CHAPTER 49 Someone I Shouldn't Have Seen


  I returned home and was so hungry and angry at the same time. Angry that I let myself fall for such an asshole who was a cheat and a liar.

  As I closed the entrance door behind me, I could smell something delicious coming from the kitchen, then I knew that Britt my best friend was at home.

  I walked into the kitchen to find Britt standing over the stove, stirring a pot of something that smelled amazing. She looked up at me and smiled.

  "Hey there, stranger!" she said, setting down the spoon and giving me a hug. "What's up?"

  I returned the hug, glad to have her here. "I just had the worst day of my life." I said, feeling the need to vent. "He was such a jerk!"

  Britt's eyes widened. "Oh no! What happened? And who was such a jerk?" she asked, clearly ready to listen.

  "Desmond." I answered her as I sat on the table in the kitchen.

  "I bumped into him and Caroline and do you know how he introduced me?"