Why do I keep getting Predator?!

As Aiden emerged from the mansion, he headed straight for the car park, but a car horn drew his attention back. He turned his head towards the sound to see a car parked facing the entrance.

Two men in black suits, one carrying a suitcase and the other holding a key, exited the vehicle, one from the driver's side and the other from the passenger's.

The man with the suitcase hastily dropped it in the car and rushed towards Aiden like a dog let off its leash.

"Mr. Aiden, why are you alone? What are the maids doing?!" he exclaimed loudly, snatching the bag from Aiden's grasp.

Aiden looked around in surprise, double-checking if the guy was addressing someone else, since he wasn't carrying anything that required a maid's attention.

"Why would I need a maid to carry my backpack?" Aiden laughed, asking, "I'm not a baby, you know."

Lopez placed his free hand on Aiden's forehead, checking his temperature. "You seem well..." he trailed off, his brows furrowed in concern, "Why would you say that?"

"What do you mean?" Aiden asked, glancing at his wristwatch, adding, "I'll be late for school. Let's get going, I assume you're my secretary."

"Yes, boss," Lopez replied, his voice slightly strained. He wondered if Aiden was experiencing memory loss, as he was still questioning his role as secretary and worrying about being late for school. This prompted Lopez to schedule a hospital checkup for Aiden.

Aiden walked past Lopez, massaging his temples with his hands on his forehead, as he thought to himself, 'I haven't gained much memory of Lopez from my predecessor's memories, except that he's from Spain. I don't know how to react to his behavior.'

Once seated in the car, Lopez began to brief Aiden on his schedule. "Boss, your schedule for this week is extremely tight. You've accumulated a lot to catch up on after being out for 21 days."

"I can't even imagine," Aiden replied truthfully, his eyes wide with disbelief. In his former body, he had simple goals and a to-do list, but he had never had someone present him with a schedule like this before.

Aiden scrunched up his face as Lopez read out the lengthy list of tasks he had to fulfill.

"You've got modeling shoots lined up, and with your influence, they didn't dare use another model for what they had planned. You've got an audition for your first TV series, music lessons, and school projects..."

Aiden interrupted, holding up a hand to stop Lopez. "Okay, okay, I get it. I still have my system tasks to handle, I'll do this as I see fit, no need to pressure me with it."

Lopez opened his mouth to protest, but Aiden's stern glance silenced him. Aiden closed his eyes, seeking a moment of rest before arriving at school.

He knew he needed to be mentally prepared to navigate school as a completely different person, all while using someone else's identity - a situation that could lead to serious consequences if discovered.

Aiden managed to rest his brain for a few minutes before another system notification jolted him awake.

"Boss, I'm a Predator," Lopez said, his face contorted in a mixture of determination and apprehension. "I figured I should be upfront about this. I needed to know if you're someone I can still work for. If you're a Prey, I'd rather kill myself than serve you, but if you're not...I want to become your ally."

The system notification sounded;


Lopez wishes to be your ally.

Accept or reject. You can decide to accept or reject this offer to become the master of a predator.

Congratulations on getting a second predator willingly!]

Aiden thought to himself, 'This is new. But why do all the people I meet seem to be Predators?!' He knew that he could gain Predators either willingly or unwillingly, but this…

The system chimed in; [That is if you wish, but if you don't have any intention but a predator wishes, you can decide to accept or reject. It's a fair rule.]

Aiden muttered, "Accept," and the notification sounded again. He had a feeling he'd seen this scenario before, but couldn't quite place where.


You just gained an Ally willingly.

Name: Lopez

Race: Wolf

Evil generated: 0.1%

System: Workaholic fool

Loyalty: 50%]

[System: Of course, you've seen it somewhere; it was when Kyle requested to be your ally. You had simply accepted without any questions.]

"Oh..." Lopez watched, waiting for his boss to accept his wish, and then he received a notification that he had gained a master.

"First, how do you know about the concept of allies?" Aiden asked, skeptical that predators could know about system-related things before triggering them.

"My system told me," Lopez replied with a straight face.

Aiden laughed. "That's untrue. You're definitely lying, though I wonder what your reason is."

"I..." Lopez tried to speak, but Aiden interrupted again.

"And your system, what does it do?" Aiden asked.

"Oh, that," Lopez replied. "As a Workaholic, my system drives me to push people to work themselves to the bone, leaving no time for anything else. This can lead to negative consequences for them. My system is quite chatty, so it has explained a lot to me."

Lopez's explanation helped clarify things for Aiden. Aiden nodded, remembering his previous conversation with his system about allies. "So, that's what my system meant by 'Systems are different. It means Kyle might be lying about not knowing about allies."

Aiden smiled warmly at Lopez. "Thanks for being loyal to me." He didn't remember much about Lopez, but he planned to spend time getting to know him better. Lopez seemed like a good guy, and Aiden appreciated his loyalty.

After their conversation, they realized the car had stopped for a while. Due to the tinted glasses, they couldn't see what was happening outside.

"Brad, what's going on?" Lopez asked Aiden's personal driver.

"Sorry, Mr. Lopez, but there seems to be a long queue outside Mr. Aiden's school gate. According to the information I'm receiving, they're inspecting every student who's entering."

"Why so?" Lopez asked, his brows furrowed in confusion. It was a first for them to be stopped at the school gate.

Normally, Aiden's influential status in both the social world and the underworld ensured special treatment, allowing them to bypass delays.

But now, that seemed to have changed. Lopez wondered what could be the reason. Had Aiden's 21-day absence caused his influence on the school to waver?