Day 2 - at school.

Aiden woke up the next day, feeling groggy and weak. He sat up slowly, rubbing his temples to ease the lingering fatigue. 

A sheepish grin spread across his face as he thought about the previous night's events. His cheeks flushed pink, and he cleared his throat to dispel the awkwardness. 

"Ahmmm...I should get to work," he muttered to himself.

He reached for his phone, unlocking it with his fingerprint, and dialed the last number he had called. The phone rang several times, but there was no answer. 

Aiden sighed, recalling that the same thing had happened the first time he called the number. He wasn't too concerned, assuming the person might be busy or unavailable.

Aiden tried calling again, but the result was the same. No answer. He shrugged and decided to try later. 

He got out of bed, stretched his arms and legs, and headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

No maids knocked on his door early in the morning so no king's treatment. He made sure to tell them the last time not to bother with him again.

Aiden placed his phone near the hand wash as he cupped water to wash his face. He brushed his teeth and had his bath. After he was done, he left the bathroom.

He changed into his uniform and used his necessary accessories. As he stood in front of the mirror checking out his dressing, his phone beeped and he hurried over to check it.

1 unread message.

He swiped up after opening his phone.

"Sorry, boss. I couldn't answer your call quickly but I've already made a list of the criminals relating to murder cases over ten years."

"Here is the list of the names with the dates of the offense and date of conviction;

1. Name: Ethan Mitchell Brown

Date of Offense: February 10, 2005

Date of Conviction: April 15, 2006

2. Name: Liam Scott Smith

Date of Offense: August 20, 2008

Date of Conviction: November 12, 2009

3. Name: Julian Roy

Date of Offense: May 15, 2009

Date of Conviction: July 20, 2010

4. Name: Lucas Clark

Date of Offense: October 25, 2011

Date of Conviction: December 18, 2012

5. Name: Gabriel Reid

Date of Offense: January 5, 2012

Date of Conviction: March 10, 2013

6. Name: Alexander Walker

Date of Offense: June 12, 2004

Date of Conviction: August 10, 2005

7. Name: Ryan Mitchell

Date of Offense: September 15, 2006

Date of Conviction: November 20, 2007

8. Name: Michael Scott

Date of Offense: January 10, 2007

Date of Conviction: March 15, 2008

9. Name: Daniel Clark

Date of Offense: April 25, 2008

Date of Conviction: June 12, 2009

10. Name: Tyler Roy

Date of Offense: July 15, 2009

Date of Conviction: September 10, 2010 ]

"Got it," Aiden replied. 

He muttered as he thought, "It's currently year 2023, so all these murderers have been locked up for over ten years."

"I should get going," he said as he dropped his phone into his pocket and looked at himself in the mirror.

His stomach grumbled, and he smiled as he muttered, "I should also eat."

He slung his bag over his shoulder and left his room. His shoes clanked on the floor, making little sounds as he descended the staircase to the sitting area.

It was oddly silent, with just a few maids around the dining room.

"Is anything wrong?" he asked one of the maids.

"No, young master. But Sophia had to leave to visit her family and will be back soon, and some of the other maids have also gone on their leave."

"Oh..." Aiden nodded, but then he realized, "How did you know that I was asking about Sophia on purpose?"

The maid blushed as she replied, "We are friends."

"And friends share everything together," Aiden finished her words with a nod of his head.

"Actually, that's not it. Sophia and I are friends, but apart from that, we are also of the same race, so we got even closer after the purge. Besides, we are like sisters now."

"Okay," Aiden replied curtly and turned to leave, but then turned back, saying sarcastically, "If you guys are like sisters, why do you smell of arousal so much? It is…"

"Huh?" She was confused, her face turning red as she realized.

"That bitch," she muttered under her breath, but Aiden was able to catch it.

Apparently, the maid standing before Aiden was Aria, the lady Sophia had once told him about.

"You guys aren't friends…enemies, I would say, and could use a stronger one," Aiden uttered as he watched her.

"Now, let's not dwell on this. Just serve me my food, and we'll talk when I'm back," he added, leaving her speechless.

Aiden left the mansion after eating. Lopez was already waiting for him by his car. As he spotted him, he was about to run to meet him, but Aiden's raised hand in the air slightly halted him.

Aiden walked forward and finally got to his place. "I've told you not to worry about my bag. It's no big deal," he said again, tapping his shoulder.

"Yes, boss," Lopez replied, bowing. He opened the car door for Aiden, and he entered with a sigh.

The drive to Aiden's school was slow and uneventful. There were few cars on the road, which made them question what was happening.

Very soon, they reached the school, stopping at the gate.

Aiden opened the door and stepped out with his bag in hand.

"I'll go now. Be ready as soon as I close," he said as he bent down a little to talk to Lopez, who he had stopped from getting out of the car with him.

"Sure, boss," Lopez curtly replied.

Aiden entered through the gate after being inspected. He strode through the compound and finally got to the locker room.

As he walked, he could feel eyes on him. Checking up, he noticed new CCTV cameras neatly positioned in every edge of the building.

"Guess the security is finally getting tighter," he muttered as he emptied his bag into his locker.

He brought out the necessary books he would be needing for the class he was currently having.

Actually, with the slow drive from home, he arrived late to school.

The door to the classroom squealed open, and Aiden stepped in majestically.

He bowed to the teacher before making his way to one of the empty seats.

"Mr. Aiden, why are you just coming?" the teacher asked while he was still busy settling down on his seat.

"Traffic…didn't it affect you?" he replied nonchalantly.

"Hmmm…get settled in and let's continue. We are at number 55 in your language textbook."