CHAPTER 39 Marked

  Kassandra's POV

  "Clayden..." I called him in between his kisses. He is already pinning me on the balcony while kissing me torridly. I tried pushing him away, but he kept on insisting.

  "Clayden, let me go—"

  "Stop being so complicated, Kassandra. Don't be too hard on yourself. I know you also want this."

  He keeps on licking and kissing my jaw. "You can feel the bond. Stop caging yourself."

   I didn't know what had happened. Things were just so fast that I found myself responding to his kisses.

  But it's drizzling.

  And we are on the balcony.

  People might see us—AH!

  I screamed when he bit a part of my neck. His kisses are already traveling down to my jaw, back to my neck, and vice versa. I felt him suck me, leaving marks on my skin, while his right hand started to travel around my body.

  "Clayden, it's raining," I whispered, but he did not listen.

  And I am lost. His left hand is gripping both of my wrists to stop me from holding him.