CHAPTER 100 Fighting to Conceal Reality

  Jennifer's POV

  Dwelling in these memories will do me no good. On this note I decide to see Brett.

  I can convince him to try again. It's been months since he touched me.

  I dress up and apply a little makeup to enhance my already pronounced facial features.

  I wear a loose flowery gown that hugs my upper body. The neck is low revealing a lot of my cleavage.

  I put a small neck piece around my neck that draws attention to my bare skin underneath it.

  The gown has a flay from my hips and stops mid thigh before my knees. It draws attention to my already large hips and butt.

  I take a look at myself in the mirror and I can see all my curves are perfect. 'What does Brett see in Elissa?'

  'An heir, fool' I get the answer in my head. Of course that's all he wants from her so I could as well give it to him.

  I set out to find him taking elegant strides. I've looked everywhere except his office. I walk to his office and find the door slightly ajar.