Quite eventful...

[System: Host is in critical condition. You need to regain your life force.]

"Master, please, I need you to let me go so that I can drink blood to regain my strength..." Liam begged, his HP blinking red.

"Oh... sorry..." Aiden said, removing his foot from Liam's wound.

Liam hadn't expected that, and as soon as Aiden released his hold, he felt his vision getting clouded, and he leaned on Aiden for support.

"What's happening to me?" he struggled to ask, his life force dwindling.

Instead of answering, Aiden produced a vial with a red substance and offered it to Liam. "Quickly, use this; it'll repair your vampire heart." 

Liam snatched the vial, uncorked it, and downed the contents. A sweet aroma filled his nostrils, and he felt a cooling sensation in his throat and heart. Instantly, his heart began to repair itself, and soon it was brand new. He sighed, standing upright, and pushed away from Aiden.

Liam knelt down and declared, "Master, I pledge my loyalty to you. You can kill and revive me; no fear is greater than that!"


Task completed. 

Congratulations on asserting your dominance over Liam. 

Congratulations, host! You are now level 2!

Liam's allies, previously tied to him, now become your allies. Congratulations on gaining more allies. Due to their high numbers, their names won't be listed unless requested.]

"Show me my current status." Aiden requested.


Host Name: Aiden Smith

Career: Model, Actor

Race: Demon

Level: 2 2400/3000

Evil Contribution: 0.019%

Grade: Beginner

HP: 07/10

Strength: 05/10

Agility: 07/10

Stamina: 06/10


- Modeling: Level 1

- Acting: Level 1

- Deception: Level 0

- Charisma: 1/5

- Physical Fitness: 1/5


- None


- Kyle (Elf) 10%

- Lydia (Vampire) 30%

- Alex (Vampire) 10%

- Sophia (Succubus) 50%

- Lopez (Wolf) 50%

- Liam(Vampire) 50%


- Disguise (Unknown Cooldown)

- Allure (Cooldown: 30 minutes)

- Compel (Used with Allure)

- Demonic Sense (Passive)

- Memory Manipulator (Time limit(30mins) ]


- Dark Ember

- Invisible Coat

- A Sleek, Silver Dagger with a glowing blue edge (deals extra damage to undead creatures]

Aiden let out a deep sigh, his exhaustion evident in his slumped posture. "Quite a huge improvement..." he trailed off, his voice laced with fatigue. 

Despite his weariness, a hint of satisfaction crept into his tone as he acknowledged his progress. He settled into the chair, his eyes fixed on Liam, who now stood before him freely. 

Aiden's hands folded together, his fingers interlaced as he leaned back in the chair, his gaze expectant. 

"The times have changed," he stated, his voice low and even. "Tell me what I haven't heard before." 

Liam's response was immediate, his words spilling out in a rush. "Boss, I'll tell you everything. No need to worry." 

"The student union has always been influenced by the school's elite students, meaning no poor student can rise to power. Although we're all wealthy, there are still ranks based on family assets."

Liam continued, "Deep down, we know we're not a genuine student union, as we only care about our own interests. We're like a small faction of a mafia group outside school, and our work is...unscrupulous. That's why none of us can attain the first seat, as it's reserved for our boss."

"Who is this boss?" Aiden asked, his eyes narrowing.

"He's a successful businessman in the underworld," Liam replied, "skillfully involved with our assistant in various crimes. We have no choice but to assist him, as it keeps our parents safe from government scrutiny."

Aiden's eyes widened. "You mean we have influence over the court, prison, and law enforcement?" he asked, his voice laced with disbelief.

Liam nodded. "We have contacts among judges, lawyers, and prison workers. They're our clients, bringing work to our boss's organization."

Aiden smiled. "It seems I'm safe for now. I need contacts of one of the prison workers, judge, and a lawyer. I want to disrupt the law and order, just a bit." he said, his eyes glinting with mischief.

Liam smiled and scratched his head. "That's easy," he said, "but, uh, can I leave here?"

Aiden nodded, and Liam stood, his movements fluid as he gathered the necessary information. He returned with a paper, his eyes locked on Aiden's, and handed it over. 

"Just call and tell them your rank and code, boss," he said, his voice low and even. "They'll answer you straight away."

Aiden's nod was curt, his eyes scanning the paper before he stood up from his chair. He looked around the room, his gaze sweeping over the occupants before he spoke. 

"I'm done with this meeting," he said, his voice firm. "You guys can continue without me or disperse." With that, he turned and walked away from his seat, leaving the room behind.

As he exited the room, the sound of murmured conversations and rustling papers faded into the background. The school was already closed for the day, but some students lingered, engrossed in group reading sessions. 

Aiden's footsteps echoed through the empty hallway, his mind preoccupied with the information he had just received.

He didn't bother to make Kyle follow him, since Liam said he wanted to discuss something with him, and honestly, Aiden didn't care about it. With only a few hours left until the school closed for the day, the security had become extremely strict due to the recent incident. 

Aiden sighed heavily as he walked down the hallway, his mind racing with thoughts of the unexpected turn of events. He couldn't believe he had promised to help the principal, someone he had just met, and now he was stuck in this strange world of supernatural creatures.

As he approached the locker room, he felt a sense of trepidation wash over him. 

'What have I gotten myself into?' He thought about the students who had been killed, the null and prey students who had done nothing wrong, and a surge of anger and determination welled up inside him.

"I shouldn't have promised that sly man," he muttered to himself, shaking his head. But then he reconsidered, "But come to think of it, I should let them pay for killing those prey and null students who had done nothing to them."

Aiden's eyes narrowed as he thought about the injustice of it all.