CHAPTER 4 A Sudden Kiss

  Celeste's POV

  The next evening rolled around, I had a shower and threw on some comfortable clothes. This was the most relaxed I had felt in a long while. Settling down to catch up on some TV I became startled by the hammering against my front door. The knocks were strong and relentless, and with caution, I took myself to answer it.

  "Ugh, Julian!" I groaned "I told you I didn't want to see you ever again!" my tone was bitter as I barked the words. I went to close the door, but he jammed his foot between the door and the frame, his dark eyes on me fiercely.

  "Please Celeste, I want to talk," his voice weak sounding, it had to be an act. I wouldn't fall for it.

  "Go away!" I spat my words, pushing the door tight against his foot, hoping my strength would force him to release the block "I rejected you! Did you have cotton wool in your ears last time?" a frown formed on my brow "Julian Cross, Alpha of the shadow pack I..."

  Forcing his way into my home, Julian interrupted my words "I heard you the first time, Celeste. But I can't accept it," pushing his hand through his long dark hair I tried to not let myself fall weak for how gorgeous he looked "We're fated mates," he continued as he leaned forward and took my hands, his eyes gazing into mine with intent, "I love you Celeste, ours is a bond nothing can break,"

  "You should have thought about that before you fucked my best friend!" A guttural growl simmered in the back of my throat, feeling a burst of animal anger as the wolf wanted to escape "I can't ever trust you," I tore my hands away from his grasp, "You broke the bond yourself," My chest heaved as I controlled my breathing and I noticed on Julian's face lay a shocked expression. It was very rare I let myself get this angry and out of control. Not to the point the wolf inside me stirred, and I sensed Julian's fear.

  "Can we just talk about it?" Julian asked, his voice calm as he approached me once more with care, "I'll never do it again, I promise,"

  The growl simmered in my throat as my eyes flashed golden, my gaze burning into Julian. I felt the wolf inside me awaken as my anger rose. She was ready to tear into Julian at this moment, her green eyes flashed gold within the shadow of her black fur.

  Her voice growled with fury in my head, "Let me play with him,"

  I ignored her fury, and my attention remained on Julian, "Get the fuck out of..." my words halted as my phone began to ring. I needed any sort of excuse to get away from this mess, so I grabbed my phone and answered it, "What?" I spoke through gritted teeth, realising I hadn't even looked at the caller ID.

  Julian's eyes watched me as I took the call, frustration formed on his face as though he couldn't believe I dared to interrupt our conversation.

  "Oh..." I paused as my voice calmed "Liam," a smile played on my lips as I felt my body ease "Of course! Let me get ready and I'll be there as soon as I can!" pushing my phone into my pocket my eyes snapped back to Julian "Leave!" I spat the words once more "I'm going out for the night,"

  I saw Julian visibly turn red with anger, his hands turned into fists as he clenched his jaw. Jealously had filled him it had appeared "This isn't over, Celeste," he snapped, "I'll make you see sense!" turning on his heel, he left my home slamming the door behind him.

  Alpha Liam asked me to wear something sexy, but classy. A nice fit between the two, I found the perfect little black dress hanging in my wardrobe.

  I arrived at the restaurant Liam asked me to meet. I knew of the place as its reputation was second to none, but had never set foot inside it before. As I stood on the sidewalk looking at the exterior I already fell in love with the place. An Italian restaurant, its black exterior with gold trim just oozed luxury, and the smoked glass windows gave it an exclusive feel.

  "Celeste," Liam's calming voice spoke my name as he arrived at my side I looked up at him and smiled. How handsome he looked, a charcoal grey suit this time, but no tie. The buttons of his white shirt unfastened to give him a more relaxed look. Yet he still appeared to be refined. A smile must have played on my lips as I noticed Liam's eyes drop to my mouth before taking in my entire form "You look so beautiful tonight Celeste" his voice near purring as he spoke gently to me, his piercing blue eyes still laying on my body.

  I laughed, nudging Liam's arm gently with my shoulder, in an attempt to distract his gaze on me "You don't look so bad yourself Mr. Blackwell"

  Liam drew closer and leaned into me, he pushed a piece of my hair out of the way of my face. His lips at my ear as he whispered his words "Join me for a drink Celeste,"

  I swallowed thickly, the sensation of his hot breath against my ear as he spoke to me, his voice purred lowly, sending a shuddering sensation through me "Yes," I replied. It was all I could manage at this moment.

  As Liam pulled away from me, he placed a gentle kiss on my neck, inhaling my scent as he did. I flinched, feeling displeased with his decision to lay his lips on me. Letting it slide, I took his arm and we made our way toward the bar.

  We were the only ones standing at the bar, the room full of people sitting around tables laughing and talking. It was then I noticed there appeared to be mostly extremely attractive women taking up the space in the restaurant. My eyes met Liam's as he handed me a glass of red wine, he knew my favourite kind. I watched Liam's eyes on my lips as I took a gentle sip of the liquid, our eyes remained in contact as I carefully consumed the wine.

  Suddenly Alpha Liam pulled the glass away from my grip and placed it on the bar. His blue eyes flashed gold for a swift second as he pulled me into him. Large hands wrapped around my waist, and his fingers dug into me with need. I knew that look. I remembered the grip he held against me the previous night, the urges controlled him once more. Before I knew it his lips were on mine, kissing me with such need. His soft tongue slipped into my mouth, moaning gently as he deepened the kiss.

  Liam's lips tasted like Bourbon, something told me he had needed the booze to get through whatever had been going on here tonight. I felt something burn within me, my face reddening with so many emotions which filled me at once. Refusing to create a scene and make a mockery of the Alpha I went along with the kiss. Wrapping my hands around his neck, my fingers dug into the fabric of his suit jacket.

  But my mind wandered and I thought about the words I would speak when we had left the party.