she's in New York?

Flora sat in front of her laptop, her brow furrowed in concern. "Isn't Helen in New York yet?" she wondered, her mind racing with possibilities. She let out a frustrated hiss, her eyes scanning the screen in front of her.

Despite her worry, Flora's attire was impeccable. Under her crisp white doctor's coat, she wore a pair of dark-washed, straight-legged trousers and a silky, pale blue blouse. Her hair was pulled back into a neat bun, and her minimal makeup accentuated her sharp features.

As she went into the reports on her husband's health, Flora's expression turned grim. His condition was deteriorating, and she knew she had to act fast. She was confident in her hacking skills, but somehow, her attempts had been detected. The encryption on her phone was state-of-the-art, but she knew she had to be extra cautious.

Just as she was about to send a follow-up message, Flora's phone buzzed. Helen had finally replied to her text, requesting the details of her husband's medical report.

Flora's eyes narrowed, her mind racing. Today was Monday, and she knew she had to move quickly. With a deep breath, she began to compose her response, Flora's eyes widened in astonishment as she stared at the screen, her mind struggling to process the unexpected response from Helen.

She had been waiting for what felt like an eternity, and just when she thought she'd have to take more drastic measures, Helen's message popped up, requesting the medical report.

Flora's hands hovered over the keyboard, her fingers hesitating as she tried to compose herself. She had been bracing herself for a fight, for a struggle to get Helen's attention, but instead, the response was immediate and straightforward.

A mix of emotions swirled inside Flora - relief, surprise.

Flora's eyes narrowed, her grip on the phone tightening as she tried to read between the lines. She knew she had to tread carefully, to gauge Helen's intentions before making her next move. With a deep breath, she began to type, her words measured and cautious, as she navigated this unexpected turn of events. the keyboard. Does that mean she's in New York already?

Flora's fingers flew across the keyboard as she composed a detailed message, pouring out her husband's medical history, diagnosis, and treatment plans. She attached the comprehensive report, ensuring that Helen had all the necessary information.

Next, she typed out a separate text, her words concise and to the point: "Please let me know the scheduled date you have in mind for the meeting. I need to make necessary arrangements and ensure my husband's treatment schedule aligns with our discussion."

Flora hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should add anything else. But she decided to keep it simple and direct, allowing Helen to respond with the crucial information she needed.

With a deep breath, Flora hit send, dispatching the message into the digital ether. She leaned back in her chair, her eyes fixed on the screen, waiting anxiously for Helen's response. The clock on her desk seemed to tick slower, each passing moment stretching out like an eternity. Flora's mind whirled with possibilities, her thoughts racing with the potential outcomes.

Flora, being a renowned gynecologist, possessed a unique blend of medical expertise that extended far beyond her specialty. Her intellect and dedication had allowed her to develop a broad range of skills, making her a force in the medical community. She was well-versed in various fields, including surgery, and was capable of performing complex procedures with precision and accuracy.

However, despite her exceptional abilities, Flora knew her limitations. She couldn't take on her husband's operation, despite having innovative ideas on how to approach it. She recognized that her skills, although impressive, weren't a match for the expertise of a seasoned surgeon. The intricacies of her husband's condition required the precision and finesse of a specialist, and Flora wouldn't risk compromising his care.

Her humility and acknowledgment of her limitations spoke volumes about her character. She knew that sometimes, the best decision is to seek help from a trusted hand. Flora's primary concern was her husband's well-being, and she was willing to do whatever it took to ensure he received the best possible care.


Her phone's notification alert went off, and she instantly checked her email. Her eyes lit up excitedly as she read the contents. " She's in New York already?!!" She squealed and got up from the chair. She quickly got out of her office, grabbing her car keys and bag with her. her mind raced as she started to head towards the parking lot.

After finally settling in her car, she heaved a sigh and held her chest tight. Anyone who was looking at her at that moment would know that she was undoubtedly very happy and relieved. A whole Helen wanted to meet up with her? In the message, she insisted they meet up to discuss her husband's case, which was a little weird considering the fact that Helen had never wanted to be seen by anyone.

They were going to meet up tomorrow, but first, Helen requested that she immediately moved her husband to the hospital for immediate special treatment. She was going to head home to pick up her husband for immediate transfer.

As soon as she was about to start the car, her eyes caught wind of a car pulling up in the parking lot. Two body guards came out almost instantly, then a figure followed suit.

Her eyes widened at first at the figure who was none other than Damian Harrison. His cold and merciless eyes carefully observing the vicinity. His gaze didn't miss hers. She quickly looked away and gasped for air. H-how did he even manage to sight her from this distance, and more importantly, what was he doing in the hospital?

Her girl on her steering wheel tightened. She hated him anyway. All his presence ever brought to her was sheer pain. She lost her friend all because of him, now her husband…

Damian's cold eyes shifted away from her like he didn't even recognize her at the slightest… of course, he didn't.

As soon as she started her engine, her phone rang. She frowned and picked up looking a little worried. " Hello?" She recognized the person who was calling as her husband's personal nurse which he had hired to take care of him.

" H-hello, m-ma'am. Y-you need to come now, I think y-your husband has st-stopped breathing." She stuttered.