CHAPTER 3 Rejection

  Celeste's POV

  I sat in the passenger seat of Liam's car again, but this journey was different.

  My eyes were sore from crying, my throat stung from screaming and my head pounded from the hangover. I was irresponsible for drinking so much. A moment of weakness. The journey remained silent.

  I was grateful for Liam being there for me, but I still didn't want to talk to him, and I think he sensed that. I watched out of the side window, the morning was bright and fresh, and as we drove through the City. I people watched the civilians going about their morning.

  I could sense Liam wanted to speak, I caught the sound of his intake of breath as he was about to talk, but he didn't. Enjoying the sound of the soft purr of the car's engine was all I needed right now. I wasn't bothered about talking anyway, I just wanted painkillers and my own bed.

  "So I meant what I said, Celeste," Liam spoke, breaking the wonderful silence, his fingers gripping the steering wheel.

  My eyes snapped to him and I noticed he hadn't looked as well-groomed as the previous night. His blonde hair disheveled and his white shirt was unbuttoned at the top. Had he left his tie in the bedroom?

  I waited for what else he had to say. Liam's eyes snapped to me a brief second before taking them back onto the road, "I want to pay you for your extra services," a smile played on his lips, "I had no idea your extras came with a happy ending," I could tell he was trying not to laugh. As juvenile as he was right now, I couldn't help but find him pretty endearing.

  Without reply, I just let out a sigh, and couldn't help but smile myself which eased the tension between us. But I still remained silent.

  "I'll give you anything you want. Buy you anything, do anything for you," he rose a brow at me cheekily, and I groaned, "Liam, please," I began to rub my temples as the headache worsened.

  "If you work for me again," Liam's voice sounded so genuine and pure, "I don't want to lose you, Celeste. You're great, so good at your job and I value your friendship,"

  I appreciated Liam lightening the moment and I sat back in my seat and relaxed my body, "Okay," I spoke, my eyes on him again, "What you did back there, getting between the fight was admirable," I spoke truthfully as I began to fidget with the sequins on my dress, "You didn't have to do that and lord knows what mess I would have ended up getting myself into. So thank you."

  Liam nodded and smiled, looking quite smug with himself. His eyes were still on the road.

  "I will continue working for you," I said, clearing my throat to make myself sound like I had authority, "But I will only be your escort. No extras, no sex. I'm not a prostitute. I want it to be just as before,"

  Liam nodded, a serious expression fixed on his face, "Of course, Celeste, I wouldn't ever do that again. It's not worth the risk of losing you, just for some silly urge."

  Smiling, I pushed a piece of falling hair behind my ear. A weight had been lifted from me, and as I exhaled deeply I began to feel more normal again.

  Liam pulled up to the curb of my home and said goodbye as I left the car. Fumbling for my keys in my bag I unlocked my door and entered my house and tossed my bag onto the ground. I needed some relief from this headache!

  My bag began to chime as I realised my phone was ringing. With a groan I picked up my bag again, fumbling for the phone, and answered it "Hello" I spoke with no enthusiasm.

  "Celeste?" I recognised the voice immediately, the sound of a betrayer. My ex best friend, Amara.

  Oh fuck, not now. I grimaced as I walked into the living room and plonked my backside down on the sofa. I didn't want to talk to Amara right now, but I guess I should humor her and see if she would beg for forgiveness.

  I removed my shoes and the sensation of my feet being free felt incredible "What do you want?" I replied coldly, wanting to make it crystal clear I had no intention of swapping pleasantries with her.

  Hearing Amara exhale softly on the other end of the phone, I waited for her excuses "Celeste, I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am" she paused "I don't expect you to forgive me straight away, but..."

  "You're half right there," I interrupted her, my words cut through near-gritted teeth, "I won't be forgiving you at all," pausing I heard her begin to sob lightly. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh "Come on Amara, false tears won't work on me," I knew how manipulative she could be. I had seen her work her crocodile tears on others in the past.

  "I'm sorry I hurt you," she sniffled, over dramatising each little sound, "I never meant to kiss Julian, but he made the move and one thing led to another and…"

  "No!" I snapped, cutting her excuses short, "Amara, for fucks sake! It takes two people to do what you did," I felt the wolf inside me growl, her green eyes flashing as her savage teeth began to gleam from the contrast of her black fur. I felt her rage, "You had no single thought or care about me when you fucked Julian. You're disgusting."

  "At least please reconsider your rejection of Julian, he loves you. You're mated," her pathetic false sobs poured down the phone again, "I won't even look at him again, I swear! Celeste! Are you there?!"

  I had fallen silent, my anger bubbled within to a dangerous level now and I couldn't stand Amara's pathetic performance any longer, "Go fuck yourself" I spat the words so viciously before ending the call.

  Tossing my phone against the sofa arm I felt my head pounding with pain. I massaged my forehead, thinking about Julian and Amara, they were perfect for each other.

  Lying, deceptive fakes. I felt bile rise in my throat as the memory of their passionate embrace invaded my mind again.

  I didn't want to see either of them ever again, the pain in my heart from their deception ached with every beat. Julian had been my mate, I thought we would be together forever. Amara, my best friend since college. We had been through thick and thin together. Shifting myself on the sofa I lay down and rested my head on the comfortable cushions, my eyelids heavy as I began to rest my eyes.

  I thought about Liam and how kind he had been. I thought about last night and how passionately we made love, I hadn't felt that wanted in a long time. He caressed me so sensually and made love to me like I was the only important thing in his world.

  These thoughts were nice and distracted my mind from the real pain that invaded. But after a while, the bad images crept into my mind once more. So vividly as I recalled Julian and Amara and how desperate he was for her at that moment as well.

  Shaking my head gently I tried to rid myself of these thoughts and it wasn't long before I drifted off to sleep.