CHAPTER 40 Regrets and Disappointments

  Kassandra's POV

  The cold room wakens the whole shit out of me in the middle of the night. I look around the place and widen my eyes at the realization. I am not in my bedroom!

  Everything that happened last night suddenly started to fall back inside my head. The kisses, his touches, our moans—everything!

  I look at the arm that is scooping me from behind.


  My eyes closed when everything started to move to its place. I feel the blood rushing out from my body as if a hollow block has been thrown against my head.

  I lost it.

  I fucking gave it to Clayden.

  I bit my lower lip, hiding my whimper. I wanted to cry. What were you thinking, Kassandra?! Have you lost your mind? Did the thought of a man touching you like that make you give everything up to your satisfaction? How about Montgomery?

  My eyes are being pressed tight to the lids remembering Montgomery's sad eyes.

  No. I could not afford to watch him get disappointed with my carelessness.