
Sophia stared at him, her eyes wide with confusion, her mind racing to formulate a response. She was completely unaware of how to reply to his questions, her thoughts tangled in a web of uncertainty.

She hesitated, her lips parting slightly as if to speak, but no words came out, her expression a mixture of perplexity and discomfort.

"What do you mean?" Sophia finally summoned the courage to talk and she feigned ignorance. She knew that he probably saw her furs when she was immersed in pleasures then.

She must admit, he was quite good with his hands and his breath fanning close to her neck only made him intense.

"Are you a succubus?" Aiden asked a more clearer question that he believed she could give an answer to.

But instead of giving him the answers he wanted, she questioned him again, "Why are you asking?"

Aiden was almost losing his patience but he managed to calm himself down.

"Don't give me that bullshit. That question of mine is meant to be answered with yes or no. Nothing else. So, answer me, are you a predator?" Aiden said, with a more harsh tone instead of the once cool one he was using

"I… I.. mean no harm to you…" Sophia rambled on unsure of what she could do, but then when she saw how Aiden was looking at her, she started crying as she uttered, "If I tell you, you'll die and I don't want you to die."

Then Aiden finally understood the reasons for her hesitation. At first, he thought she didn't want to tell him because she didn't want to become his ally but now looking at it from her perspective, he understood why she would be so cautious to tell him.

She liked him and didn't want him to die! But still it was funny to him and he bursted into laughter. 

"You think I will die?" He questioned with a smile on his face and then added as he pecked her on her lips, "That's so nice of you."

"I know what you are now and also, I'm a predator. A demon with an extreme evil system. Nice to meet you." he said, stretching his hand forward to her in a playful manner.

Sophia's jaw dropped in astonishment. She had truly thought about the probability of him getting an evil system but then she considered it absurd as his parents both were preys. It seemed that her earlier denotation of it being genetic is wrong.

Her face went back to her calm expression and she smiled cutely as she enclosed his hand in a shake, "Nice to meet you, too, master"

Even if she didn't believe him before, the system notification in front of her claiming that he was now her master was enough and not to talk about the pull she was feeling towards him to obey all his orders. She involuntarily called him master with the omission of "Young."

"I think we should continue what we were doing and this time with no need of hiding our true forms," Aiden suggested as he looked at her, giving her a warm smile.

"I also think so. Anything you want is good." She replied with a pink blush already forming on her cheeks.

Sophia then proceeded to take some certain clothes off her body so as to ensure smooth changing while Aiden watched her. Sophia muttered a few words, and her bodily features began to change. 

Sophia's body began to shift, her curves becoming more pronounced, her skin taking on a radiant, ethereal glow. Her eyes turned a deep, piercing red, and her hair grew longer, wilder, and more untamed. 

Her wings unfolded from her back, dark and majestic, with a subtle shimmer. Her lips curled into a sly, seductive smile, revealing razor-sharp fangs. Her presence became more alluring, her aura exuding a potent, irresistible charm. 

"Oh….." Aiden trailed off as he watched her, astonished as his lips curled up into a smile and then his member below also reacted.

Aiden's fang protruded and he brought her forward, placing his nose between her fair neck. As he used his tongue to trace her veins, his nose also fanned hot breath onto her skin which made her squirm under him in pleasure.

Sophia moaned as he sunk his fangs deep into her skin, her body squirming in pleasure as she felt a divine feeling, and Aiden didn't stop there, as he drank from her, savoring her exquisite taste of blood that tasted like sweet grapes, he made use of his hands as he started fondling her breasts.

His left hand was currently holding her fair neck in place for his meal while his other hand, the left was fondling her breasts after removing the underwear they were tightly encompassed inside.

He had his fill and removed his fang from her neck. Bringing his face to match her, he captured her lips once again in a deep kiss, requesting access into her mouth as his tongue made contact with her teeth.

Sophia also didn't wait a second as she parted her teeth and his tongue entered freely into her mouth, exploring her mouth. Their tongue ensued in a battle as they both immersed themselves in the deep kiss.

Though their lips were busy, Sophia didn't let that stop her two free hands. Sophia traced her hands all over his abs as her hands found their way into his shorts.

She muttered in displeasure, "Let's take your clothes off."

With his heightened senses, Aiden heard her and their lips detached briefly which made Sophia groan a little. He strained up a little in the car as he proceeded to take off his shirt but the knock on the window of his car stopped him.

"Who is that?" Aiden questioned with urgency laced in his tone.

"Please roll down your window, it's the police." The intruder said, his tone a little bit harsh.

"Oh..fuck it!' Aiden said as he finally sat down back in his seat.

Sophia giggled as she struggled to wear her clothes properly and Aiden waited for her to fit her dresses in.