreams, but now it seemed like a poisoned chalice.

"James, what is it?" the man asked, his voice barely above a whisper, as he struggled to sit up, his shaky hands grasping for the bedrail.

James hesitated, his downcast eyes avoiding his employer's gaze. "It's about your health, sir. The test results are in, and...it's not good."

The man's face fell, his pale skin turning a sickly shade of gray as he slumped back against the pillows, his mind reeling with the implications. His association with the Harrisons had brought him wealth and status, but at what cost? Now, it seemed like his very life was hanging in the balance.

" I see... So you've informed him?" He asked with a down tone.

" Yes sir, he gives us two months for you to find the best treatment, and at this rate... " James paused. " We need special treatment in your case. We even had the best doctors check on you, but the cure to this illness requires expert medical attention. In your case, we can't risk having Just any mistake in selecting the best surgeon for you. "

Although, the fee is considered insanely high, he didn't mind. At this point he'd do anything for safe recovery.