"I can't do this!" I gasped, my chest heaving with exertion and fear. With every ounce of strength I possessed, I pushed the towering beast away from me, my weak knees propelling me towards the door. The adrenaline coursing through my veins fuelled my desperate escape.


  "Nalani," I could hear his voice calling after me, filled with a mix of concern and confusion. But I couldn't afford to look back, not now.


  "What have I done?" Panic gripped my heart as I stumbled away, my mind racing with the weight of my actions. As long as my body desires Heath, it would be impossible for me to live under the same roof as him.


  "Nalani, I'm sorry," He begged, but my feet didn't stop to listen to him.


  The reality of my vulnerability hit me like a tonne of bricks, and I realised that I needed to find a way to escape this terrifying situation before it was too late. The only way I can escape from this torment is to run from the Cullen family as far as my legs can take me. I can't marry Alpha Terran; there has to be another way to avoid the ruins of my pack.


  "Dear, are you okay?" Emilia's voice broke through my frantic thoughts; her eyes were filled with genuine concern. I opened my mouth to speak, to find the words to convey the storm raging within me, but my voice failed me.


  "What happened?" Black's concerned voice joined Emilia's, and the entire table was now fixated on my sudden shift in demeanour and the secrets I held tightly.


  "I..." I tried to form coherent words, but they slipped through my trembling lips like fragile whispers carried away by the wind.


  "I have..." My stuttering voice barely registered, and the weight of the truth threatened to consume me. I mustered the strength to come up with an excuse to shield them from the painful reality, but before the words could find their way out, Heath walked into the diner.


  His once bright eyes seemed dimmed, the spark that had always ignited them now lost in a sea of sorrow. The devilish smirk that had graced his face in the powder room had vanished, replaced by a profound sadness that mirrored my own. He avoided my gaze, refusing to meet my eyes, and walked back to his seat beside Terran. The Alpha's intense gaze never wavered, piercing my soul from the moment I re-entered the diner with faltering steps.


  "I have to leave now," I finally managed to utter, my voice carrying a tremor of determination as I turned away from the shocked faces around me. I left them in stunned silence, their unanswered questions lingering in the air as I rushed out of the diner with my purse clutched tightly in my hands.


  I should have called for Cane to pick me up, but the turmoil raging within me would have been unbearable during the car ride. I needed the solace of the open air and the liberation of running.


  I ran until I could run no more, until my lungs burned, my legs ached, and my heart pounded in my chest like a drum.


  The evening breeze kissed my cheeks, its gentle caress soothing my racing mind. Lost in the raw beauty of the surroundings, I found myself in a peaceful state, enveloped in the warm glow of moonlight. My pace slowed as my breath came in.




  "Nana," I pleaded, my voice barely a whisper, but before I could finish her name, a resounding slap landed on my cheek, shocking everyone present. The sting radiated through my face, and I fought to suppress the welling tears that threatened to overflow.


  "You ungrateful child!" She spat, her hands finding their way to my cheeks once more and delivering another blow. The pain intensified, but I refused to let it break me. Warm tears streamed down my face, tracing a path of hurt and frustration.


  This was my greatest fear since fleeing the diner – returning home without the coveted title of Alpha Terran's Luna. My grandmother, the esteemed leader who had guided our pack through trials and tribulations, was determined to preserve our legacy at any cost, even if it meant sacrificing her own family.


  I revered her unwavering dedication and aspired to be a leader like her someday. But how could I fulfil my duty as Alpha Terran's chosen mate when my heart still ached for his twin brother, Heath? Despite my best efforts to suppress my emotions, I knew I was on the verge of losing control, and it would happen sooner than I anticipated.


  "How dare you think you can jeopardise everything we've built as a family? I've toiled relentlessly for the prosperity of this pack since before you were even born. It still stands today because of my sacrifices!" My grandmother's voice trembled with restrained anger as she took a moment to steady her breath.


  "As the firstborn of this family, it is your responsibility to safeguard our pack's reputation, and you will do so," she commanded, her voice laced with authority.


  "Nana, please, just this once," I pleaded, sinking to my knees and burying my tear-streaked face in the folds of her sombre grey gown.


  "I can't marry him, please, Grandma." I sobbed; my words punctuated by choked breaths.


  "You will return to the Black Land Pack tonight. Leave this place!" Her roar echoed through the room, leaving my parents helpless in its wake. Her determination was unyielding, and they could only silently pray for her mercy upon me.


  "No, I refuse to go back. I will not marry him!" I retorted, my voice strained and weary, my patience completely spent.


  "Nalani," my mother interjected, her tone filled with caution.


  "I've also sacrificed my happiness for this pack; I've given up my life in dedication to the success of the Vault pack. I'm only pleading that you let me have my way just this time, please!"  I pleaded, my tears flowing ceaselessly, smearing my mascara and staining my face.


  "You will return to the Black Land Pack tonight. Beg for their forgiveness, and do not return until you bear the title of Luna," she commanded, turning her back to me as her footsteps faded away.


  My family, including my father, the Alpha himself, stood as powerless witnesses to my anguish. They could do nothing but watch in sorrowful silence as I remained alone on the cold ground, abandoned by those who were supposed to protect and guide me. In that moment, it became clear—I had no choice but to face the Cullen family. I had to fulfil my duty by marrying the twin brother of the man I once loved and still crave.


  How do I survive?