CHAPTER 9 Deceitful Luna

  Her lips curled upwards, revealing a radiant smile that lit up her entire face as she looked at him. "What devilish scheme are you concocting with her? You were meant to be our ally. Why would you choose to accompany a girl who exudes a pungent odor and appears to be in a state of deep loneliness?" As she chuckled, her eyes locked onto him, and at that moment, I could sense the fiery rage within me, burning so intensely that it felt as if I were on the verge of transforming into my fierce wolf form, ready to pounce and strike back at her.

  "I'd rather stand beside a solitary wolf than be deceived by a phony," Axel retorted, his words hanging in the air as I continued to gaze at him intently.

  I can vividly picture the way her smile slowly diminished, like a wilting flower losing its vibrant petals.