CHAPTER 82 Cameo's Truth

  Kassandra's POV

  As I cautiously stepped into the familiar cave, the sound of water cascading down the nearby waterfall echoed in my ears. A bittersweet nostalgia enveloped me, mingling with the tension that hung in the air. 

  My eyes wander around the familiar place where I am sure I often back on the days. Despite the fact that the idea is still absurd and at the same time confusing to me, I can't help but entertain the mixed emotions I felt the moment I step inside the cave. 

  "Cameo, I picked flowers along the way here! I am giving you one." 

  Cameo, with a delighted face, ran towards me. "Wow, this looks beautiful like you, Thea! Thank you." He ushered me to the table he is prepared for us and my smile immediately widen at the sight of my favorite teapots that I gave to him.