"Ding dong!" The doorbell chimed, piercing through the silence of the rainy night. I stood outside the imposing Cullen's mansion, my knees trembling and my clothes soaked from the downpour. Yet, I waited patiently, hoping that someone would answer the door, uncertain if they were even inside or deliberately ignoring my presence.


  The fear crept in. Did they already despise me for my abrupt departure from the diner during our first meeting? I prayed that wasn't the case. Regardless, I had no choice but to make them accept me as Terran's wife. It was the only way I could face my own family again.


  Suddenly, a masculine voice resonated through the iron gates, belonging to a hulking figure that approached me. I could tell from his scent and movements that he was a mere werewolf without any notable title—a gatekeeper, perhaps.


  "Who are you?" he asked, curiosity and surprise colouring his voice as he drew nearer.


  "Nalani Barak of the Vault Pack," I announced, hoping my title would command respect. In an instant, his fumbling hands managed to swing the gates open, granting me entry into the mansion.


  "Your highness, please forgive me for not recognising you" He pleaded, and the smell of alcohol seeped through his breath. It was not his fault that he couldn't recognise me, I was no different from the homeless people living on the streets.


  My chauffer, Cane, was forbidden to escort me back to the Black Land Pack, and I had to come here by public bus and on my feet.


  "The Luna has been awaiting your arrival," he said, his words hurried as he darted away.


  Emilia must have known I would return, and at least it was a good thing to know that they were awaiting me and wouldn't kick me out this late at night, even though I am still unable to decipher whether or not I would still be wanted in their family.


  "Moon goddess, please help me," I prayed before reaching the white, heavy doors that led to the inside of the mansion, with two heavy wolves guarding it with both a sword and a spear.


  As I approached them, they gave a curt bow before opening the heavy doors, and right before me was Emilia with worries etched across her face.


  "Oh dear" She sighed and the relief flooded her face as she rushed toward me, pulling me into a warm embrace. In that moment, it didn't matter that my dress was dirtied and dishevelled.


  "I was so worried," she cried, her voice tinged with pain. I stood there, stunned and unable to find the right words to say or comprehend her unconditional love.


  How could she still love me despite my sudden departure and late-night return? How could she forgive me so easily?


  "Everyone, Nalani is back!" Emilia's joyful proclamation rang through the mansion. "I'm so glad you're safe and back," she added, wiping away the tears that welled in her eyes.


  Touched by their forgiveness, I mustered the courage to apologize for my behaviour. "I'm so sorry," I managed to say, genuinely regretful for how I had treated both her and her family.


  "No need to apologize; I've been in your shoes before," Emilia comforted, chuckling softly. Black, joining in the reunion, shared a similar sentiment.


  "Emilia ran away during our introduction and ended up getting into an accident," Black shared, a hint of nostalgia in his voice as he laughed.


  "I was scared when I joined a new family too. I prayed that your experience would be different, but I understand the pressure you must have felt."


  "We're glad you're back, Nalani," Black added, reinforcing their acceptance of me. I couldn't believe what was unfolding before my eyes.


  I had arrived at the pack, expecting to grovel and beg for their acceptance, but they embraced me without hesitation. It was a foreign concept, something my own family had never offered me.


  Suddenly, Terran's voice cut through the air, drawing our attention to his presence. He stood elegantly on the staircase, his hands tucked into black sweatpants, damp hair falling across his face, and a sword-shaped silver earring adorning his ear.


  "You've returned. My mother was right," he stated, implying that my return had been anticipated. However, his intentions remained enigmatic. Where could he be going dressed in black at such a late hour, despite just having had a shower?


  "Terran, why don't you show your fiancée to her room?" Emilia suggested, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "You could use a shower," she added with a smile, causing my lips to curl up in response.


  Indeed, after the ordeal I had endured, I must have been quite dishevelled and in need of freshening up.


  "I have somewhere to go," Terran replied in his typical cold tone, causing Emilia to roll her eyes.


  "Show her to her room first; there's a lot of time for you to run as much as you want to," Emilia replied. Her response had answered the question that lingered in my mind but what kind of lunatic goes for a run after showering?


  "The forest isn't running away," She added with a smile.


  Terran's gaze shifted toward me, his brow furrowing in curiosity.


  "Where?" he inquired, referring to the location of my room. It was evident that his communication style would take some getting used to.


  "Your room, of course," Emilia answered, earning a puzzled stare from both Terran and me.


  "Mother, are you joking?"


  "You two need to get to know each other better and bond. It's the best decision for both of you," Emilia commanded, her words leaving no room for further discussion. With that, she turned away, accompanied by her husband, and even though their backs were turned to me, I could still see the huge grin on their faces as they both walked away.


  Terran and I were both left alone in the room.


  "Margaret!" Terran called, summoning a person I assumed to be a servant. An older woman appeared, her head bowed in respect.


  "She's the maid servant, and I hold her in high regard. She will show you to my room," Terran explained before addressing Margaret directly, emphasizing, "Do not touch any of my belongings."


  He then walked past me, seemingly uninterested in further interaction. The moment he walked past me, his nose scrunched in disgust. I couldn't help but feel a pang of embarrassment, wondering if I emitted that much of an unpleasant odour. Did I stink that badly?


  As I turned my attention to Margaret, I noticed her gesturing for me to follow her. It became apparent that she was unable to speak, and I smiled warmly, assuring her that I understood.


  "I'm right here," I assured her, trailing closely behind as she led the way to Terran's room.


  As Margaret guided me through the elegant corridors of the mansion, I couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and apprehension. It's hard to believe that this is my new home.


  My Nana had forbidden me from returning to my home until I carry the title of Terran's Luna, somehow, I'm grateful that the Cullen family are not like my family.


  Finally, we reached a set of grand double doors, intricately carved with symbols that spoke of power and lineage. Margaret pushed them open, revealing a lavish room beyond.


  The space was vast and opulent, fit for a prince. Moonlight filtered through tall windows, casting an ethereal glow on the antique furniture and luxurious fabrics. The scent of sandalwood and musk hung in the air, adding an alluring touch to the ambiance.


  Margaret gestured for me to enter and then left me alone, closing the doors behind her. I stood there for a moment, taking in the magnificence of the room. The bed, draped in rich white silk sheet dominated the centre, while a desk and a bookshelf lined with leather-bound tomes stood against one wall.


  I walked further into the room, running my fingers over the polished surface of the furniture. As I approached the desk, my gaze fell upon a framed photograph. It depicted a younger Terran, an empty expression on his face as he held unto a large golden cup, standing with a group of friends who all had big smiles on their small faces even though they didn't have a cup to hold onto. He must have had this cold character of his since he was in his mother's womb.


  With a yawn leaving my lips, I realised it was time for me to have my bath and rest on the huge king sized bed in the middle of the room.


  "Welcome to your new home, Nalani" I said.