Elissa's POV

  In our cozy room, sunlight streamed through a lace-curtained window, casting a warm glow upon the scene. I had retrieved Noah from the villagers and other children. For years I have longed to see Eden hold Noah in his hands.

  Eden knelt on the floor, surrounded by toys and a small collection of picture books, sharing chuckles with my little Noah. The child's laughter filled the room as Eden animatedly made a stuffed animal dance, clearly relishing the moment of fatherly bonding.

  I leaned against the door frame, my heart swelling at the sight. A soft smile played on my lips as I watched Eden's strong, scarred hands delicately maneuvering the toy. The tenderness he exhibited with Noah warmed my heart even further.

  "Look at you two," I whispered, my voice full of affection.

  Eden's eyes flicked up to meet my gaze, a tender smile forming on his lips. "He's quite the charmer, isn't he?" Eden's voice held a touch of pride and amusement.