Monthly task: Pending...5 days remaining!

As Aiden turned the corner, he hastily sought a pillar to lean against, but finding none nearby, he quickened his pace to his locker and ducked his head inside after opening it.

He couldn't believe what had just happened. All he wanted was to get to school, attend class, and live his life, but instead, he ended up acting like a typical school bully - a feat he still couldn't explain.

"Aiden..." He heard his name called for the second time, but this time in a soft, soothing voice.

He withdrew his head from the locker and composed himself, gazing at the person before him. His words caught in his throat as he took in her appearance from head to toe.

'Who is this lovely fairy?' he wondered, mesmerized by her presence.

The lady was Lily, one of Aiden's acquaintances in school, whose father was also a prominent businessman. As they say, like-minded individuals flock together.

"What?" He finally asked, tearing his gaze away from her after cautioning himself to stop staring, a stare that had caused her cheeks to flush pink.

She stammered, forming her words carefully, "What...sorry...I mean...I thought you were hurt or something, with the way you pushed your head into your locker."

Aiden chuckled, scratching his head. It seemed the lady was also under his charming spell, struggling to form a coherent sentence without blushing. He could swear that standing and talking to him was a great achievement for her.

"No, I'm not," Aiden clarified, dispelling her misconceptions. "I was just getting some fresh air."

Lily raised an eyebrow, skeptical of his answer. "In the locker?"

Then, realizing her impertinence, she quickly added, "I mean...never mind."

"Okay..." Aiden said, slightly perplexed.

'What's wrong with her?' he thought, annoyed by her sudden change in tone. 'Is this an effect of being around me?' Aiden wondered, shaking his head as he rummaged through his locker.

After retrieving his book and pen, he heard the school announcement echoing through the halls. "Welcome, students, to the new year. Please make your way to the assembly hall for a brief address from the School Principal."

Aiden followed the crowd, having no memory of the hall's location. As they entered the large assembly hall, he was unimpressed, having attended a prestigious school in Canada in his previous life.

As they waited for the principal, the hall fell silent. Aiden expected the principal or school authorities to arrive, but instead, a group of neatly dressed students, led by a white-haired individual with his hands in his pockets, strode into the hall.

They halted in the third row, their eyes fixed on Aiden. Liam's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Aiden, you never cease to amaze me," he said, his voice drawing Aiden's attention away from his phone.

Aiden, who had been scrolling through his phone to pass the time and avoid the tension, almost wished the floor would swallow him up as the white-haired individual, Liam, called out to him.

"You are?" Aiden asked, standing up to face Liam, his confusion evident. Somehow, Aiden was angry about how little his predecessor considered his relationship with people, for him to have so little information concerning them.

Liam's expression turned surprised. "Well, at least one rumor is true. Your memory loss is quite impressive. I might pardon you for forgetting your position."

"My position?" Aiden repeated, perplexed. He just wanted to get through the assembly and get on with his day.

Liam continued, "You used to sit at the front, but you've been demoted to tenth in command from fourth. Or perhaps...are you angry about the demotion? You know it's not out of the ordinary..."

Aiden cut him off, "No, it's okay." He wasn't in the mood to listen to Liam's ramblings.

Aiden walked past Liam and his cohorts, taking a seat at the far end of the front row. As he settled in, he felt a surge of annoyance, gazing at the fourth seat, which had once been his.

Liam's followers attempted to stop Aiden as he walked past, but Liam raised his hand, gesturing for them to let him through. After Aiden sat down, the others followed suit and the hall regained its lively atmosphere.

"You were fierce, tackling Liam like that!" Kyle commented, taking a seat in the ninth position beside Aiden.

Aiden's thoughts raced, 'Wait, does this mean Kyle is in a higher position than me?'

Shock was written across his face as the former Aiden's attitude and passions resurfaced. "Liam must be joking," Aiden muttered, still lost in thought.

Before he could process further, the principal entered the hall, and the room fell silent. Without formalities, the principal addressed the students.

"You're aware of the recent mysterious deaths of several students in this prestigious academy, a tragic incident aimed at tarnishing our reputation and security. Over twenty students were killed, with no evidence of who or why they were targeted."

"This incident will shape how this academic session unfolds," the principal continued. "CCTV cameras have been installed throughout the school. Students are only allowed to bring learning materials, no other tools or compartments. Non-students are not permitted on school grounds. Any form of violence will not be tolerated, and I mean it. That concludes today's address. Welcome to this challenging academic session."

The hall emptied after the Principal left, with Liam and his followers departing first. As everyone dispersed, Aiden's phone buzzed with a notification, and his system also alerted him.

"All executive members of the students' union are to meet at the union hall for a brief meeting after school closes."


Monthly task reminder.

Dear host, you have just 5 days left to complete your monthly task. With you not having done many daily tasks, you might not gain the first chance to secure your life in this world.

_Monthly Task (Pending, 5 days to complete)_

Using your influential social status, request bail for a criminal in prison, jailed for murder. Then, recruit them as your ally. (Reward: 500 EXP, 1000 credits) First monthly task completion reward: Life renewal potion.]