Chapter 17 Are You Ready


  I knew that the journey to achieving my goals would not be easy, but I was determined to do it.

  I was determined to love myself and be my own best friend. I knew that it would take time and effort, but I was ready for the challenge. I was ready to start living the life I had always dreamed of.

  So I got dressed and went for a walk in the park, enjoying the fresh air and the beauty of nature. As I walked, I kept reminding myself of my vision, and how I was going to make it a reality.

  When I got home, I made myself a healthy meal and sat down to eat it. As I ate, I continued to reflect on my vision and the steps I needed to take to make it a reality.

  I felt more determined than ever to achieve my goals and be the best version of myself. I felt like I was on the right path and that nothing could stop me now.

  After dinner, I went to bed determined to live my best life. I was going for an audition the next day so I needed to dress and look the part.